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amazon fba

  1. ShankarS

    Looks like I'm goofing around

    Hi , Recently , I thinking about creating YouTube contents or Amazon FDA both of them compromises CENTS. I'm not clear whether I need to continue exploring that. The reason I'm choosing Amazon FDA is to explore and build my analysis , planing and execution. You tube videos , just to keep...
  2. MJ DeMarco

    How to bypass Amazon's control over your customer...

    My pool company only comes once every 2 weeks, so in between visits leaves accumulate in the pool. Our leaf skimmer was broken and I sought to buy one on Amazon. The one I bought cost twice as much as most offers... I paid $60 for a pool net, most offers were in the $29/range. Why did I buy...
  3. bpere11

    How to learn the things you don't know you should know

    Convoluted title hey? Sorry about that. I'll cut to the punch, I have recently started an online private label business via Amazon FBA. I have done a variety of courses on UDEMY and I know the basics but I am unsure if there are any other skillsets that I should be acquiring, which I am simply...
  4. fanlokk

    I'm about to launch a website selling my Amazon PPC bot tomorrow. How can I get more traffics?

    I'm building an Amazon PPC bot that can help Amazon Sellers to optimize their bid and find relevant keywords for their product automatically. What are some best marketing methods that I could apply on my product?
  5. ChrisD

    Amazon FBA: Watch Me Hit $10K/Month Profit

    I’m going to document the entire process to $10K/Month Profit with my Amazon FBA business. Current Progress: I currently have 2 products selling on Amazon FBA in the US Marketplace. Building the business to this point has taken many hours of work. Product research, talking with suppliers &...
  6. Saad Khan

    Launching and Ranking a product on Amazon [Execution Thread]

    This thread is going to be a journey of trying to grow a brand on Amazon successfully + a case study. I'll be walking you through the major points of how we did it and why we did it. I hope this post adds value to this forum. Let's summarize the very beginning to understand the context...
  7. Saad Khan

    Ask Me Anything About Amazon PPC

    So I've been thinking about creating this thread a long time ago because I noticed that there isn't a dedicated thread for Amazon PPC on TFLF. It's sort of a mini version of @biophase 's thread, except it will be more focused on how you can use Amazon PPC to your advantage. (You can also ask...
  8. Divij

    Amazon FBA or Coaching?

    Hi, I have noticed many people selling Amazon FBA courses online, I always wonder if they are so successful at Amazon FBA why are they selling courses or why are they investing money and time in creating courses when they can invest in FBA. I don't think FBA is dead. Is selling courses easy and...
  9. Y

    Is Amazon FBA dead in 2022 for starting a business?

    Hello, I'm thinking of starting a company via Amazon FBA, that is, using Amazon for product research and for testing the products by launching them there. If a product does well via FBA, I would then offer it via other sales channels (that have nothing to do with Amazon), thus gaining more...
  10. NeoDialectic

    Idea Generation To Execution: Fastlane Millionaire's Step By Step Guide

    After posting my general advice post here , I realized that one of the most burning questions that people struggle with is "how do I come up with an idea that isn't already done?" and "how do I test whether I can successfully sell this product without a huge investment?". This is the first time...
  11. P

    Merchandising and selling t-shirts (ugh...)

    Hi everyone, I am a young entrepreneur from india and me and my friend had this idea while in school to startup with minimum investment.basically the plan is to start a merchandise what we where thinking is, we buy plain T-shirts and pants from wholesale merchants in a cheap price and...
  12. S

    Importing / Sourcing recommended books / courses

    I've got an idea for a product that I'd like to create. I've talked to + imported samples before from alibaba so have some idea on the beginning steps of this (although I never fully understood all of the duty/import charges, getting it shipped between the port + amazon's warehouses, if I'd...
  13. B

    Advice for E-com product that has a great USP but isn't selling. What could be wrong???

    Hi Everyone, Been dabbling in E-com probably the last 4 years and learning the ropes, I've had moderate success with selling random products on FBA and importing stock for a former boss and making him plenty of profit. I use all of MJ's tools in his books and learned from other entrepreneurs as...
  14. Alicia10

    New Member

    Hi everyone, My name is Alicia. I just joined the forum from Jersey City, NJ, and I'm excited to be here! I've been on a journey of entrepreneurship for the past ~2 years, and I haven't exactly gotten the results I've been hoping for. While I've learned a lot, and I continue to learn, my...
  15. Eric SDA

    Should you persevere when you don't believe in your business?

    Hi all, I'm going through a mentally challenging time and looking for advice and guidance from more experienced people. In Aug 2020 I launched my first business, a health supplement company selling vegan, organic products and right now it's breaking even on a monthly basis. The issue is even...
  16. F

    Selling on Amazon vs Website

    I wanna start selling my own product soon (still have to look for one btw xD), however, I'm unsure whether I should start with my own website or with FBA. Going for the website would basically be the concept MJ and Tim Ferriss (4-Hour Work Week) recommend, even though I don't quite know their...
  17. F

    Deciding on a Project to dedicate my Energy

    I'm currently in a phase where I'm searching for a project to dedicate my energy, time, and money. I'm interested in many topics and have many ideas, but am just unsure where to start. Currently, I'm still living with my parents (19 yrs old rn), however, I fully have their support right now. I'm...
  18. G

    Bookstore Inventory

    At risk of sounding like an idiot, I have a question for anyone familiar with selling books. How do book sellers source their inventory? Sites like Thriftbooks, sellers on Amazon, sellers on Ebay... So many businesses sell used books. Where do they come from and how do they get them? Is...
  19. F

    FBA for a Financial "Getting Started" Basis

    I have a lot of amazing business ideas to build, but at the moment I'm pretty broke. I was thinking to start an FBA business to get some cash coming in for a financial basis and then move on to the bigger projects. Would you say that's achievable, even though FBA isn't necessarily a Fastlane?
  20. X

    Need Help (Even if i ask to a CPA ) Amazon FBA / Amazon KDP

    Hi There I am having trouble filling out the tax interview, i am a non us resident with an single member LLC formed in Wyoming. I have a EIN for my LLC. I try to fill it out like this: What is your tax classification? Individual (Because “Individual” includes Single-Member LLCs where the...