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  1. boatmama

    Hey Fellow Fastlane Parents Out There!

    Hi Everyone, I’m 28 and just had my first baby in February 2023. I’m a university drop out and up until recently felt satisfied with my job serving tables at high end restaurants. In my naive youth, I thought to escape the rat race was to just avoid it, so my husband and I spent a lot of our...
  2. SnowLava

    My parents don't allow me to start my side hustle - What would you do if you were in my situation?

    Here's the full context I live with my parents in India. I am 15, in 10th grade. In my recent progress thread an user told me about starting to cold call small businesses, and offering them to make their website (that was my goal, but I was kind of procrastinating by saying 'I would do it after...
  3. S

    Convincing Parents

    Hi all, when I used to talk to my parents about my future and what I want to try to do they usually shut down the idea and say the conventional go to college get a safe job etc and I would try to say why I want to do for a career is a good idea. I did stopped talking about them with it for the...
  4. The One

    You ACTUALLY refrain from understanding THIS

    Nobody will support you, honestly. No one. I tried to explain to my parents what the fastlane is all about and my mum panicked and screamed and cried thinking I was going mad, thinking I was tricked or conned by people. Don't get me wrong, I haven't reached the success I desire but am getting...
  5. General JB2006

    Parents bullying me just because I am not picking their suggestion

    The title may seem harsh but listen for a sec, As all asian parents are especially filipino parents where school + good grades + good job = good life is the formula, I am now feeling the backlash They say "We are here to guide you" instead of "guiding" they are PUSHING me into a direction...
  6. S

    What should I do for college?

    Hello, my name is Alex. Am currently a high school senior wanting to get rich early rather than late. I have been reading the millionare fastlane book and now am starting to thinking about my choices in college. I know that college is now very expensive and not worth it in the long run. Also...
  7. L

    Should I go on this trip?

    Hey, I am currently 19 years old and finished school this year in Germany. My wish for a long time was to go to high school in Canada and live with a host family. Now I got a possibility for it. But the costs are extremely high (15000€ for 5 months stay). I work full time myself, but my...
  8. L

    Should I go on this 5-month trip to Canada?

    Hey, I am currently 19 years old and finished school this year in Germany. My wish for a long time was to go to high school in Canada and live with a host family. Now I got a possibility for it. But the costs are extremely high (15000€ for 5 months stay). I work full time myself, but my...
  9. Diego Liu

    SO WHAT if your daddy doesn't believe in your dreams!?

    *** 4 years ago, as I was a high school senior *** Dad: Doctors earn a lot of money, command respect, and save people's lives. It's the best career out there. Me: But I don't want to become a doctor! I like math and want to become an engineer, Dad. Dad: Silly you. You'll just become a cog in...
  10. ryjohn829

    “You CANT be anything you set your mind to”

    As a kid my mother always told me, “you can be whatever you set your mind to.” This is a lie. On the long drive from Boston to Cape Cod she brought up my sister and her college (Salam State University). This is how it went.... she failed to mention that my sister is strapped with $60,000 of...
  11. AshrafI

    Problems You Will Face With Slowlane Parents

    Last week I was cold calling businesses who had no website and unfortunately; my mom had heard me from downstairs. She asked what I was doing and I hesitantly replied by saying I was playing a game with my friends, which was unusual to her as I normally don't play gsmes. She knew I was doing...
  12. M

    Should teenagers be independent?

    I am 20 years studying computer science and living with my parents. I live in Qatar and here it is totally the norm to live with your parents while studying. I believe living with my parents brings me down in terms of achieving my goals. What should I do? I believe this question is important...
  13. Strider

    Advice: Stay at homeor rent a room near college?

    Hey guys, need some advice. Next year I'm going for Engineering and will attempt to pursue a space related "career" (get involved in that area at first, might change focus if something comes up). The colleges I have in mind are are quite good but cheap, so I don't have to sacrifice my future...