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software company

  1. BrooklynNets

    B2B App

    We are software company with focus on enterprise supply chain management audit software. Background: In past 1 year, we have launched B2B app focusing on audit and inspection that can be performed by using existing checklist library or modifying checklist as well as creating new checklist...
  2. M.Shahrukh

    ChatGPT integrations for online businesses

    Hi everyone! TLDR: I am providing ChatGPT integrations to businesses, as a service. I need help on how I can find clients for my services. The details of my services can be found here - Scribble With AI This is my first post here, so let me quickly introduce myself. I am Shahrukh, a Software...
  3. J

    Software Developer “REAL” Mock Interviews

    Hey everybody, I was hoping to get some feedback on this idea. Good or bad let me hear it! Audience: Software Developers trying to get a job/struggling with interviews Main Idea: A service that provides mock interviews/technical interviews on zoom (lockdown browser for technical interview...
  4. J

    Software Developer “REAL” Mock Interviews

    Hey everybody, I was hoping to get some feedback on this idea. Good or bad let me hear it! Audience: Software Developers trying to get a job/struggling with interviews Main Idea: A service that provides mock interviews/technical interviews on zoom (lockdown browser for technical interview...
  5. J

    Software Dev Mock Interviews with past/present hiring managers from development companies

    Hey everybody, I was hoping to get some feedback on this idea. Good or bad let me hear it! Audience: Software Developers trying to get a job/struggling with interviews Main Idea: A service that provides mock interviews/technical interviews on zoom (lockdown browser for technical interview...
  6. Pretty Girl

    How to deal with the cracking/pirating of software and choosing target audience

    How to deal with the cracking/pirating of software? I'm making an engineering software which will be both useful in windows and macOS operating systems. And the target audience mostly will have like 70% windows and 30% macOS. But I'm not developing it for the windows first, even 70% market is...
  7. Elias

    Thoughts on building a SaaS business through whitelabelling?

    I've seen a lot of SaaS entrepreneurs on the forum and am curious to know what your thoughts are on white-labelled SAAS vs building your own product? Would love to hear about yoiur direct experience building a white-labelled SaaS business !
  8. Vasudev Soni

    My Journey to a Million $ Software Business - Progress Thread

    I've been thinking about ways to bring some value to this forum and I think creating a progress thread about my software startup could provide some insight to members interested in starting a software business/startup and also help myself stay accountable for doing what I need to do. I have read...
  9. N

    Sick of eating whatever life is serving on a given day. Ready to start dictating the rest of my days.

    Hi everyone. I wish I would have read TFM 25 years ago (I know, it wasn't written yet, but that's not the point). A special thanks to @MJ DeMarco for putting this book together for all of us and bringing me here. I hope to leverage all or your knowledge and hopefully share some of my...
  10. S

    Switched track to fastlane this year, happy to be here

    Hi, I’m 30 on Tues, but switched my track into fastlane this year. Bit of my story below. I’m a Software Developer self taught, always was chasing money and never was enough for me. Wasn’t sure how to make money, as I origin from slow lane family… Now I know it’s not about chasing the money but...
  11. C

    Budgeting for Tech-Startups

    Hey guys, I am reading and hearing a lot of stories where the founders can't get by with the money they have, make 6-7 figure in sales per year and still have debt or don't break even. Miscalculating is a big reason for startups to fail, even if the idea was great. So what are the key aspects...
  12. F

    Questions about software Development

    Hello, Being a student in the software development field, a friend of mine (he's a rental business owner) contacted me to help him. He was tired of always filling paper forms and available software is very expensive, so he asked if I could create a software that could help him automate his...
  13. CharlyRabbit

    I'm building a tool to make brands viral without paying ads

    Hello I’m Charly The Rabbit and this is my journey as an Indie Maker. Indie Maker: Person building a software idea that can generate revenue. The Project (Work in progress) Viral Quotes (viral-quotes.com) will allows small business owners to viralize their brands without paying ads What...
  14. K

    Hello all. How do you know if your business idea is truly creating value?

    I like to jokingly call myself a career student. I’m in my late 20s, have a doctorate in physics, and currently work as a software engineer. Having finally joined the work force, and a relatively low paying job (compared to my contemporaries), I began to realise that even though I might grow...
  15. M

    Building a new Software for Artifical Intelligence

    Hey guys, after I read the two books from MJ at January of this year I realized that my business partner and myself were on the wrong path to build a business. I am currently 23 years old and since my 18 birthday I tried several businesses, some were a little bit successfull but at the end all...
  16. nassimslab

    Starting My First Software Business - What I’ve learned trying to make and sell software.

    You can read this here also: Starting My First Software Business Introduction Since I started my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science I’ve long dreamed of starting a software business. After a couple of semesters went by and I was more comfortable with programming, I’ve decided during the...
  17. S

    Yearly Corporation Maintenance Fees

    I've seen that there are corporation tax filing fees, and other fees. It looked to be around $1200 USD per year to just maintain a corporation (I could be wrong, I only did a quick search). At what level of side-hustle income would it make sense to switch from a very very liable sole...
  18. AstonMartinOne77

    Which business would you start between these two ?

    Greetings fellow fastlaners, I’m looking forward to starting a business, however I am having a hard time deciding between two. Personal context: 27 years old self-taught software engineer with 5 years experience living with parents working in a top financial institution (Will make 6 figures...

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