Upon some reflection, I've failed at alot of things in my life. However, the reason for these failures isn't talent based, ability based or anything along the lines of that infact. This will be alot of verbal diarrhea I hope you enjoy while I listen to some heavy rock.
Looking back, the number one thing holding me back or anyone for that matter is definitely one key.
Discipline & Work ethic
Call me crazy, but my beliefs are that nearly everyone is equal, in terms of abilities or talents, and when pursuing something or trying to become great at something almost everyone has an equal shot barring physical requirements (i.e even if someone that's 5'3 dedicates their life to basketball it's impossible they even make the NBA)
As for something like achieving entrepreneurial success I think alot of people get sidetracked and aren't taking the right steps or actions to progress to the magical goal of $1,000,000
This is something that 99% of people on the planet will never achieve, yet shockingly most people on the planet will not even make the attempt. If you have ever studied the greats in any sport, industry, niche or fill in the blanks, you'll notice the elite have dedicated their lives to their craft.
And if you look at ''the 99%'' you'll see constant distractions that popup, whether it be social media, video games, tv shows, films, drugs, alcohol and of course just the daily grind of being in a job which turn your 8 hour days of work into 9 or 10 after you shower, eat, run errands etc, which gets even harder when you have kids, a spouse, a dog or fluffy the cat that keeps crapping on the carpet.
So a question I'd love to openly ask for all the fast lane warriors out there, what occupies your mind during the day and night?
When you are sitting on the toilet and taking a crap, or singing like a dying seal in the shower to Alice in Chains Man in the Box, are you thinking about how you will change the world with a new innovative product or service? Or thinking about something else? What is your daily like focus on?
Obsession can be a gift, and people need to be laser focused on a task I believe to really achieve success. Think about someone like Michael Jordan, growing up it's widely known he was one of the crappiest basketball players ever and was famously cut from the high school team, the second coming of MJ (MJ DeMarco) came up with the term ''FTE'' **** this event.
Can you imagine the anger, frustration and disappointment MJ went through after being cut? A big part of this imo ignited his ego and drove him into madness, spending hours on end practicing jump shots, 3 pointers, foul shots you name it. No life, no fun, all to feed his ego & fulfill his purpose in life, to become the greatest of all time.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v371h_VytjI
This clip shows how personal he took it when an NBA rookie called him out for a challenge to a game of 1 on 1. In effect this rookie challenged MJ's personal identity of being the greatest, which is basically a big eff you, I'm better than you at what you've dedicated your life to.
If you look at all the successful entrepreneurs in the world, one of the ''secrets'' is to not only have your FTE, but combine it with your purpose, the purpose of being free. While some people may look at mansions, yachts, lamborghinis and private jets as motivation these are all fleeting inspirational objects, refer to the opening chapter of TMF , the secret sauce is having the freedom to do as you please and having FU money. This can mean sleeping in every day for the rest of your life, traveling wherever you want and doing whatever you want, enjoying your favorite hobbies without time restrictions, on a side note... how many people in the world can actually just head to the airport on a whim and travel somewhere freely? Everyone is tied down to their job or even business, and might not even have the funds to afford the $200 a night stay in a fancy hotel.
I think I can speak for alot of people, we are all coming closer and closer to death and our focus can occasionally stray away from the most important objective in life, it's not money, but freedom & happiness. I'm a couple years away from a huge number and it feels terrifying, almost like a dream. #30, honestly I still feel like a 15 year old except sometimes I get a few aches and pains here and there! And as mentioned in the beginning, my actions of course has taken me to the path I am currently at.
Hanging out with the wrong people, (although fun) playing video games and sometimes binge watching youtube cat videos aren't exactly the most helpful activities for achieving freedom. Sure in the short term it's great, but looking back I feel like alot of time has been wasted. My mortality constantly pops up into my mind, last week I biked down a road that a man one year younger than me biked and was killed last Christmas by a drunk driver, when I do my own product deliveries it's something that's always in the back of my head. At any time some drunk idiot can easily take my life and I have almost no control over that, and so to go back to my original point prior to my ranting...
Focusing on our goal and not being sidetracked by some time wasting activities is the ''secret'' maybe.
1% of people will do the work 99% of people refuse to do.
What have been the biggest time wasting activities in your life that you could remove so future you in 5 years will thank you for? Are you living right now? Or dying?
