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  1. Storm888

    Needing Advice, Is a University Degree worth doing at 21 years old? What would be the best way forward?

    Hey Fastlaners, I need some straight forward advice which will allow me to be a better Entrepreneur. I am at bit of a crossroad in my life. Would College be worth going to at 21? In my country the maximum debt I could get into will be 20kNZD interest free. Unlike US University I think that is...
  2. PapaGang

    Making sense of bullshit college tuition: I made a tool

    "I had no idea it was going to cost $200k for my kid to go to college. He knows what he wants to pursue, and even though this is an insane amount of money, I feel like if we don't get loans we'll be cheating him out of his best chance for success. But this seems like so much. How can I know if...
  3. Sisyphos

    Back to The Fastlane

    Hi Fastlane Folk, I wanna introduce myself real quick, not like anyone gives a shit but maybe it’s insightful. I’m a very average guy. Average looks, average strength, average grades. When I was 15 I saw a video about the power of books and in this video there was a book recommend, a book about...
  4. W

    Turning the keys on my Fastlane journey!

    Hello Reader! With this post I want to introduce myself to The Fastlane Forum community, explain why the book had such an impact on me, and discuss the direction of my road. Having recently read The Millionaire Fastlane has allowed me to turn the key and ignite my engine. With this initial...
  5. itsjun

    Rising from the Ashes: A Third World Teen's Pursuit of the American Dream (Seeking Guidance)

    Context: Over the past two years, I have worked hard to secure a full scholarship at a university in the USA, which is extremely difficult for international students as many universities do not offer financial aid. I will be studying Economics. Goal: I aim to accumulate capital and eventually...
  6. FocusOnYourGoals

    What are the best university degrees to major in if you are running your own business on the side?

    I am about to enrol in university, and I am trying to decide on what degree I should major in. I don't expect university to teach me everything I need to know when it comes to running a business online. I've learnt more from books, courses, and other informational material, than all of my 13...
  7. Neatt04

    My Introduction

    Hey My name is Sean Neatt, I'm from Nova Scotia Canada and I'm in the middle of reading the Millionaire fastlane. I'd like to say that I have no idea how this forum works so if this is too long sorry. I'm less then two weeks away from going off for my first year of a business degree hoping to...
  8. smn03

    Following "unscripted" with university?

    So first of all, i just want to get some opinions on this, to make my own later on In unscripted it says you shouldn't be "too cool" to do regular shitty jobs for business experiences and to fund your business. but what's with university? is going to uni also something to consider because of...
  9. D


    Hello! My name is Dominic from Hungary. I am 18 years old and I will start the university soon as a web and software developer. I currently don't have a business but I want to build up an IT company and I still have a lot to learn about this. I have read the millionaire Fastlane, I read a few...
  10. A

    Is UNI really worthless?

    Hey lads, here's my first thread. I might going to be mocked for what I am about to post, but eventually I'll find usefull points of view. Brief introduction for a better understanding of my situation: I'm 36. Australia based. Background in hospitality, self-taught on IT systems. Needles to...
  11. Kannnn

    What do you think of my university choice?

    Yes, I know it's not required to become an entrepreneur, hell to some it's even a waste of time but because of my circumstances (parents) I have to go to it. My brother and I both want to study IT courses. We both applied for the Software engineering course scholarship tests but this is what I'm...
  12. Kannnn

    I need advice on going to uni/college

    Hey guys, so I'm finishing high school in a bit more then a month and with a gymnasium I'm expected to go to uni. The problem is, my parents. Mom and dad want me to be a vet (we live outside of town in sort of a village). The thing is; I want to make my own fastlane business. Vet university...
  13. RealDreams

    University has killed my vision

    Long story short, I started studying CS this year (after having dropped out from economics) and initially I was very excited. My vision was clear. However, 3-4 weeks ago the decline has begun. I started feeling less and less enthusiastic and realized that 85% of the things I was studying didn't...
  14. H

    What dissertation topics are worth studying about

    Hi all, I know a lot of people think University is just a waste of time and a scam etc, which I semi agree with, however I am finishing my final year of university online and have to write a dissertation. Of all the topics my classmates are choosing, a lot of them seem to be a waste of time...
  15. Elijah R

    What are yall thoughts on not going university, if you went/ didn't go what's your experience

    I'm a Form 6 student from Trinidad and Tobago. I will finish secondary school (high school) in a few months, but I don't plan on going to university. Seeking advice from you guys, both those who went to University and those who didn't.
  16. M

    I feel like I'm wasting my time

    Two weeks ago I started University. I am Italian and I chose to study business at the University of Bologna, teached in English language. I decided to start it because it's really important for my parents and, in Italy, a college degree is still seen as fundamental to work. I don't really agree...
  17. RealDreams

    Has Anybody With a Degree in Economics Got Any Value From It?

    So I just finished my exams for the first year in University. I chose to study Economics but ended up regretting it. Not because it's hard, but because with every day that passes all the things I've been studying this year look so abstract and useless. I thought more times of dropping out and...
  18. D

    How to study debt free, expand your mind and gain international experience

    Hi, It's me, Monfi. In this post, you can find information about how you can study debt-free while expanding your comfort zone and learning another language. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You recently turned 17 or 18 and are wondering what to...
  19. C

    Bootstrappers for a small interview WANTED!

    Hello Guys, I am a current master student at the Rotterdam School of Management. I have been studying entrepreneurship for 3 years now. Currently, I am pursuing my master degree in Strategic Entrepreneurship and will try to work with star-ups later on. For my last course, I am doing...
  20. RealDreams

    Is Data Science A Fastlane Skill?

    I'm studying in University for a 3 year degree in Economics and Data Science. I know this forum is called thefastlaneforum and not theslowlaneforum. Indeed, my life goal is owning a profitable fastlane business before the age of 25 (I just got 20). I know the scripted shit about university...