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market research

  1. fiola

    How to do cold outreach for market research?

    Thanks a lot for all the great insights to my initial post. Long story short, the niche ended up choosing me. I talked to an entrepreneur who had an in-field sales team and needed help with supervising the meetings his salespeople were conducting. Even though I had a remote sales team, I...
  2. Andy Black

    Workshop on using Google Ads to perform market research (on a whiff of spend)

    I posted this in the Random Chat thread yesterday but think some might miss it so reposting as it's own thread. I've been meaning to create content and a video series on this for a while but won't get round to it unless I make it a live workshop and someone signs up to attend. TL-DR I'm...
  3. Andy Black

    How to Test Business Ideas Quickly & Cheaply - with Google Ads

    I had a chat with a LinkedIn friend today about how business owners can get started and run tests quickly and cheaply using Google Ads. Hope it helps! Curious what your takeaways are. Also... I'd love to know if you think these chats are too "rambly"? Would you prefer them more edited or are...
  4. uhhfeef

    [PROGRESS THREAD] Finding "product market fit"

    I was building an education tool for a specific niche, with a problem that I currently struggle with. I've always wanted to create a progress thread since I started working on this but never got around to it. Thanks @Andy Black for the advice on LinkedIn! : ) Progress so far: Built 3 MVP's...
  5. miguelst

    Initial market research plan for a SaaS tool, would you add anything?

    I have a SaaS idea that I want to validate, before starting to build anything (which is difficult as a developer, it's always itching to get going! But not this time, I want really thorough market research). These are the ideas I got. Initial research Create a list of questions, question about...
  6. Msilver_5

    New Business Idea/Advice on Market Research

    Hi everyone, New to the forum here. I am about 75% with the millionaire Fastlane and my mind is already flowing with ideas on how to put the words to action. My business idea isn’t something that hasn’t been done before, but something that isn’t too common in my current area. Basically, the...
  7. sarah_ana

    Starting a business in a saturated Market . Is it too late to start a herbal tea brand?

    This is my first time posting in this forum I discovered @MJ DeMarco a month or so ago and began reading Fastlane millionaire and I've been on my pursuit of living life on my own terms since then. A little about me : I'm 21 years old and from the Uk and have already started 2 businesses (both...
  8. ORStrat

    I Quit My Job to Start a Research Agency

    So, a year or so ago, I was talking to some contacts in a certain region of the world and I realised the information I was receiving from them was incredibly valuable and potentially monetisable. This, with my experience in strategy consulting and data analysis gave me the idea to start a...
  9. D

    Soft proof

    Hy guys I have a little problem with the validation of my idea. I want to create a website where I compare the prices of some products in a particular industry. The Google Keyword Planner tool shows that there is a market for my product. There are between 10 - 100 thousand searches per month. I...
  10. Johnny boy

    The great way of testing any idea!

    The success of a business is based on variables. IF you can buy an item for $0.50, spend $0.20 more and sell it for $2, you have a GREAT BUSINESS. IF you can only buy that item for $2, spend $0.50, and can only sell it for $2.30, you have a TERRIBLE BUSINESS. Better to just donate your money...
  11. M

    How to find data for market research

    Hi everyone! I am currently doing a marketing internship at a very early-stage B2B startup in the EU (I am in college and I'm doing it just to learn about business, I am not starting my own company because I don't have money and I am planning to move abroad soon). They asked me to find data...
  12. madlife

    Market research for a product that doesnt exist? (yet)

    How to determine the price for a product that you will introduce to the market? How to even know if people would buy it, if there's nothing else like it? It's relatively niche, but I think enough people know about the overarching subject to be intrigued. I think it's one of those things where I...
  13. Drchainsaw

    Market Research and Product demand

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post on here. I've been busy away working on my startup for about a month now. I decided to take a problem from my industry(software development) and tackle fixing it . Source control has been a relative annoyance to most developers and newcomers to the...
  14. ryangilchrist

    Super Simple Market Research Strategy You Might Like

    Hello Fellow Fastlaners, I’ve considered a few different ideas about how to create my fastlane business and mainly generate my strategies by studying the online marketer Russell Brunson… I’ve got some pretty good ideas and wanted to share the strategy I'm currently attempting: Here's The...
  15. R

    Blue Ocean Strategy Market Research

    Hello i'm looking to start conducting market research to find a blue ocean strategy. In the books it talks about doing infield work and market research 1) In the blue ocean shift, it mentions the importance of being in the field to assess pain points. If my field (personal development) people...
  16. ZahScr

    Is it Lindy?

    Who here has considered the Lindy Effect when evaluating fast lane business ideas? The Lindy Effect says that if something has existed for x number of years, you can reasonably expect it to exist for that same number of years into the future. More info on the idea in this video, article, and...
  17. C

    Digital signage software. Room for more?

    Hi, friend and I are thinking of creating a digital signage software solution which would utilize cheaper hardware (existing smart tvs, raspberry pis, etc..) to provide the customer (we're thinking restaurants, coffee shops, gyms) with simple setup and simple to manage solution for their menus...
  18. Fr33zerPop

    How should I do market research for my product without offending/annoying?

    Hey there, I'm excited to be creating a graphic product aimed at musicians. However, one of my weak areas (that I love to try to skip) is actually engaging with my potential customers. I'm struggling with a way to ask them about my product without coming across salesy. I know people love to give...
  19. Leecha14

    Thoughts on outsourced market/statistical research?

    Hey everyone! I'm new here so hope I'm posting this in the right place. I've invented a new pet product and would like to outsource the market research, specifically the statistical information. I don't have expertise in this area and to be honest, I need certain information ie: how many dogs...
  20. LifeLongFreedom

    Motorcyclists, Enthusiasts and Bikers - Please Help

    Hey guys! What are the most common places online - specific groups or forums - where motorcycle owners, riders and industry/market-savvy people spend time and exchange knowledge? I'm asking this because I'm researching the bike market in mostly english speaking countries with the goal of...