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  1. Joejordan95

    What would you do? - Jetwash cleaning biz

    Hey Everyone, On recommendation from @Fasted I decided I'd try my own execution thread. The Situation My partner and I are looking to buy our first home and because of this we have spent the last few months in paid employment in dead end jobs that neither of us really like but we're doing it...
  2. PizzaOnTheRoof

    Gold & Silver Megathread

    Thought I’d start a thread about precious metals investing with everything going on. Are precious metals safe right now? Do you prefer gold or silver? Is gold overpriced? Is silver underpriced? Where do you see gold/silver going I’m the next ? Should we buy ETFs over physical? What...
  3. changelife

    Why Gold Is More Secure To Invest a business 2020

    Making an investment in gold is a smart thing to do ahead of retirement because it is not as risky as other assets. Paper assets like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and most investments on the NYSE, Nasdaq, and other stock exchanges are generally more volatile in terms of maintaining wealth. Do...
  4. 458

    Doing $75,000 USD Per WEEK (Service Business)

    Hitting stride now but still growing fast, 2019 should have us averaging 150k a week, right now i am at 75k per week. I've learned a lot as we have grown, who has questions? Add them below and I'll answer (good questions only). EDIT: SPECIFIC QUESTIONS RELATED TO YOUR OWN STARTUP OR BUSINESS...
  5. HappyStoic

    Can you make my portfolio better than it is? (opening up)

    Hey Fastlaners, Today I wanted to be open and show you my balance sheet. I've been cracking my head about it and might be making a change in the next months. Am I diversified enough? I'll write it down and share with you part of the reasoning behind it. Reasoning: Basically, I believe the...
  6. arfadugus

    GOLD POST Frugal Nutrition thread.

    Hey Healthy people, I wanted to make a thread that is gold worthy. But it requires everyone to pitch in. The goal here is to gather everyone’s methods of eating healthy as cheap as possible. Doesn’t mater if you are Paleo or Vegan or anything in between. Let’s hear where you shop, do you use...
  7. CapLab

    Gold Guide for absolute Beginners

    Hey Everybody, This will be a introduction into world of Gold. I have a lot of experience with this element of periodic table because i was collecting gold coins (numismatic) long time ago, work with it in laboratory enviroment and stay long time with old gold trading guys . This Thread will...
  8. huntiii

    Gold. Silver. Crypto-Currency. Quantum Physics. Wine. Health.

    Hey Forum- I'm Hunter. I'm from Chicago. Ex futures trader from the floor of Chicago Mercantile Exchange. I wrote a book called "Stack Silver Get Gold. I've been investing in the crypto-currency space for 3 years. Have a few online training programs in the precious metals, crypto and...
  9. PTP

    Escape the Borg! - My Journey to Freedom, Ecommerce

    I decided to make this eCommerce/importing progress thread after a spur of the moment decision. My goal for this thread is to not only be able to look back and see the progress I have made, but to absorb the advice that others have been so gracious to bestow upon me. I would first like to take...
  10. biophase

    Do you want to do it the EASY way, or the HARD way?

    So you've decided to jump on the Amazon bandwagon and import a product and list on Amazon. Do you want to do it the easy then hard way or the hard then easy way? I see most people on here and the thousands of Amazon class lemmings choosing the easy/hard way. I don't discount that this way...
  11. biophase

    How I find suppliers for my Ecommerce Stores

    Many people always email me and ask me how I pick my niche product and how I find dropshippers or suppliers. There’s no exact science in finding a niche products. Alot of it is trial and error. You may find a decent niche product that has little competition and then find out that the...