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  1. A

    76,068 Ads Served, $0.20 Revenue Earned From WordPress , Is This Normal?

    As my title of my posts says, one of my posts went viral on reddit, reaching the front page, etc and attracting around about 18,000 visitors mostly from USA, Canada, UK, Australia and the EU so all western first world countries, according to Wordpress during the time the article has been...
  2. A

    76,068 Ads Served, $0.20 Revenue Earned From WordPress , Is This Normal?

    As my title of my posts says, one of my posts went viral on reddit, reaching the front page, etc and attracting around about 18,000 visitors mostly from USA, Canada, UK, Australia and the EU so all western first world countries, according to Wordpress during the time the article has been...
  3. Jane Oliver

    WordPress or Shopify

    I want to build a website for my business. Can you guys give some guidance on which platform should I go with WordPress or Shopify?
  4. natansk1

    WordPress Dev & Design

    Hi, guys big-time lurker & starter of businesses that I never follow through with. I've worked for a digital agency that builds custom WordPress themes for the past 5 years. I solely work as a developer so I build from an Adobe XD design using, HTML, CSS, JS, ACF, CF7 & Yoast I tried to stay...
  5. X

    How's my sales approach / strategy?

    Hey there fellow entrepreneurs! I've started designing & selling websites 1 year ago without a lot of success to say the least :happy: Anyways, I've figured my problem was my sales approach and strategy- I've tried selling websites on IG and tried promoting it there, it did not work very well...
  6. T

    How do I monitor the activities of employees/contractors?

    I'll try to keep it short and simple: The hosting company I use utilizes WHM for account management for hosting. Inside WHM, CPanel is installed in each website, and from there I install Wordpress. Within one domain that I own, I have several other subdomains within CPanel that I use for...
  7. KushShah9492

    Working on my blog, need feedback before going live.

    So, these are some screenshots of my blog that I'm working on. I'd go live once I am done writing at least 10-15 blog posts, and make some decent front-end tweaks. I'm looking for feedback as to what changes can be made to this. Any feedback is welcome.
  8. fastlanedoll

    Is Wordpress the best platform to build a blog / site?

    I want to use a blog as part of my marketing strategy, and then sell products directly on the site complete with checkout etc. space for collecting emails etc. Is it best to use Wordpress for this purpose? Given that I don't know any code, I will hire someone to code it for me. Thank you!
  9. oxygeninja

    I lost my job and starting all over again learning web development @ 40 years old.

    I lost my high paying remote CAD job a year ago. I thought that job would go on forever since the company seemed big, backed up by a billion-dollar investment firm, and has been in the industry for over 30 years. I was wrong. Without warning, we were told that it's shutting down. I was shocked...
  10. C

    Free wordpress plugin - is this useful for you?

    Hi guys, I'll make this quick. I created a wordpress plugin that allows a customer to schedule a meeting with me. I figured this plugin might be useful for some of you guys. It's easy to configure and simple to use. You can use it to make some cash on the side while being stuck at home due to...
  11. IceCreamAction

    SiteGround, Geekstorage or Namecheap

    About to finalize hosting provider, title pretty much covers it. Looking at some opinions as I've narrowed down my options. Looking for votes on poll as I've read various reviews (both on FLF and other sites). Useful feedback is always welcome and thanks for taking the time to participate.
  12. PYordanoV

    How Would You Guys Approach This?

    Hey, guys! Hope everyone is doing great at the end of the week! I would need your recommendations and advice here. I'm looking to build a new website for a 'Work and Travel' agency. They are fairly new in my town and they want to start competing with the others. About them: You know how...
  13. W

    Am I getting too hung up on the details?

    Hello all, Thanks to the Millionaire Fastlane, and advice on this forum, I'm now in the process of building a user review website with the goal of users being able to review events within the chosen niche. The build is going decently well so far. It's amazing how fast time flies by when working...
  14. G

    Integrate Woo-commerce with QuickBooks POS.

    So does ANYONE know how to integrate these? I can set up Woo Commerce but I have no idea how to set up QuickBooks POS to integrate with it. I'm trying to see how to integrate them together to sync on WordPress.
  15. W

    Excited about an idea, but confused on choosing the right website framework.

    Hello fastlaners, After finally stumbling on an idea that fits well with the CENTS commandments, I'm stuck on choosing the proper avenue to begin building the site. Basically, I'm aiming to start a membership website in which members are able to submit reviews on specific events within the...
  16. Y

    WordPress Pods for Elite Event

    Hello, I want to do with WordPress Pods An Website and Automate a lot of stuff Like it's an event site the goal is to have the infromation about the event on one page Does somebody knows about Pods from WordPress custom fields and templates?

    Best technology choice for a Blog with optionally paid Posts

    Hi! I am currently conceptualizing on a sort of educational portal for Data Engineering. The idea is to have a site with a blog where I share tips, tricks, trends, insights etc. on the topic. Then, in a section called "Projects" I plan to give deep insights about specific projects from being...
  18. J

    Outsourcing web development with my agency

    Hi, In todays world, there are lots of freelancers you can hire to do jobs like web design, graphic design, marketing services etcetera. I also noticed, that there are a lot of people who need a website for their businesses and are willing to make an investment. I have been thinking and I got...
  19. G

    Getting into Web Design

    So currently I'm taking an online Udemy course. It's the complete WordPress Buisness course. It's pretty good so far. Not finished but I'm going to feel lazy for asking this but, is there any wisdom to be shared about website design that I may need to know? Usually I don't like to ask simple...
  20. RazorCut

    Like a site and want more backend information?

    I was recently in the market for a new Wordpress Website host. My current one has gone downhill over the last year or two and I am launching a new site shortly so it made sense to get it sorted now rather than later. Anyway I stumbled on a Website who's load speed seemed insane considering the...