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  1. A

    What tools and methods can I use to eradicate any and all financial illiteracy?!

    Hello! Pretty much, what the title says. In TMF, when I was reading about financial illiteracy, I got kinda scared and worried about my chances, cause up until that point - I was 100% on board with everything MJ was saying, but seeing all those financial terms made me doubt the possibility of me...
  2. L

    I'm new to the forum, nice to meet you!

    Hello, nice to meet and greet you! I am 21 years old and would like to learn from you to achieve financial freedom and manage my money intelligently. The topics that interest me the most are: 1.-real state 2.-Money management 3.-investment 3.-where to start?
  3. J

    What should i sell? I have to get business idea.

    What should I sell? Hello, I am 14 years old. What I'm curious about is how to get business ideas. Also, I'm a beginner who doesn't know what to sell. But one idea I had is to sell my brand of T-shirts. I'll give it to 10 random neighbors in my neighborhood for free. I'll see if they like it or...
  4. J

    You have 180 days to build a 6-figure business!

    What do you do and why?
  5. jooelnilssonn

    How do I get from just my idea to a built company?

    Im 17 years old. Just dropped out of highschool. Just landed my first job as a warehouseworker, starting next week. Im living with my girlfriends family, and need to get an apartment very soon. So I'm yet a no one with no skills or anything. All I've got is a pretty good intellect and huge...
  6. RayAndré

    Philosophy as a business

    Hey Fastlane fam, I’m throwing this out there to see what bites and if anything snags my attention. I realize I like to think a lot and figure things out. Like, a lot. And most recently I’ve been doing this with life and the human psyche. What kind of business can you start with philosophy...
  7. Z

    Why do you guys say that learning and books in general are useless? (STRAWMAN)

    Everywhere I look on this forum you people always make it seem like there is no reason to learn anything about business and just get started, but what if I don't know anything about business at all? and don't know the first thing about getting started, where to start, how to start and what to...
  8. Wiezel

    How do you become a happy person?

    ** PLEASE IGNORE ALL MY PREVIOUS POSTS ** I want to start off with that. It was all stuff that came in to my mind and I thought 'oh, I can make money that way'. I finally realize the main goal should not be money. It's a 'reward' for delivering help to the needed. I'm 24, no job and living at...
  9. Royce2

    How to NOT get screwed over thread.

    We know that there are many factors involved that turn partners, colleagues, etc. against themselves. I think it is very important to have a solid thread that will possibly prevent such things happening to anyone reading this advice. This thread's purpose is a collaborative pool of advice to...
  10. D

    Cold emails: how to generate more conversions!

    I was thinking of emails the other day. From my experience, I'm convinced that the most effective cold emails use, specifically, 2 major concepts. The 1st one, I call it the "But you are free" tactic. What we do here is: we include a small phrase at the end of your message, mentioning something...
  11. T

    I have an original product idea. Which of these pathways to take?

    I have an original idea for a product. The target customers are hobbyists from a very specific and small niche, yet big enough to make this product lucrative. (The Facebook group for this hobby has around 30K members). After a thorough Google and Amazon research session, I've concluded that...
  12. arfadugus

    GOLD POST Frugal Nutrition thread.

    Hey Healthy people, I wanted to make a thread that is gold worthy. But it requires everyone to pitch in. The goal here is to gather everyone’s methods of eating healthy as cheap as possible. Doesn’t mater if you are Paleo or Vegan or anything in between. Let’s hear where you shop, do you use...
  13. Fox

    Growing a YouTube Channel to 100,000 Subs

    Hey everyone, I have been snowed in at a hotel in Kazbegi, Georgia for the last few days with no sign of leaving so I wanted to start a thread I have been thinking of for a while. One regret with my original web design thread is that I didn't start sooner. It is nice when it is possible to see...