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May 11, 2024
Hey everybody,

My name is Roberto Escobar(no I'm not related- if I was I would either be in prison or on a private island drinking mojitos)and I am a 34 Y/O male from NYC. I am not a millionaire nor an entrepreneur. I never wanted to be one. Every time I would open Youtube I would see "entrepreneurs" selling courses or real estate "investors" saying how they make millions (if you are one of these people no offense). I honestly thought it was stupid and a scam....and most of it probably was. So being an entrepreneur was never the goal. So what did I do instead?

I became a nurse. Why nursing? I wanted to do something that improved other people's lives and get paid. I went through the gulag or so called nursing school to get my degree. I did 6 years of schooling to get my bachelors (this is not brag). I realized how brutal this job is. Ever stand outside a hospital at shift change hours and see nurses coming out? Notice how most of them look... Exhausted. tired. in pain. stressed. overwhelmed. Overweight. Burnt it. Well it's too late I already chose this career and put 6 years into my degree. I might as well keep going.

Then 2020 happened. Nope I'm not talking about Joe Biden winning presidency .......nor the George Floyd incident and the protests that ensued. I am talking about Covid. Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum (its fake and all made up or china sent it to us as bio warfare or bats created this disease and we should kill all the bats) the truth is that in NYC the STINK HIT THE FAN. We had patients fill up rooms and hallways. The hospital was overwhelmed and past capacity. We had 4X 53' refrigerated trailers outside. People were put on vents and as quickly as they got on they went to the trailer next, not alive. I saw over 100 deaths within 3 months, when the usual rate was about 1 death every 3 months. I also distinctly remember how the CDC were recommending healthcare workers to put bandanas one while caring for patients due to lack of supplies. This is where I first saw a glitch in the matrix.

At the end of 2020, Covid wasn't as severe. I never caught it and was living on a high. Until one day I was on my unit and all of a sudden started to feel this chill on my legs and hips. The pain became worst. A colleague of mine took my temperature and it read "102.6F". I went to a hotel right away and after a few days ended up in the ICU. This is where I began to have nightmares and flashbacks of seeing my patients pass before me. I wouldn't wish this on the devil himself. I survived but went home with a bag full of lingering symptoms and PTSD. My hopes of healing and getting back to work turned into a nightmare of lingering symptoms that wouldn't go away. I couldn't go back to work after months passed. I had extreme fatigue, electric sensations all of over my body, brain fog, dizziness upon standing, and a long list of the weirdest symptoms. I couldn't think well anymore. I couldn't walk around the block anymore. I went to all the specialists hoping for an answer. Cardiologist and exams. Neurologists and exams. Pulmonologists and exams. Everything came back negative (meaning nothing abnormal found). This is when I was diagnosed with Long Covid. While this is all happening my beautiful and caring hospital is sending me letters that I will be terminated despite medical notices being faxed to them (happened many times). After a year I had to either quit or get fired because my health was still severe without any improvement. So I quit....Not out of choice.

I had to change my mindset and start figuring things out. How can all my scans be negative and have no physical abnormalities and have these symptoms? This just didn't make sense. I gave up hope on my doctors (and medical system). I did research and learned how to heal myself. I got my life back (took 2 years). Actually I had to create a new life, new person, new traits to heal. After I healed I created a YouTube channel to help others heal, it was my way of giving back to those that continue to be sick.

*WARNING* Boring paragraph, skip if needed*
I don't want to bore you with the details but it had to do with an overstimulated nervous system. When you are stuck in chronic stress and a fearful event occurs your nervous system can get stuck. Your nervous system is connected to your endocrine system (your hormonal organs) and it will give you the weird symptoms due to hormonal secretions or lack of). I had to learn to accept life at where I was. To find peace in the middle of the chaos. To love myself and who I am. To look at my childhood trauma and reprogram my adult self. I stopped worrying about everything. In the mean time I used up all of my savings, was maxing out my credit cards to survive (I'm the bread winner of the house), had to quit a "good" union job, lost my health benefits and all this with no hope in sight (I wasn't sure I could heal in the middle of all that).

