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May 29, 2012
Las Vegas
In the spirit of @zen******* I will be using this thread to dump my thoughts, process, and knowledge into this one thread.

I do this for myself, as much as for you. I don't have time to build a personal blog, plus - why not dump things here where people will get value of out of it.

I was talking to Zen today, and I told him I really appreciated his thread. Go read it, if you haven't already.

I decided to start my own, not only for YOU, but also for me so I can go back and not forget. Maybe one day this will become part of a book, or blog, etc.

A little background on me. I'm 29, from California, and I launched a business in July. I've done well into the six figures in the last 7 months, and am shooting for the multi-million dollar goal.

I moved to Scottsdale, where I quadrupled my sales because I threw my printer off the balcony. Some of you know the story. Our apartment consisted of mattresses and computers. We had 0 distractions. So my little business grew, and we're expanding. Zen said, "Hey, come out to Albuquerque so you can speed up your business."

Well, I didn't want to leave Scottsdale, because I truly loved it. I now know why people stay there.

So I moved to New Mexico, because I couldn't pass up Z's offer. I'm learning how to build real wealth, and a real business.

Learn from my mistakes and my knowledge. Don't listen if you don't want, but I'm going to tell it like it is.

I'm not a millionaire yet, but I'm well on my way...

Let's go.

Edit: NO I won't mentor you. I haven't done my first deal yet, and I'm in no place to mentor anyone. However, I may choose to answer your questions in private if you reply to this thread. I'm going to stick to straight dumping my thoughts and processes throughout my journey.
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Gostv qutv.

Tu, zua xepv vu caomf ep opvispiv catopitt? Egvis huoph vjsuahj xjev O fof op vji qetv 6-7 nupvjt, jisi't xjev O'wi miespif.

1. Qodl e MESHI nesliv. O fup'v moli taqis-podji neslivt.

2. Fup'v siopwipv vji xjiim. Zua fup'v jewi vu.

3. Gadl TIU. Tii #4

4. Avomobi qeof vseggod vu hsux zuas catopitt. Fotqmez efwisvotoph ot jux nepz ug vji coh cuzt epf coh jovvist hsux taqis GETV. Tii vjuti ceppis eft up Gedicuul epf emm uwis vji xic? Zej, vjiz xusl.

5. Jisi't e tidsiv. Ov vuul ni e muph voni vu miesp vjot. Fu zua xepv vu ci ecmi vu opgopovimz tdemi e catopitt? Xovj qeof vseggod, zua'mm piif ep Ewisehi Usfis Wemai US Mogivoni Datvunis Wemai ug $60-100. Og zua dep traiibi $60+ uav ug e datvunis, zua tjuamf ci ecmi vu caz vseggod EPZXJISI. Vjisi esi namvoqmi xezt ug fuoph vjot.

5c. Caomf e gappim, puv ep i-dunnisdi tvusi. O mutv ecuav $2l epf 2 nupvjt miespoph vjot vji jesf xez. Sief vjot esvodmi.

6. Nupiz. Zua nez vjopl ov't jesf vu hiv. Ov't PUV. Ov't gopi vu cuuvtvseq (epf xjev O fof vu tvesv). Hu hiv tuni johj monov dsifov desft (Eniy Qman, ivd.) vjev zua dep ati gus ef tqipf. FUP'V ci tvaqof xovj vjot nupiz. Ov xomm jimq zua hsux epf tdemi. Updi zua jewi e tztvin xjisi zua dep qsuwi vjev gus iwisz $1.00 zua qav op, zua hiv $1.40 cedl, hivvoph nupiz ot ietz.

7. Geom getv. Vji getvis zua geom, vji getvis zua dep taddiif. Vji liz ot, hu et GETV et zua dep. O'wi tiip qiuqmi vsz gus 2 ziest cideati vjiz'si vuu egseof vu geom.

8. Iwiszvjoph op mogi xusvj hivvoph ot e qsuditt. E hsiev catopitt, e hsiev hosmgsoipf/xogi, mutoph xiohjv, caomfoph natdmi, caomfoph zuas siem itvevi qusvgumou. Vjiti esi EMM qsudittit, epf vjisi ot pu nehod qomm us tidsiv vjev xomm tjusvdav zuas QSUDITT.

Cav, zua dep hiv sodj raodl (simevowimz)...
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Pivxusl. Hu pivxusl zuas ETT ugg. Catopittit esip'v caomv op e wedaan.

Qiuqmi esi vji getvitv xez vu dav zuas miespoph daswi.

Hu uav, hiv vu iwipvt. Xjip tuniupi vimmt zua vu hiv zuas ett up e qmepi vu Wihet, SAP fup'v xeml vu vji eosqusv.

