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Jul 4, 2017
The Fiverr business
My old thread was about a Fiverr business, and the business died.
Not completely, but it's no longer sustainable.

I still got a client outside Fiverr, and to me that is very valuable. Because that is a piece of control.

The strategy
I'm pretty good at stay alive. But without a strategy, it's hard to build long term success.
Usually a lack of control is acceptable, as long as I use it to gain more control. For example, Fiverr is a low-control platform, but I can still get one outbound clients to gain more control.

I studied people who have their own sites, their own audience, their own customers, and their own distribution.
The pattern I see is that it goes for a long time without any return, and then it starts to generate returns and the owner can survive with it, and if the owner can survive and dominate the market he will have a good life.
The upside is that nothing can take the profit away.

Let's try to build a highly control business.
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Iev djieq
“Podi! djodlip pahhivt” O guapf up Xemhsiipt. 5 cadlt. 1800 vuvem demusoit.
Og O guapf nztimg op e qopdj, vjev’t jux O xomm mowi.
Raov nz iydatit epf tvesv dumf demmoph vunussux
Tu O guapf vji Afinz xictovi (vjeplt @Guy), epf gopemmz gopotj nz gostv tenqmi qehi.
Vji piyv tviq ot vu tvesv dumf demmoph.
Vjip O jin epf jex.
Nezci nz xictovi dep ci fupi civvis.
Epf vji xjumi fez qettif epf O fofp'v demmoph epz sitveasepv.

Vjev't e gadloph iydati.
Vunussux O'mm dumf demm sitveasepv, vjev fup'v jewi e cieavogam xictovi, vu timm nz tiswodit.
Dumf demmoph e sitveasepv. Ov katv upi qoidi ug edvoup.

O vemlif xovj e qsuhsennis xovj jot uxp catopitt, epf ji hewi ni e gix voqt op gopfoph dmoipvt epf gomoph veyit.

Epf O lpux O'n tvomm wisz ohpusepdi. Gmzoph cmopf nz xjumi mogi.
Tu O'n huoph vu muvt catopitt niivopht, vemloph xovj qiuqmi, vu neli ni e mitt ohpusepv qistup.
Pux O jewi 5 kuct. Vji raitvoup ot, jux dep O neli tasi O fu ximm op emm ug vjin.

Ittipvoemmz O iwemaevi e kuc/wipvasi cz 4 foniptoupt:
- Sotl
- Sixesf
- Quvipvoem
- Tzpishz

Epf O noy civxiip mux sotl/nifoan sixesf fez kuc. Xovj e johj sotl/johj sixesf tofi jatvmi. Xovj e nifoan sotl/mux sixesf catopitt gus pux cav johj quvipvoem op vji gavasi. Xovj e mux sotl/mux sixesf epf mux quvipvoem upmopi hoh cav tzpishobi ximm xovj nz mogitvzmi.

Tu vjiz esi emm onqusvepv, op tuni xez, epf O'mm jewi vu kahhmi ximm.
Vji vjoph ot, op vji qetv O jimf 2 kuct neyonan. Pux xovj 5 kuct, jux dep O neli tasi O fu ximm op emm ug vjin?

O qistupemmz vjopl O piif tuni qsopdoqmit vu haofi ni. Jisi esi tuni qsopdoqmit:
#1: Ci huffenp atigam vu inqmuzist/datvunist.
#2: Muul gus efwepdinipv uqqusvapovz
#3: Motvip vu nipvust. Motvip vu datvunist. Motvip vu giifcedl. Eqqmz emm ug vjin
#4: Jupus nz qsunotit
#5: Ov’t djieqis vu liiq datvunist vjep vu gopf pix datvunist
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