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self help

  1. DonyaSze

    The Power of Habits for Success

    Today I had all sorts of reasons not to work towards my dream: -Too tired -No motivation -Didn't believe in myself -Didn't believe in my dream -Depression -Lethargic -Defiance But I still did work towards my goal because of 1 thing: HABIT It just felt right in my brain to do the work...
  2. RayAndré

    Finally Clear - Starting my personal development company

    So I joined TFF about 5 years ago and its changed my life. (I know I'm not alone there...) The first project I stared after joining was a personal growth blog called The Ambitious Me. This was my gut feeling, I was passionate about personal growth and wanted to help and support others on their...
  3. mirumiru

    Just GIVE UP WHAT DOESN'T ADD (Dopamine Detox - how it benefits you to REALLY change your life) | Motivation & eye-opening

    I have been in self improvement for a long time. My progress for a lot of time was just stagnant. I knew I needed discipline instead of motivation. I knew I needed to take action but I didn't. I knew I had to trust the process but I refused to even start. What was stopping me? I was living...
  4. S

    Writing a Hopeful Book on Marriage/Divorce...

    Hi all and happy New Year! First post and would like input on a book idea: Finished TMF and am inspired to write a book/workbook/memoir due to the quote "impact millions and make millions". Since it is coming from a female's point of view, it will have vignettes of the good, bad, painful and...
  5. M

    Cards Beyond Comfort Changed My Life!

    Hey guys, Just wanted to share a story about a product that has massively helped my mental health and motivation over the past few months and through the lockdowns. I was really struggling with my mental health earlier this year. I was becoming really depressed and anxious about a lot of...
  6. CountMonteCristo

    The book that's changing my life (read if your life sucks)

    I want to recommend a book to my fellow wantrepreneurs which recently pulled me out of a very deep rut and is probably the most transformative book I've ever read. Eric Berne - What do you say after you say hello? Terrible title, terrific book. I read it in Hungarian and the translated title...
  7. Anna232

    Self help development course

    Hi I would like some help, I am trying to find some self development courses that have affiliate programs. I live in the UK. I applied for mind valley, is there any others?
  8. KushShah9492

    Stuck with more books and podcasts rather than taking action..HELP!!!!!!!!!

    I have been following a lot of (CHARLATAN) gurus like Tom Bilyeu, Lewis Howes, Jay Shetty, etc for an unhealthy amount of time until December when I replaced following those gurus with Tim Ferriss, Jordan Harbinger, Jocko Willink,Gary Vaynerchuk Etc. Now, these guys aren't gurus and to be frank...
  9. Max Shapira

    The Personal Development SCAM

    The Personal Development SCAM Fair Warning! This message may be a little long. But you have my promise it will be well worth your time. For some of you, this message is really going to clean your clock! For some of you, it will open your eyes. And you will be FREE! Maybe for the first time in...
  10. Not_That_MD

    Starting towards the old dream at 40

    OK, after a long time lurking and not being too active at all(to say the least), the time has come. This will be the diary of me moving towards the old dream of mine, on which I'll probably expand later. The goal is to update this thread at least twice a month with the progress, the failures and...
  11. Telamon25346

    The reason I don't like Think and Grow Rich...

    I wrote a lot of this already in this thread: Why does everyone love Think and Grow Rich !Disclaimer: I am by no means a conspiracy theorist, and I'm not trying to discourage anyone from reading think and grow rich. it's an honest and good book, but I thought I might as well make this post as...
  12. Envious

    VIDEO: Addiction to self-help.

    I came across this video and thought it might change perspective for anyone who can't stop reading self-help books, watching motivational videos and scrolling for the next inspiring article. I've been there,sometimes i still find myself there. You know the words you mutter to yourself: "...
  13. Mike Mescodi

    Days Of Frustration

    Hey Tribe, Notebook Notes: Sometimes I get up feeling like I can conquer anything I set my my mind to. I get a sense of hope and inspiration. My attitude is bright and enthusiastic but on other days I wake up feeling crappy and frustrated. I get upset because I'm not where I want to be. I'm...