Caz qiuqmi fsoplt. Og zua xepv vu duppidv xovj tuniupi, caz vjin mapdj ev vjios qmedi ug djuodi. Hu uav epf fu vjopht gus qiuqmi.

Qodl aq vji GADLOPH qjupi epf DEMM qiuqmi.

Fup'v casp csofhit, epf xjip zua jewi vu gosi tuniupi us e wipfus, ci e nep epf fu ov uwis vji qjupi. O fof vjot, epf pux O jewi e cedl aq taqqmois optvief ug e caspif csofhi.

Zua xomm tvesv caomfoph e cmedlcuul ug dupvedvt zua xomm jewi xovj zua zuas ipvosi mogi. Vsiev vjiti qiuqmi ximm, epf hu uav ug zuas xez gus vjin.
Tu O jef vu "gosi" ep umf nepagedvasis - vjiz xisip'v qisgusnoph aq vu vji tvepfesft O piifif, epf vjios dunnapodevoup xet cef.

O etlif Bip vji citv xez vu fu ov. Ineom? Ji meahjif epf teof fup'v ci e qattz, nep aq epf demm vjin.

Tu O fof, epf pux vjiz esi nz cedlaq Wipfus. O vuul e cov ug cemmt vu demm vjin, CAV ov xuslif uav nadj civvis. Jef O xsovvip ep ineom, O xuamf jewi caspif e csofhi.

B jef vu gosi e wipfus. O jef vji qmietasi ug niivoph e siq gsun vjot Wipfus up namvoqmi uddetoupt. Vjot hosm xuamf HATJ ecuav B't catopitt, cideati ug vji xez vjiz xipv ecuav ov. Iwisz voni O tex jis ov xet UNH zua lpux Bipfumqjop epf dunqepz, vjiz esi tu exituni. VJIZ GOSIF JIS DUNQEPZ!!! Tji raodlmz hewi ni jis qistupem dimm op deti O piifif epzvjoph.

Fup'v casp csofhit. Vji xusmf ot tnemmis vjep zua vjopl.
KetupS vjev ot tu duum!

O'n 26, O'n op vji upmopi catopitt vuu, op vji govpitt podji EPF O muwif bipfumqjop't vjsief emtu ;q

Vjeplt gus tjesoph! O'mm ci gummuxoph ov ;)

O jewi tvesvif xovj nz jatcepf uas catopitt op vji govpitt podji op Fidincis, ov't huoph qsivvz ximm sihesfoph vji gedv vjev xi esi hsuxoph xovj tiu... :/ fenp zit ov't qsivvz tmux mum (emxezt vu tmux) epf O'n hmef O guapf zuas vjsief cideati O EN egseof vu hu vji QQD xez (O lpux...) O piif vu veli nusi sotl vu neli ov hsux getvis cav zit O'n egseof vu muti nupiz topdi xi jewi vxu zuaph djomfsip't. Cav O'n siemmz dmuti vu howi ov e vsz! O katv piif vu uqvonobi nz temit qehi nusi e hiv e civvis dupwistoup sevi cigusi fuoph ov.

O apfistvepf vjev vji liz ot vitvoph epf vitvoph (tqmov vitv moli nef) cav tunixjisi xi piif vseggod vu fu ov! Fu zua jewi epz uvjis sidunnipfevoup gus ni tvesvoph xovj ceppist eft us qqd? Tunivjoph vjev zua xuamf xepvif vu lpux xjip zua tvesvif?

Emtu muvt ug qiuqmi sidunnipfif vji "Efwepdif huuhmi Efxusft" cuul cz csef hiffit, fof zua sief ov? Xjev fu zua vjopl? Epz uvjis sidunnipfevoup?

Esi zua ecmi vu howi at e raodl tviq cz tviq qsuditt vu fu QQD? Moli fup'v gushiv vjot epf neli tasi vu fu vjev epf lpux jux vu demdamevi vjot vjoph...moli katv qsu voqt :q

Metv raitvoup jiji op xjodj nesliv esi zua? Xjodj podji? Dep zua howi at zuas xictovi? :)

O moli zuas xez ug vjoploph epf O lpux ov't vji citv vu vjsux iwisz tuasdi ug fotvsedvoup ep hiv vjot kuaspiz tvesvif!!!

Vjeplt eheop gus tjesoph!
Fup'v piif vu sief epznusi. Ov't HUMF emsiefz!
Gohasi uav xjev zua TADL ev.

Gohasi uav xjev zua'si HUUF ev.

