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  1. Z

    Just Started A Lawn Care Business (First Business)

    Hey Yall, my name is Zachary Terry and I’m a new entrepreneur. I’ve been wanting to start my own buisness for about a decade now, and finally started in April, right before my 30th birthday. I’ve listened to the audiobook of The Millionaire Fast Lane, Unscripted, and Unscripted: The Great Rat...
  2. MJ DeMarco

    Still not rich? Here's why you aren't, and what to do about it.

    Do you think becoming a millionaire, or better, 8-figure+ multimillionaire, is just a fantasy? Impossibly difficult? It isn't when you change your perspective from years to days. These four charts are the most profound understanding you can give your future self. If only someone had given me...
  3. machinistguy

    The Secret to Scaling FAST: Bandaids, Bodyblows, and Headshots

    I went to a boxing class about a year ago where we were taught a new combo for the first half of the class, and then it was sparring the rest. Over the 10 rounds of sparring with my first partner, I learned a painful lesson really quick that I've since applied to business. Take the body blow...
  4. D

    Can we scale hardware first companies without defying the Commandment of Time?

    After reading a few of the threads and topics, and having a hardware based business myself, I was curious to know how easily can you scale such a business without not giving it time(like being married to the business). Scaling means more inventory, more space, more capital and ofcourse more HR...
  5. D

    Can we scale hardware first companies without defying the Commandment of Time?

    After reading a few of the threads and topics, and having a hardware based business myself, I was curious to know how easily can you scale such a business without not giving it time(like being married to the business). Scaling means more inventory, more space, more capital and ofcourse more HR...
  6. MJ DeMarco

    The $10K/day: Matching Goals with Industry + Business Model

    Via the Unscripted Text Network You can't fit square pegs into round holes when it comes to business. When there are systemic issues in your industry that prevent scale and growth, it is futile to fight the reality. I mention this because over the weekend I met with a local entrepreneur who...
  7. G

    Multiple businesses - handing over the reins and running without you!

    Hey all, something has been on my mind a lot and that is the idea of multiple businesses. You always hear about these investors and companies with portfolios of profitable companies just throwing off all this cash and making their owners rich. My question is, how much of that is fact and how...
  8. oogway888

    Challenge: Getting an initial audience before official launch; How to overcome it?

    Say you made Instagram. Your first competitor is Facebook. How do you get the initial audience? If I were a new user and saw Instagram - I would not engage on the site unless it has a large of audience already (eg; private networking where you have a beta test and somehow gathered thousands of...
  9. C

    Making ~400k/year freelancing as a ios developer. How to take myself out of the programmer seat and into the business owner seat?

    Hey guys, I've made a few posts already here about what I'm doing to earn this much as a mobile iOS developer. I essentially work multiple remote contracts and work around the clock. While this level of income is good, I wanted to get some advice on how to grow more and go from developer to...
  10. Young Money

    I violated CENTS and my business failed..

    My first product failed and I lost a lot of money on it. Now I’m looking back at what went wrong to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes for the new business I’m starting. Well, all I really had to do was a CENTS analysis and it became clear very fast! First Business (Amazon FBA Product)...
  11. Mritunjay


    Sir, as you have mentioned in your book UNSCRIPTED about cancer analogy, i give a week thinking about my cancerous problem and i found one that is hurting me, not only me but everyone in my nation( i have studied marketmind!!) so i work on that Problem by putting my heart and soul but soon i...
  12. Walter Hay

    Starting a business with the intention of selling franchises.

    The outright sale of a business doesn’t often take place until it has been trading for a long period of time. This thread is intended to produce some ideas for those who see an opportunity to develop a business that could be saleable after a year or two of profitable operation. My point is...
  13. Walter Hay

    Walter Hay's Business Books

    Well, I have become a serial business book writer. Three down, with at least one more residing in my brain. The 3 books so far are based on: A lifetime of success in sales and marketing, while designing, copywriting, and structuring all of my own advertising in both major businesses I...
  14. MJ DeMarco

    Is CENTS Destructive to Action?

    Over the years I've read thousands of introductions here. A common thread I'm seeing follows the following format: A) I have 3 ideas, X,Y, and Z. B) None of them meet CENTS. C) X is missing entry, Y is missing scale, and Z is missing a mix of both. D) I don't know what to do. The end result...
  15. Royce2

    Scaling a Cleaning Service Business

    Hello forum! My wife has her own business of cleaning post construction houses. In our area this is a massive niche because of the housing market. Currently she does this by herself and spends typically 10 hours per house, depending. Charges .30 per square foot. I’m trying to find ways to...
  16. Varun

    Retail industry B&M stores(consumer electronics). Is omnichanneling the way?

    So now B&M stores in my country(India) have started feeling the heat from online players like Amazon and Flipkart. Most of them are unwilling to change and are content to grumble. How do I add value to the customer's lives? As it stands, customers go online to shop(especially for cameras and...
  17. Varun

    Couple of questions from a beginner

    Hi, I've started a website for affiliate marketing in the fitness industry. I know my goals, there's no control. In it for industry experience, to raise some capital and ultimately create my own product based on need/pain points etc. My question is - how do I know when I've become good enough...
  18. Rabby

    [Progress] Helping professionals execute and grow.

    Edit January 5, 2018: I changed the thread title from "building industry specific community" to "helping professionals execute and grow.'" After chatting with a lot of you here, this sounds much better to me. As of this edit, my current state of mind related to this project is represented by...
  19. P

    An artist's guide to creating a productocracy

    I came across this old but gold post (from 2008) from Kevin Keller - 1000 true fans It has been completely rewritten recently (2016/ 2017), but the original is still up there on the same page. The more and more I read it, the more and more I thought: This is basically what @MJ DeMarco would...
  20. AgainstAllOdds

    Stop what you're doing. Get a line of credit.

    At most banks, for $150 a year you can open up a business line of credit up to $100,000 without providing financials. All you need is a personal guarantee and good personal credit. Then, you have $100k sitting for you for whenever you need it. When you need it, you only pay interest on the...