I had to make drastic changes in my life. I realized the script that my parents gave me, society gave me, teachers gave me, college gave me, media gave me was all garbage. I made it a promise to leave nursing. To leave a toxic mindset. To leave my old beliefs about myself, my abilities, my skills, my talents, my potential. I knew this was not going to be easy. First because we tend to be blind to our own weaknesses or "blind spots". Second we all have a level of pride and ego. We would never want to show the world we don't have it figured it out. Third to transform and become someone else, the old person must die. There is real pain in transformation and most are never quick to confess this part of the process. Fourth, you already have created an environment that has sustained the old you, so to become a new person your environment will need to drastically change. This includes killing off relationships and pissing off people around you and sometimes even straight up disappointing people you love.

What I left out in the middle of this story was that while I was healing me and my amazing wife received news of a surprise. I was going to be a father... The thoughts that filled my head: "Rob you just got back to work, how will you support them? Rob you aren't even in a career you like? Rob are you ready to be an example to your kid? " After a few panic attacks later me and my wife made a choice to be excited about the news and whatever challenges would arise we would get through them together. Having a kid changed my life. She is still only 15 months young but everything I do I think about her. Anytime I am unsure of what to do I ask myself, if my daughter asked what for the same advice what would I tell her? And that is the advice I give myself. Kids dont do what you tell them. They do what you do. They follow your example.

Pops - "Eat your veggies son"
Son- "sure pops..."
*son continues to grab Doritos out of dad's bowl"

The book "unscripted " peeled the layers of crap off of my eyes. Reading it feels like I'm going through another growth spurt and it hurts. Challenging all these beliefs I had in my mind and embedded in what feels like my soul. But because it's truth it is liberating. Some lessons that touched my soul and completely changed my paradigm are:
- Getting rich by wanting to get rich (staring at a toaster and expect toast to appear)- what values do I provide to others, in the marketplace?
- You are poor because you consume more than you produce (made me realize I don't produce much in the marketplace- how can I change that)
- We don't use the M word anymore, value vouchers is all we have
- Rich people create their own luck. They change the gum ball machine that suits that, they pull the lever, they adjust, and they pulling. Poor people stop trying.
- Entertainment is cool but it can also be this hypnotizing comforting poison. The question I ask to piss me off and wake me up is , who is making money/benefiting off me being hypnotized?
- Do what you love ( this was a big one for me-kept seeking this for a long time. Do what I love to make money vouchers) I love to run but I will never beat a mediocre Kenyan runner. No value vouchers for me there.
- Rich people have given us so much value in our life. Most of the valuable things you have are made by rich.....Made my whole paradigm around rich people shift

Things I am currently working on:
- TV was disconnected and put way
- PS5 was put away
- I replaced the location where my media was with a table for my laptop
- Im finishing up the book "Unscripted "
- I no longer feel bad for not hanging out with people that don't have the same goal as me
- Reading a book about being a better husband ( Hold me tight by Dr.Sue Johnson)
- Eating 1 pound of vegetables and 1 pound of sweet potato for my first meal (already lost 10 lbs)
- Increasing my confidence in front of the camera through certain exercises
- Publishing one video a week on my channel

There is no sexy ending here. I didn't create a business and become a billionaire. I currently have a small YouTube channel that is about Long Covid healing and currently pivoting and trying new topics on it. My wife keeps telling me I'm a great speaker and story teller and for years she has been telling me to be on Youtube. She has great intuition and so I'm working on that now. I am not sure what is next.......Things I am currently thinking about:
- What is my unfair advantage?
- What are my strengths, gifts, talents?
- How can I use those that could provide value in a system for others?
- If I won the lottery what would I do to provide value to the world and also give me a sense of purpose?
- write down what is a miserable life....and avoid that. That ends up looking like a scripted life.
- Analyzing creators on YouTube business models

SO this is my super long intro. If you got up to this point, thank you for reading. If you skipped the whole thing to get onto this point, thank you.
I'm excited to be part of the Fastlane community. If there is any value I could provide please don't be shy to reach out.

God bless, (God speed for those that don't believe in God)
Roberto Escobar
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Jun 12, 2019
Hey Rob!

Had to do a double-take when I saw your name pop up, haha.

