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  1. MightyOwl - Unlimited Graphic design for a flat monthly price - Logos,Videos,Banners and more!

  2. StefanoUP

    Logo design - feedback appreciated :-)

    Dear Fastlaners, We are currently building our service and are also in the decision phase concerning the Logo of our company. I would like to ask for your opinion through this poll. The options are: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Please keep in mind that all logos will...
  3. U

    Brand Identity will help you succeed

    As a brand designer I often hear from people how they don't care about logo, website design, etc; they just wan to sell. Many of those people end up selling nothing because they don't look legit and someone buyers can trust. This could be applied on any kind of business! How Important is...
  4. U

    Test Your LOGO for Free

    I get so many messages on different online platforms to review business logos. You dont have to be a brand expert to do it yourself. This is not a full test but it will help you A LOT! Two tests: 1. Logo should work no matter how you resize it 2. It should work just in black color on white...
  5. U

    Help me with logo

    I've been reading this forum for some time and this is my first post here. I'll start online store soon. Selling small car gadgets. I need to decide on a logo. I was thinking something like the picture below. What do you guys think? Is this style good?
  6. U

    Get Logo for FREE!

    Hi, Some of you know me as a Logomet and you've already seen my work. Recently I did a complete rebrand of the service. The new name is Blooform! I found some good stuff on this forum and I want to give back a bit as a rebrand celebration. I'll design a professional logo for one of you...
  7. U

    Free Work To Get New Clients

    Hello, As many of you already know, I do logo design and branding for companies. I decided to try a new way of finding leads and clients which will include a free work. There are many good Instagram accounts from 150k - 1M followers. I reached out to couple of them to make a logo for them in...
  8. U

    Selling an eBook

    I offer logo design and branding service and I was thinking to create something that will give me passive income (doesn't have to be a lot). Probably it wont be a 100 pages, it will be more of a short guideline or list of really solide advices (couple of pages). I have to ideas for ebook: 1...
  9. Envious

    Anyone else had a shittty/mediocre experience when getting design or creative work done?

    So i've been trying to think back to what frustrations or pain points I've had recently, and one that popped into my mind was how terrible i found the experience of getting design work done. I've tried getting work done from behance and freelancing sites, design contests and I even spent a few...
  10. TonyStark

    How to turn logo into PNG?

    Hey, so I want to turn this logo into a PNG image without the whitespace, do I use photoshop for this? Also, where can I find professionals to hire for future jobs like this? It's for my dad's website:
  11. Spicymemer45

    A good company logo, Who can find?

    Hello Fastlane! Haven't posted in awhile I've been super busy, eh I coulda posted though so F*ck me right. Anyway. Who here has found a way to get a quality logo out the door quickly? Is it better to get a personal design, or one of those shitty logo template sites? Thanks!
  12. DesignerOne.

    Weekly Design Challenge.

    To all the Designers and anyone who is learning illustrator/Photoshop on FLF, I am starting a weekly design challenge to anyone who is interested. All the challenges will be original ideas that are not for any clients or anything specific. It’s a good way to show our work to the entrepreneurs...