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Selling electronics (nightlamp) on Amazon - warranty


Bronze Contributor
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Mar 6, 2016
Hi people,

I have read multiple times that importing electronics (and selling it on Amazon) is a bad idea because of return rates and what to do with defective items.

I am looking to import for the very first time and it is a LED night lamp, not a very complicated item and thus not many parts that can get defective for example.

I am pretty sure that this will sell, because there is very little competition and people are buying it.

So I am wondering, is it really a bad idea to import a night lamp? I would ofcourse have it inspected by an inspection company before it departs from China.

Some helpful questions would be the following and maybe someone can answer them:

a) I could not find much information on this, but do Chinese manufacturers usually comply with their warranty promise?
b) Would such a night lamp survive more than 8 months without getting defect? Does anyone have information on defect rate for night lamps?
c) Even if it gets defective, are many of them going to claim warranty on a product that would cost something like $34.95?

In the end what matters is that after the replacement of the defective items, I still have good profit. I think I would achieve that. Please tell me if you think otherwise. I am aiming at a $5 net profit on each item.

Looking forward to some opinions, maybe there is something I am overlooking.

Thank you!
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Niptuck MD

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Aug 31, 2016
bad idea because of return rates and what to do with defective items.

This is the case for small importers of electronics and electronic subcomponents form China. Maybe try taiwan/hong kong or malaysia.


Bronze Contributor
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Mar 6, 2016
This is the case for small importers of electronics and electronic subcomponents form China. Maybe try taiwan/hong kong or malaysia.

Care to explain more in detail why it is specifically a problem for small importers?

And why is Taiwan/Hong Kong or Malaysia better?

Thank you.

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