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  1. DonyaSze

    The Power of Habits for Success

    Today I had all sorts of reasons not to work towards my dream: -Too tired -No motivation -Didn't believe in myself -Didn't believe in my dream -Depression -Lethargic -Defiance But I still did work towards my goal because of 1 thing: HABIT It just felt right in my brain to do the work...
  2. Sega Saph

    Change my eating habits.

    Hello. It is my first tread. Here I am going to share with you my progress of making a change in my eating life. Now I have struggle with food like bread, sweets, candies, pies, cupcakes. I eat it not so often, but maybe once or twice a week as minimum. I have background in physiology and...
  3. Ytcho's

    Creating RITUALS and Not "Boring Habits" Helps Me Not to Get Discouraged

    I would like to create this topic bringing to those who feel unmotivated or very anxious, some habits (or rituals as I like to call them) that keep me going, even on days of low motivation. I don't want it to sound like something cliche or coach talk, my intention is to try to bring a different...
  4. Justin L

    New Strategy for Goals and Habit Change?

    Hello all, The other day, I was brainstorming a way to keep myself on track with forming new habits and breaking habits that are bringing me down as a person. I eventually landed on an idea of a points system. For me, it helps to really see my progress from week to week or month to month. So...
  5. TaeHwan

    Have you meditated before?

    Hello, I'm Taehwan. Please understand the translated version. Have you meditated before? Yes, I'm sure you have. Because spacing out is also a meditation. It's not every day, but I meditate (it's been less than half a year). I do it after I sleep or before I sleep, but if I do it before I sleep...
  6. DMNinja

    Habits of the Unscripted

    What is an unscripted person made of? I've been thinking long and hard about mindset, naturally leading to questions about changing it to become in line with one's values. The answer clicked about 10 minutes prior to me posting this topic. In the book "Atomic Habits by James Clear" the process...
  7. Sander

    What habit changed your life?

    Tomorrow I'll set my 14th day checkmark for a handful of new habits I'm building (reading, writing, meditation, no alcohol, healthier eating etc). Going really good so far. That got me thinking. Any new habit/habits that changed your life for the better or had a positive major impact?
  8. MarcoSto

    German motivational psychologist specialized in habit building

    Hey fellows, you get a short version of my journey so far here. If you think I can help you with any field of my expertise (especially habit building), I'm glad to help. I'm German and 30 years old. Current Projects: Develop habit building app; write research paper for doctoral thesis When...
  9. Saiful

    Millionaire #1 Habit

    Millionaire #1 Habit is Studying. STUDYING