And what is the most important thing you want to achieve before your eventual death?
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, and Merry early Christmas, and Happy New Year to all the fast and slowlaners out there!
Looking back, the number one thing holding me back or anyone for that matter is definitely one key.
Discipline & Work ethic
Call me crazy, but my beliefs are that nearly everyone is equal, in terms of abilities or talents, and when pursuing something or trying to become great at something almost everyone has an equal shot barring physical requirements (i.e even if someone that's 5'3 dedicates their life to basketball it's impossible they even make the NBA)
As for something like achieving entrepreneurial success I think alot of people get sidetracked and aren't taking the right steps or actions to progress to the magical goal of $1,000,000
This is something that 99% of people on the planet will never achieve, yet shockingly most people on the planet will not even make the attempt. If you have ever studied the greats in any sport, industry, niche or fill in the blanks, you'll notice the elite have dedicated their lives to their craft.
And if you look at ''the 99%'' you'll see constant distractions that popup, whether it be social media, video games, tv shows, films, drugs, alcohol and of course just the daily grind of being in a job which turn your 8 hour days of work into 9 or 10 after you shower, eat, run errands etc, which gets even harder when you have kids, a spouse, a dog or fluffy the cat that keeps crapping on the carpet.
So a question I'd love to openly ask for all the fast lane warriors out there, what occupies your mind during the day and night?
When you are sitting on the toilet and taking a crap, or singing like a dying seal in the shower to Alice in Chains Man in the Box, are you thinking about how you will change the world with a new innovative product or service? Or thinking about something else? What is your daily like focus on?
Obsession can be a gift, and people need to be laser focused on a task I believe to really achieve success. Think about someone like Michael Jordan, growing up it's widely known he was one of the crappiest basketball players ever and was famously cut from the high school team, the second coming of MJ (MJ DeMarco) came up with the term ''FTE'' **** this event.
Can you imagine the anger, frustration and disappointment MJ went through after being cut? A big part of this imo ignited his ego and drove him into madness, spending hours on end practicing jump shots, 3 pointers, foul shots you name it. No life, no fun, all to feed his ego & fulfill his purpose in life, to become the greatest of all time.
This clip shows how personal he took it when an NBA rookie called him out for a challenge to a game of 1 on 1. In effect this rookie challenged MJ's personal identity of being the greatest, which is basically a big eff you, I'm better than you at what you've dedicated your life to.
If you look at all the successful entrepreneurs in the world, one of the ''secrets'' is to not only have your FTE, but combine it with your purpose, the purpose of being free. While some people may look at mansions, yachts, lamborghinis and private jets as motivation these are all fleeting inspirational objects, refer to the opening chapter of TMF , the secret sauce is having the freedom to do as you please and having FU money. This can mean sleeping in every day for the rest of your life, traveling wherever you want and doing whatever you want, enjoying your favorite hobbies without time restrictions, on a side note... how many people in the world can actually just head to the airport on a whim and travel somewhere freely? Everyone is tied down to their job or even business, and might not even have the funds to afford the $200 a night stay in a fancy hotel.
I think I can speak for alot of people, we are all coming closer and closer to death and our focus can occasionally stray away from the most important objective in life, it's not money, but freedom & happiness. I'm a couple years away from a huge number and it feels terrifying, almost like a dream. #30, honestly I still feel like a 15 year old except sometimes I get a few aches and pains here and there! And as mentioned in the beginning, my actions of course has taken me to the path I am currently at.
Hanging out with the wrong people, (although fun) playing video games and sometimes binge watching youtube cat videos aren't exactly the most helpful activities for achieving freedom. Sure in the short term it's great, but looking back I feel like alot of time has been wasted. My mortality constantly pops up into my mind, last week I biked down a road that a man one year younger than me biked and was killed last Christmas by a drunk driver, when I do my own product deliveries it's something that's always in the back of my head. At any time some drunk idiot can easily take my life and I have almost no control over that, and so to go back to my original point prior to my ranting...
Focusing on our goal and not being sidetracked by some time wasting activities is the ''secret'' maybe.
1% of people will do the work 99% of people refuse to do.
What have been the biggest time wasting activities in your life that you could remove so future you in 5 years will thank you for? Are you living right now? Or dying?
And what is the most important thing you want to achieve before your eventual death?
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, and Merry early Christmas, and Happy New Year to all the fast and slowlaners out there!

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