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From Sales Engineer to Fastlane?


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Jun 9, 2024

I'm Grungi, and I read "The Millionaire Fastlane " almost exactly ten years ago.

I was a penetration tester back in those days.

I found the book amazing, and it kicked my butt to start a blog, but unfortunately, I hit a crossroad:

  • Ramp up my 35-hour job to 40 hours and make a career or
  • Continue to build my blog
I decided to give the career thing a try.

Now, ten years later, I have definitely made some career strides. I also earn pretty well for my peers (six figures, which by itself is very good in Germany).

As a Sales Engineer, I enjoy a lot of perks:

  • I earn commission
  • I work remotely
  • If I'm not in meetings or on the road, I have full control over my time
Still, somehow the whole entrepreneurship thing never let me go completely. I always go through the same phases: Workaholic Phase > Fitness Phase > Entrepreneurial Dreaming Phase > Video Game Phase. Not necessarily in that order.

After watching some entrepreneurial porn on YouTube, I somehow got the bug again to give the whole thing a try.

I wrote down the principles the business has to fulfill so that I can pursue it.

With the help of ChatGPT and the will to implement something very small, like a lifestyle business, this time I actually found a pursuit that seems totally doable.

And now, for roughly four weeks, I've been in the trenches coding an MVP for a lead generation machine with the goal to serve German companies by identifying a compliance need and generating leads for service providers from those clients.

I'm not sure if I would still be on the project without AI, as it might be too frustrating to fight through the learning curve of coding. But with AI as a tool, I think right now is a great time to build businesses fast, with the support of AI, instead of building useless AI businesses.

It will be interesting to see how my motivation transforms once the coding part is over and the focus shifts to marketing and sales.

That is all for now.

Excited to be here!

All the best, Grungi
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Jun 5, 2024
Sales Engineer to Fast Lane is a transformative journey that allows individuals to break free from the constraints of traditional employment and develop their entrepreneurial spirit. It's about moving from a sales engineer role into the fast-paced world of online business, leveraging innovative strategies and cutting-edge technology to generate multiple streams of income and achieve financial freedom. This path offers the opportunity to control your own destiny, pursue your passions, and live life on your own terms.

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