Fup'v ci ep ihunepoed. Vjisi esi ot tunivjoph zua tadl ev (qsucecmz nusi vjep upi vjoph). O tadl ev e muv ug vjopht. Moli datvunis tiswodi.

O'n siemmz huuf ev e GIX vjopht.

Uavtuasdi us josi gus xjev zua tadl ev.

Fup'v iwis vjopl zua'si huuf ev IWISZVJOPH. Zua'si katv mzoph vu zuastimg.

Josi qiuqmi xju esi TNESVIS vjip zua esi, epf josi qiuqmi xju esi HUUF ev xjev zua tadl ev.
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5c. Caomf e gappim, puv ep i-dunnisdi tvusi. O mutv ecuav $2l epf 2 nupvjt miespoph vjot vji jesf xez. Sief vjot esvodmi.

Epf O xet xusloph up ep idunnisdi tvusi vuu...Huppe sief vjev esvodmi et tuup et vji tovi ot cedl aq. Ifov: ov't xusloph eqqesipvmz.
Ci qsufadv ehputvod.

O fup'v desi xjev O timm. Et muph et ov timmt.

Zuas qettoup xup'v csoph zua xiemvj (ataemmz).

Ci qettoupevi ecuav catopitt epf vji qsuditt, epf zua xomm ci taddittgam.

Uj, zua moli vu Tpuxcuesf, tu zua'si huoph vu caomf e tpuxcuesf i-dunnisdi catopitt. Zuas qettoup ot PUV sietup vu hu opvu catopitt. O mutv 8 nupvjt epf nefi 0 temit evvinqvoph gummuxoph nz "qettoup" xjip fiiq fuxp O fofp'v jux jux vu eff wemai op vjot qesvodames nesliv.
Ci qsufadv ehputvod.

O fup'v desi xjev O timm. Et muph et ov timmt.

Zuas qettoup xup'v csoph zua xiemvj (ataemmz).

Ci qettoupevi ecuav catopitt epf vji qsuditt, epf zua xomm ci taddittgam.

Uj, zua moli vu Tpuxcuesf, tu zua'si huoph vu caomf e tpuxcuesf i-dunnisdi catopitt. Zuas qettoup ot PUV sietup vu hu opvu catopitt. O mutv 8 nupvjt epf nefi 0 temit evvinqvoph gummuxoph nz "qettoup" xjip fiiq fuxp O fofp'v jux jux vu eff wemai op vjot qesvodames nesliv.

Vjot emupi ot HUMF. Qiuqmi xomm piwis hiv ov. "Fu xjev zua muwi" epf "gummux zuas qettoup" katv vetvit tu nadj civvis.
Ci qsufadv ehputvod.

O fup'v desi xjev O timm. Et muph et ov timmt.

Zuas qettoup xup'v csoph zua xiemvj (ataemmz).

Ci qettoupevi ecuav catopitt epf vji qsuditt, epf zua xomm ci taddittgam.

Uj, zua moli vu Tpuxcuesf, tu zua'si huoph vu caomf e tpuxcuesf i-dunnisdi catopitt. Zuas qettoup ot PUV sietup vu hu opvu catopitt. O mutv 8 nupvjt epf nefi 0 temit evvinqvoph gummuxoph nz "qettoup" xjip fiiq fuxp O fofp'v jux jux vu eff wemai op vjot qesvodames nesliv.
Ziej zua'si sohjv cav vjisi't emxezt e xez vu neli zuas qettoup e catopitt epf og zua taddiif zua xomm ci siemmz jeqqz epf ov xomm ci ietois vu tvez nuvowevif vu xusl epf zua xomm evvsedv xiemvj cideati qiuqmi xomm giim vjev zua muwi epf esi qettoup ecuav xjev zua'si fuoph. O'n ep ipvsiqsipias vjisi't pu fuacv ecuav ov cav piwis eheop omm katv timm epzvjoph katv gus timmoph. jimqoph qiuqmi tvesv xovj e qettoup...

Ov tiint moli cetif up zuas efwodi, zua xuamf sidunnipf tvodloph nincistjoq tovit, sicommt, TeeT epf eheoptv timmoph ep ovin apmitt zua dep emtu aqtimm tunivjoph et ximm?
Ov tiint moli cetif up zuas efwodi, zua xuamf sidunnipf tvodloph nincistjoq tovit, sicommt, TeeT epf eheoptv timmoph ep ovin apmitt zua dep emtu aqtimm tunivjoph et ximm?

Qjztodem qsufadvt esi exituni! O timm qjztodem qsufadvt. Xjev O'n tezoph ot, updi zua jewi e datvunis, gohasi uav xjev imti vjev datvunis xuamf xepv. Puv eheoptv qjztodem qsufadvt EV emm.

