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  1. A

    Funding for my small business in Australia

    Hi everyone - I’m Ajay, I’m from Australia and I run a small technology business associated with real estate. I still maintain full time work and the technology is great and we are starting to see patterns in our customers and feel like we can start to ramp up and could do with a small cash...
  2. KJFast

    Advice on funding next business

    Hey guys, firstly I’m only asking for ADVICE not begging for investment or money. I can’t afford the costs associated with starting up my next business, these are under £10,000 Now wondering, what routes could be doable to fund this? I don’t want to hand over any control, just basically need...
  3. bpere11

    How to raise capital? $$$

    I have a great idea for an exciting product which has a F*ck ton of value skews. It's aimed at beginners and it services a hobby. My product makes starting that hobby a lot easier by providing the resources and instructions to begin doing it. The products are consumable, so a customer for life...
  4. nhauser

    Should I jump?

    Hello everyone, as entrepreneurs we all know that most of our results reflect the hard work, time and commitment we put in to our businesses. I am pursuing a new business venture and am currently getting quotes from companies that build out prototypes. Now for the individual a single prototype...
  5. M

    Investing in “The Marcos”

    Hello Everyone My Name is Marcos, I am a young Portuguese entrepreneur. I have created a global fashion brand. We need some funding to launch our website. I was wondering if some of you could give me some advice how we can raise funds or even help to fund our startup. We have already...
  6. alord

    To Raise Money or Not

    Hey everyone, I would love to hear your advice about the topic of raising funding or continuing to bootstrap my company. There is not a yes or no answer, but I think hearing an outside perspective would be very helpful! To give you some context. After graduating from a top university, I...
  7. Gmart250f

    Am I ready for funding?

    At the beginning of COVID, I decided to take the first steps in leaving my “dirty job” and developing an innovation I’d thought of when I was a kid. 8 months later I launched For all of 2021 I have fixed errors, made improvements and seen gradual growth, however, I don’t feel...
  8. runnaboi


    Gday! I have just finished the Fastlane book, and I am hooked. I am waiting on Unscripted now, but I have had a real shift in perspective on so many aspects of wealth. I have always been the "idea guy" and the "action guy" (Not process). Based on the Cents framework, I have revisited and...
  9. pointseventhree

    Has your startup/product received funding? I want to hear from you!

    Hello Hustlers, I'm from a website called Tool and Gadget looking to do a Q&A interview with founders of startups that: Are in the technology/engineeering/gadget industry Has received funding from investors At a stage where a MVP or prototype can be showcased I will be sending through the...
  10. B

    Conflicted on Entrepreneurship Loan Opportunity

    I have an opportunity I am conflicted on, and would like to know people's thoughts. The offer is essentially a loan paid out to me over two years in monthly increments. The amount is roughly 70% of my current pre-tax salary. The purpose is to provide a "monthly income" while I work on building a...
  11. SeanP

    Anyone accessed the Rollover for Business Startups (ROBS) funding approach?

    I am considering accessing the ROBS (roll over for business startups) program to roll my 401k into a 401k plan under my start-up without deduction or penalty where the funds are exchanged for common stock held by the 401k. Those funds can then be used to finance operating expenses for my company...
  12. dompie85

    1% in escrow to receive funding??

    Been seeking funding to keep our Oil and Gas startup (Not a SaaS) alive. 1% skin in the game? Never seen anything like it. Waiting to see terms, and spoke to our attorney. Attorney said thats not really typical but some people are more comfortable seeing you have skin in the game (Our skin in...
  13. Jbellefeuille

    Wow... It's been so long I am going to re-introduce myself.

    Hello Everyone. My name is James. I am an entrepreneur in the rideshare/automotive space. I joined this forum back in 2007, and am probably one of the few members with a negative reputation. I don't remember why that is, but it's probably deserved as I was a know-nothing jackass in 2007...
  14. fran-s14

    Initial fund for a B2G AI Startup

    Hi everybody! I think i have a great idea for a new startup, its a high tech solution including deep learning for a global problem. I've talk to some scientist and it's technical viable but really costly. The problem is that I live in Argentina and here don't exist an development ecosystem for...
  15. TheDillon__

    Questions about Venture Capital

    Hey all! I notice that I'm on this forum in waves - and every time I come back I feel like I miss you all haha. My question today pertains to venture capital. A lot of the advice and material I see on entrepreneurship today subscribes to the Barebones school of thought. These are the hungry...
  16. Jamesdoesmith

    Raising money from the accredited.

    Has anyone ever raised money from the accredited? If so, how did you go about it?
  17. U

    A Revolutionary Approach of Connecting Startups and Investors

    Hey guys I’m an enthusiast for business development and innovative ways to grow startups. I recently discovered this website called “StartupFuel” that interviews the founders of growing startups in Toronto, to later show them to investors on their website for a membership fee. Investors would...