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  1. A

    Funding for my small business in Australia

    Hi everyone - I’m Ajay, I’m from Australia and I run a small technology business associated with real estate. I still maintain full time work and the technology is great and we are starting to see patterns in our customers and feel like we can start to ramp up and could do with a small cash...
  2. T

    Distribution struggles with an app business

    Hi there fellow entrepreneurs, happy holidays! I'm a 20 year old dude from Slovenia and I'm struggling on this beautiful time of the year: So here is my story real quick: At the start of 2023 i got an idea for an app/web business, I thought it was brilliant. I started building the app with two...
  3. Gepi

    I Need Your Advice! Want to Slowly Gain More C in CENTS

    Ok peeps. I need your advice. I have been slowly but steadily building an online presence with 3D design courses on Skillshare and Youtube tutorials over the past few years. Also see progress thread here. The topic of this thread: Now that I published my latest Blender 3D sculpting class and...
  4. Elite Ai

    Are you using Artificial Intelligence in your business yet?

    Hi Everyone, Hope you're all doing well. I wanted to kickstart a casual, yet insightful discussion on a topic that's been making waves across various industries – Artificial Intelligence (AI). Have you integrated any AI elements into your business operations? Whether it's experimenting with...
  5. Vasudev Soni

    My Journey to a Million $ Software Business - Progress Thread

    I've been thinking about ways to bring some value to this forum and I think creating a progress thread about my software startup could provide some insight to members interested in starting a software business/startup and also help myself stay accountable for doing what I need to do. I have read...
  6. Woosah

    A Fresh Outlook on Setbacks & Failure

    Not getting the results you want? Are things going south with your business attempts, artistic endeavors, or with your relationships? Like, why do others seem to have it so easy? How come they're the ones making all the progress when I'm here busting my a$$? WHEN'S MY TURN? "Failing" sucks...
  7. iivalky

    What is The Best Way to Scale My Game Dev Business?

    Hi Fastlaners, You might know me from my introduction and/or article about lead developing multiple income producing video games. Rounded, I make $100/day (give or take) My question, to anyone familiar with marketing, scaling businesses, or even game developing is: How could I turn that $100/day...
  8. D

    The most important metric for any entrepreneur / scaling a business quickly

    Real talk. I keep it simple and straight. The most fundamentally important metric for any business growth is this one. Other things matter too but if you dont get this right, you just cant make a real business out of it. LTV:CAC ratio LTV= lifetime gross profit you make with a customer CAC=...
  9. Silk Cuba

    23 Year Old w/19 Employees: Just Did $5m in 2021, *OFFICIALLY A MILLIONAIRE* - AMA

    £3m (online) + £1m (offline) ~ approx $5.3m so far in 2021. Profit $1.5m+ First of all, THIS FORUM IS AMAZING. I only wish I had come across it sooner! Hoping to become an active participant adding value to this forum. Yesterday evening a random thought popped into my ahead, how amazing it...
  10. oogway888

    Challenge: Getting an initial audience before official launch; How to overcome it?

    Say you made Instagram. Your first competitor is Facebook. How do you get the initial audience? If I were a new user and saw Instagram - I would not engage on the site unless it has a large of audience already (eg; private networking where you have a beta test and somehow gathered thousands of...
  11. Walter Hay

    How Commission Reps Helped to Rapidly Grow My Business

    My importing and B2B marketing business began its life in our farmhouse 1 ½ hours’ drive from a big city. I started the ball rolling by travelling to the outer suburbs and visiting schools where in face to face discussions with school principals I obtained orders for school badges, mostly...
  12. B

    Time to start reading intensely

    MJ and other successful people really kicked my a$$ in terms of what I am willing to do to and need to do to be successful. I need to be honest with myself and understand that I have probably read less then 30 books in my life. And im 25. That is really scary :s. So I just ordered 10 topical...
  13. B

    Learning Java Script - Progress Documentation

    Hey all. Where to begin?... I've been reading the forum for a week or 2 now, learning, soaking up wisdom like a sponge. I want to learn programing and web development, because I'd like to change my job at the very least, but hopefully become a freelancer, so I can work from home. I'm 25 and...
  14. L

    ISO: Accountability Partner!

    My real estate group and I are looking for accountability partners for a weekly call to make sure we all stay on track and our goals. Looking forward to an inclusive environment where we can share ideas and processes. About us: Boston based real estate group that's rapidly growing, 2019...
  15. Thinh

    Has anyone really reached their goals?

    Hi folks, I'm curious. Has anyone here in this forum really reached their initial goals? By that, I mean starting with nothing, and deciding "I will do X and earn X in X days/weeks/months/years" and actually achieved it? I don't know, it seems to me pursuing a goal is actually...
  16. Walter Hay

    Starting a business with the intention of selling franchises.

    The outright sale of a business doesn’t often take place until it has been trading for a long period of time. This thread is intended to produce some ideas for those who see an opportunity to develop a business that could be saleable after a year or two of profitable operation. My point is...
  17. Walter Hay

    Walter Hay's Business Books

    Well, I have become a serial business book writer. Three down, with at least one more residing in my brain. The 3 books so far are based on: A lifetime of success in sales and marketing, while designing, copywriting, and structuring all of my own advertising in both major businesses I...
  18. pat9000

    Feeling Down The Past Few Days

    Hey guys, Recently I've hit a rough patch on my journey and I am at this point of where I feel I can't run back to the SCRIPTED world but at the same time, my journey into the UNSCRIPTED world is still long and arduous. It's like this weird middle ground where I can't move forward or backward...
  19. U

    Lets grow Instagram accounts together

    Hello all, I know many of you already heard of engagement groups on IG. I’ve just got added in one new one. The rules are pretty simple...someone send their new post to the group and other members like it and write some non spam looking comment...if someone post an image of a car, others...
  20. pat9000

    Becoming Selfless over Selfish

    Hey guys, I started my Entrepreneurial journey a few years ago. I had a mentor who owned 5 residential houses and we worked together for a year understanding the ins and outs. This brought me into a passive income mindset and I picked up a lot of his habits as he was my first mentor. He was...