I binged a lot of your videos last year! I've been very sick since getting COVID in November 2021 and have been documenting my journey here with both health and business.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss anything since we have an overlap of interests/experiences. I'm also trying to grow a YouTube channel. Would love to talk when I have the energy. I have some ideas.
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Platinum Contributor
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Feb 8, 2019
Southeast Asia
Hey everybody,

My name is Roberto Escobar(no I'm not related- if I was I would either be in prison or on a private island drinking mojitos)and I am a 34 Y/O male from NYC. I am not a millionaire nor an entrepreneur. I never wanted to be one. Every time I would open Youtube I would see "entrepreneurs" selling courses or real estate "investors" saying how they make millions (if you are one of these people no offense). I honestly thought it was stupid and a scam....and most of it probably was. So being an entrepreneur was never the goal. So what did I do instead?

I became a nurse. Why nursing? I wanted to do something that improved other people's lives and get paid. I went through the gulag or so called nursing school to get my degree. I did 6 years of schooling to get my bachelors (this is not brag). I realized how brutal this job is. Ever stand outside a hospital at shift change hours and see nurses coming out? Notice how most of them look... Exhausted. tired. in pain. stressed. overwhelmed. Overweight. Burnt it. Well it's too late I already chose this career and put 6 years into my degree. I might as well keep going.

Then 2020 happened. Nope I'm not talking about Joe Biden winning presidency .......nor the George Floyd incident and the protests that ensued. I am talking about Covid. Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum (its fake and all made up or china sent it to us as bio warfare or bats created this disease and we should kill all the bats) the truth is that in NYC the STINK HIT THE FAN. We had patients fill up rooms and hallways. The hospital was overwhelmed and past capacity. We had 4X 53' refrigerated trailers outside. People were put on vents and as quickly as they got on they went to the trailer next, not alive. I saw over 100 deaths within 3 months, when the usual rate was about 1 death every 3 months. I also distinctly remember how the CDC were recommending healthcare workers to put bandanas one while caring for patients due to lack of supplies. This is where I first saw a glitch in the matrix.

At the end of 2020, Covid wasn't as severe. I never caught it and was living on a high. Until one day I was on my unit and all of a sudden started to feel this chill on my legs and hips. The pain became worst. A colleague of mine took my temperature and it read "102.6F". I went to a hotel right away and after a few days ended up in the ICU. This is where I began to have nightmares and flashbacks of seeing my patients pass before me. I wouldn't wish this on the devil himself. I survived but went home with a bag full of lingering symptoms and PTSD. My hopes of healing and getting back to work turned into a nightmare of lingering symptoms that wouldn't go away. I couldn't go back to work after months passed. I had extreme fatigue, electric sensations all of over my body, brain fog, dizziness upon standing, and a long list of the weirdest symptoms. I couldn't think well anymore. I couldn't walk around the block anymore. I went to all the specialists hoping for an answer. Cardiologist and exams. Neurologists and exams. Pulmonologists and exams. Everything came back negative (meaning nothing abnormal found). This is when I was diagnosed with Long Covid. While this is all happening my beautiful and caring hospital is sending me letters that I will be terminated despite medical notices being faxed to them (happened many times). After a year I had to either quit or get fired because my health was still severe without any improvement. So I quit....Not out of choice.

I had to change my mindset and start figuring things out. How can all my scans be negative and have no physical abnormalities and have these symptoms? This just didn't make sense. I gave up hope on my doctors (and medical system). I did research and learned how to heal myself. I got my life back (took 2 years). Actually I had to create a new life, new person, new traits to heal. After I healed I created a YouTube channel to help others heal, it was my way of giving back to those that continue to be sick.

*WARNING* Boring paragraph, skip if needed*
I don't want to bore you with the details but it had to do with an overstimulated nervous system. When you are stuck in chronic stress and a fearful event occurs your nervous system can get stuck. Your nervous system is connected to your endocrine system (your hormonal organs) and it will give you the weird symptoms due to hormonal secretions or lack of). I had to learn to accept life at where I was. To find peace in the middle of the chaos. To love myself and who I am. To look at my childhood trauma and reprogram my adult self. I stopped worrying about everything. In the mean time I used up all of my savings, was maxing out my credit cards to survive (I'm the bread winner of the house), had to quit a "good" union job, lost my health benefits and all this with no hope in sight (I wasn't sure I could heal in the middle of all that).

