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facebook groups

  1. EarlOfChina

    Are Facebook Groups Dead?

    Hey Fastlaners! I’ve seen guys like @Andy Black and @Fox talk a lot in the past about the power of Facebook Groups. I’ve scoured the forum and a lot of these threads are several years old - and we all know how quickly social media moves! Recently I have built up a decent Discord community...
  2. D

    How to make money on a dropshipping facebook groups any ideas?

    Hello, I’m na 18 yrs old guy from Poland and i currently have 3 biggest Facebook groups about dropshipping in Poland two of which I’m a co-owner and one which i own. I created these groups about 3 years ago in these years they gathered collectively almost 15 thousand members. As of today I’ive...
  3. Andy Black

    (Article) Facebook to focus on groups and messaging

    They’re going to do away with the News Feed. Quite a big move, and surely this will create opportunities for those paying attention. I think it makes sense to focus on groups and messaging... just from my own experience: I went looking for a Facebook groups app last year and was disappointed...
  4. Andy Black

    Link to article: Maintaining strong community culture

    Someone shared an article with me. Blimey... I thought this part was smart: Here's the article: Maintaining a Strong Community Culture | Facebook Community Notice what else she's done? "Be so good they can't ignore you." (Steve Martin) She's so good at creating a good community...
  5. O

    Just wanted to say hello there :)

    Hello Everyone, Hope that prosperity is walking with you daily. I am in here to learn and hopefully contribute to the community. I am working with a local publication and a Facebook business page. I am trying to grow my reach to give my clients an abundace of leads and jobs. Technology...
  6. momomaurice

    How would you make money on a 18k FB group?

    My friend has a Facebook group with 18 thousand members and is wondering how he could make extra money from it. The group is about gardening and maintainence around your home where he offers tips and advice. Would anyone have any advice on this or suggestions on how to make some money from it?
  7. D

    Advice on monetizing and promoting facebook group

    So I'm 16 years old and I'm running a facebook group for polish people who are interested in dropshipping the group currently has almost 150 members(18 new members in the last 7 days).I'm starting to see people who are trying to advertise their platform for example ceo of a polish platform...
  8. Andy Black

    How to use forums (and Facebook groups)

    How to use forums (and Facebook groups) I'm going to braindump some of my learnings about using Forums and Facebook groups. For those trying to "validate a need" (I kinda hate that phrase), then forums and Facebook groups are a fantastic resource. Not only do people nicely group themselves...
  9. Pinnacle

    Finding VAs in Facebook groups (instead of Upwork or Fiverr)

    I had trouble finding a comment in the "Solopreneurs doing $1M or more..." thread specifically related to this, but I started hiring VAs via Facebook groups a little over a month ago on a recommendation from an Internet marketer friend of mine. So I posted this to our Instagram account a few...