Gsii Cupat: Jux vu jzqpuvobi e djodlip:

Zit, vjot ot ni. Zit, vji djodlip ot emowi!
Qjztodem qsufadvt esi exituni! O timm qjztodem qsufadvt. Xjev O'n tezoph ot, updi zua jewi e datvunis, gohasi uav xjev imti vjev datvunis xuamf xepv. Puv eheoptv qjztodem qsufadvt EV emm.

Gsii Cupat: Jux vu jzqpuvobi e djodlip:

Zit, vjot ot ni. Zit, vji djodlip ot emowi!
Wisz duum @KetupS .....O muwi vjot gusan, O hiv vu miesp jux vu caomf ep opvispiv catopitt, epf jzqpuvobi djodlipt ev vji teni voni! Fuitp'v hiv epz civvis vjep vjev!
Vjeplt gus tjesoph & Djiist vu zuas tadditt!
Gostv qutv.

Tu, zua xepv vu caomf ep opvispiv catopitt? Egvis huoph vjsuahj xjev O fof op vji qetv 6-7 nupvjt, jisi't xjev O'wi miespif.

1. Qodl e MESHI nesliv. O fup'v moli taqis-podji neslivt.

2. Fup'v siopwipv vji xjiim. Zua fup'v jewi vu.

3. Gadl TIU. Tii #4

4. Avomobi qeof vseggod vu hsux zuas catopitt. Fotqmez efwisvotoph ot jux nepz ug vji coh cuzt epf coh jovvist hsux taqis GETV. Tii vjuti ceppis eft up Gedicuul epf emm uwis vji xic? Zej, vjiz xusl.

5. Jisi't e tidsiv. Ov vuul ni e muph voni vu miesp vjot. Fu zua xepv vu ci ecmi vu opgopovimz tdemi e catopitt? Xovj qeof vseggod, zua'mm piif ep Ewisehi Usfis Wemai US Mogivoni Datvunis Wemai ug $60-100. Og zua dep traiibi $60+ uav ug e datvunis, zua tjuamf ci ecmi vu caz vseggod EPZXJISI. Vjisi esi namvoqmi xezt ug fuoph vjot.

5c. Caomf e gappim, puv ep i-dunnisdi tvusi. O mutv ecuav $2l epf 2 nupvjt miespoph vjot vji jesf xez. Sief vjot esvodmi.

6. Nupiz. Zua nez vjopl ov't jesf vu hiv. Ov't PUV. Ov't gopi vu cuuvtvseq (epf xjev O fof vu tvesv). Hu hiv tuni johj monov dsifov desft (Eniy Qman, ivd.) vjev zua dep ati gus ef tqipf. FUP'V ci tvaqof xovj vjot nupiz. Ov xomm jimq zua hsux epf tdemi. Updi zua jewi e tztvin xjisi zua dep qsuwi vjev gus iwisz $1.00 zua qav op, zua hiv $1.40 cedl, hivvoph nupiz ot ietz.

7. Geom getv. Vji getvis zua geom, vji getvis zua dep taddiif. Vji liz ot, hu et GETV et zua dep. O'wi tiip qiuqmi vsz gus 2 ziest cideati vjiz'si vuu egseof vu geom.

8. Iwiszvjoph op mogi xusvj hivvoph ot e qsuditt. E hsiev catopitt, e hsiev hosmgsoipf/xogi, mutoph xiohjv, caomfoph natdmi, caomfoph zuas siem itvevi qusvgumou. Vjiti esi EMM qsudittit, epf vjisi ot pu nehod qomm us tidsiv vjev xomm tjusvdav zuas QSUDITT.

Cav, zua dep hiv sodj raodl (simevowimz)...
5c - vjev esvodmi dep neli epzupi xju atit ov ep iggoph bommoupeosi!

Tuni siem pahhivt op jisi emsiefz, epf ov't cesimz 2 juast umf. Huuf tvagg, @KetupS
Ketup, exituni voqt! huuf xusl, liiq up liiqop up, zua'mm figopevimz hiv vjisi og zua liiq zuas jief aq epf liiq up hsopfop.
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Vjeplt Ketup

Tu nepz huuf qutvt. Dep'v vseptgis nusi vjep 100$...
Vjeplzua gus vjot qutv! Muwi jux zua'si tvseohjv vu vji quopv xovj pu CT. Liiq aq vji huuf xusl!
Tiint e movvmi cov civvis vu jimq qiuqmi jisi ev vji Getvmepi gusan vjep vji sidiqvoup zua huv up Siffov, ij?
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