I had to make drastic changes in my life. I realized the script that my parents gave me, society gave me, teachers gave me, college gave me, media gave me was all garbage. I made it a promise to leave nursing. To leave a toxic mindset. To leave my old beliefs about myself, my abilities, my skills, my talents, my potential. I knew this was not going to be easy. First because we tend to be blind to our own weaknesses or "blind spots". Second we all have a level of pride and ego. We would never want to show the world we don't have it figured it out. Third to transform and become someone else, the old person must die. There is real pain in transformation and most are never quick to confess this part of the process. Fourth, you already have created an environment that has sustained the old you, so to become a new person your environment will need to drastically change. This includes killing off relationships and pissing off people around you and sometimes even straight up disappointing people you love.

What I left out in the middle of this story was that while I was healing me and my amazing wife received news of a surprise. I was going to be a father... The thoughts that filled my head: "Rob you just got back to work, how will you support them? Rob you aren't even in a career you like? Rob are you ready to be an example to your kid? " After a few panic attacks later me and my wife made a choice to be excited about the news and whatever challenges would arise we would get through them together. Having a kid changed my life. She is still only 15 months young but everything I do I think about her. Anytime I am unsure of what to do I ask myself, if my daughter asked what for the same advice what would I tell her? And that is the advice I give myself. Kids dont do what you tell them. They do what you do. They follow your example.

Pops - "Eat your veggies son"
Son- "sure pops..."
*son continues to grab Doritos out of dad's bowl"

The book "unscripted " peeled the layers of crap off of my eyes. Reading it feels like I'm going through another growth spurt and it hurts. Challenging all these beliefs I had in my mind and embedded in what feels like my soul. But because it's truth it is liberating. Some lessons that touched my soul and completely changed my paradigm are:
- Getting rich by wanting to get rich (staring at a toaster and expect toast to appear)- what values do I provide to others, in the marketplace?
- You are poor because you consume more than you produce (made me realize I don't produce much in the marketplace- how can I change that)
- We don't use the M word anymore, value vouchers is all we have
- Rich people create their own luck. They change the gum ball machine that suits that, they pull the lever, they adjust, and they pulling. Poor people stop trying.
- Entertainment is cool but it can also be this hypnotizing comforting poison. The question I ask to piss me off and wake me up is , who is making money/benefiting off me being hypnotized?
- Do what you love ( this was a big one for me-kept seeking this for a long time. Do what I love to make money vouchers) I love to run but I will never beat a mediocre Kenyan runner. No value vouchers for me there.
- Rich people have given us so much value in our life. Most of the valuable things you have are made by rich.....Made my whole paradigm around rich people shift

Things I am currently working on:
- TV was disconnected and put way
- PS5 was put away
- I replaced the location where my media was with a table for my laptop
- Im finishing up the book "Unscripted "
- I no longer feel bad for not hanging out with people that don't have the same goal as me
- Reading a book about being a better husband ( Hold me tight by Dr.Sue Johnson)
- Eating 1 pound of vegetables and 1 pound of sweet potato for my first meal (already lost 10 lbs)
- Increasing my confidence in front of the camera through certain exercises
- Publishing one video a week on my channel

There is no sexy ending here. I didn't create a business and become a billionaire. I currently have a small YouTube channel that is about Long Covid healing and currently pivoting and trying new topics on it. My wife keeps telling me I'm a great speaker and story teller and for years she has been telling me to be on Youtube. She has great intuition and so I'm working on that now. I am not sure what is next.......Things I am currently thinking about:
- What is my unfair advantage?
- What are my strengths, gifts, talents?
- How can I use those that could provide value in a system for others?
- If I won the lottery what would I do to provide value to the world and also give me a sense of purpose?
- write down what is a miserable life....and avoid that. That ends up looking like a scripted life.
- Analyzing creators on YouTube business models

SO this is my super long intro. If you got up to this point, thank you for reading. If you skipped the whole thing to get onto this point, thank you.
I'm excited to be part of the Fastlane community. If there is any value I could provide please don't be shy to reach out.

God bless, (God speed for those that don't believe in God)
Roberto Escobar
I am very sure doctor John Campbell
became a millionaire making pandemic and covid related videos.

His videos ten years earlier on digestive system barely had views.

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