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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. N

    It's never late, right?

    Hi everybody, First of all, I wanted to thank you, @MJ DeMarco , for writing the FastLane book and creating this forum. It opened my eyes to a different reality and possibility for the future. I wanted to share my story with you. I am a 37-year-old immigrant from Türkiye who moved...
  2. ChryslerCreates

    Am I growing too fast? NEED HELP

    Hey Guys , i have a problem, to be honest a pretty good problem. As you can see in my previous post I build a larger audience on social media in the health niche. In the last months I worked on my product, where I worked my a$$ off to get the best quality and value for the budget I have...
  3. D

    The most important metric for any entrepreneur / scaling a business quickly

    Real talk. I keep it simple and straight. The most fundamentally important metric for any business growth is this one. Other things matter too but if you dont get this right, you just cant make a real business out of it. LTV:CAC ratio LTV= lifetime gross profit you make with a customer CAC=...
  4. rawbee

    Become or Be an entrepreneur?

    Hi everyone, I just finished reading UNSCRIPTED and needless to say, I was literally excited! After the first euphoria and excitement, I started thinking about what should be the moves to start my road to success. I'm 40 years old and I've had a VAT number for more than 10 years. So I have...
  5. MaxwellXavier

    Monetizing Motivating People, Ideas

    First off, I want to say that I have been a ghost on this forum for ~ a year and a half. I have read Unscripted and TMF and I will say both of these books have greatly changed my perspective on business and life in profound ways. Enough of that though, I decided to finally create an account and...
  6. M

    Boss, Mentor, and one of my best friends..

    I started at this new company 3 years ago, it has become the best job I've ever had. The person who hired me is the VP of sales, his father owns the company. I've been burned so many times in the past by other jobs that I was very unsure about this position. I was in an interview to be a global...
  7. U

    Lets grow Instagram accounts together

    Hello all, I know many of you already heard of engagement groups on IG. I’ve just got added in one new one. The rules are pretty simple...someone send their new post to the group and other members like it and write some non spam looking comment...if someone post an image of a car, others...
  8. Sean Jackson

    Challenges Scaling Up

    As entrepreneurs we face a lot of issues when it comes to scaling our businesses. Currently I'm in the midst of organizing a consultancy after a failed partnership scaling a real estate firm. It was a titanic struggle in terms of vision between my partner and I. I learned a ton in regards to the...
  9. Singh

    Growing an established automotive business

    So for a long while I was very business minded jumping from one ship to another wanting my own business until one day I had an AHA! moment. My family is in the automotive industry with their own business, they would very happily give me a part of it and eventually pass it on to me if I desire...
  10. Alan Spicer

    Why YOU Are Not Growing On YouTube

    I get asked this over and over and over again by friends, my comment section and my clients. WHY AM I NOT GROWING ON YOUTUBE? But then you look at their channel and they are just not being the basics right. Its like a blind spot and sometimes I feel that direct brutal honesty can help shake...
  11. E

    Growing your Instagram account, strategy and discussion

    Hey guys, I guess there are some people here who try to grow on Instagram. I went for the follow/unfollow way and got only like 700 followers in 4 weeks because I am restricted to only being able to follow 19 people at the time, then I have to wait some time and I even could not follow at all...
  12. Daniel Budai

    Best ways to find first marketing agency clients?

    Hi everyone, I really know this topic is overtalked, however, I'd like to ask for the help of experienced business owners in this. I'm starting my content marketing agency now ( > my apologies if it's not allowed to share this here) and want to get my first clients (my first...
  13. JCS

    Looking forward to joining this community! Just wanted to introduce myself!

    Hey there Fastlane! I heard about you guys for the first time while reading through r/entrepreneur on reddit and honestly, the difference was like night and day. I couldn't sign up fast enough.. (no pun intended, I swear). That being said, I just wanted to introduce myself! I've been studying...