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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. Kavin

    Execution issues

    Hello everyone So me and some of my friends were tryin to start a small online store but we have some major issues like we all are 16/17 so we cant get our licenses for e commerce and also is there any payment processors while allow below 18 to create account. we are in the UAE thx for reading
  2. Z

    Hey People my first post, and i need some help aswell

    Hey, I‘m new to the Forum, and I wanted to introduce myself before asking for help. IF this post is in the wrong Subforum just let me know i will move it to another better one. I‘m 32 and own a Brick and Mortar Business (Tattoo Shop) since 2017. My current Business is working quite well the past...
  3. Jasper_

    Does money actually buy happiness? (Finding the real answer)

    Hey Fastlaners, For the past couple of months, I have been researching the connection and mysteries behind the infamous money-happiness relation and have summarised my most interesting and useful findings for you guys. (All the important stuff is in bold so you can skim through, but I suggest...
  4. G

    "4-Hour Work Week" Has Anyone Pulled This Off FR? I Feel I'm Close But..

    1st I read "4-Hour Work Week".. then.. "Unscripted" ... obviously "Rich Dad"(Yawn.. I hate real estate). So Then I began to invent an old idea and bring it to market. I spent 3 years being super keen on building systems and hiring one or two all stars who I can sub most work to. That I'm good...
  5. DonyaSze

    Video game development is my passion and I’m making it my fast lane strategy.

    I know that MJ said working on your dream isn’t the best way to make millions, but I’ve put together an explanation of why my dream project is a good idea to build based on the CENTS formula. Control: I have it allllll as the leader of the team and main developer. Entry: To some, the...
  6. A

    The Path I am on

    Hey, This is my first post ever on here. Ive read all of MJ's books, finding Rat Race and Fastlane the most interesting. A little about my own path and anything that can help on that path would be great! I am graduated from a top uni in Australia, with an Economics Degree. Half way through...
  7. AbdulKamal

    How Can Time Be Effectively Used Whilst In A Full-Time Job?

    OK I need someone to give me a few ideas on how a little amount of time can be used effectively to increase momentum and make progress consistently. I’m on a full-time internship at the moment at a maintenance department of a hotel in London which helps me pick up a few important skills. This...
  8. nhauser

    Should I jump?

    Hello everyone, as entrepreneurs we all know that most of our results reflect the hard work, time and commitment we put in to our businesses. I am pursuing a new business venture and am currently getting quotes from companies that build out prototypes. Now for the individual a single prototype...
  9. DeNero

    How I Turned $2k Into $10,000,000 in Less than 1 Year, Lost Most of it 2 Years Later, and my Plan Going Forward to make it all back X10 — MY STORY

    Hey there and thank you for stopping by! (WARNING: This is a LONG read) My name is DeNero, and as my first post on here, I wanted to start off by introducing myself and sharing a bit about who I am and my story. I remember first reading TMF in the summer 2016 (and Unscripted a few years...
  10. adnanazmi

    What is the best process of acquiring SKILLS you have come across?

    What is the best process of acquiring skills you have come across? What do you think the best skills a person should possess related to being an entrepreneur? I would say improving your communication skills is definitely important.
  11. Rolex Mindset

    Starting a Property Management Business From Scratch

    I'm a 22 year old from New Zealand. Since I turned 18, I derived my income solely from reselling used items. My goal for 2023 has been to change my lifestyle. I've tried to pursue a frugal lifestyle and put money aside to do leanFIRE. Weakness with reselling and my belief that retiring early...
  12. SofianeMessaoudi

    Business Model

    To all accomplished entrepreneurs, I kindly request your insights regarding the most effective business model that has contributed to the successful launch of your career, along with the sequential steps you undertook to achieve your current position. Your valuable expertise will greatly...
  13. Y4P

    Getting started at the fitness industry.

    Dear fastlaners, I was wondering to myself: “Why even when people have all the info they need in order to lose fat/gain muscle mass, many still claim they don’t know how to do it?” I thought to myself if I could just fix that simple problem, I could help millions which naturally transforms to...
  14. m0ntilla21

    From scripted scarcity mindset to 250k/y fastlane business in 5 years. This is how I did it (and the shortcut, so you can do it in months)

    Hello everyone, here @m0ntilla21, from Malaga (Spain). It's interesting. I first met MJ Demarco by reading "The Millionaire Fastlane" in 2018. I still remember the tremendous impact the book had on me in terms of mindset. At that time, I even joined this forum for a few days... but I didn't...
  15. J

    Q&A How I am scaling my digital marketing agency

    This post is a continuation of my introduction post. I've received a lot of questions and a few emails asking me to detail the process of quitting my 9-5 and scaling my digital marketing agency to six figures. I want to be fully transparent and say that I am figuring this out as I go. What works...
  16. Fit&Energy_Coach

    Do busy entrepreneurs struggle with Fitness?

    Hey everyone, first of all I wanted to say that I respect entrepreneurs a lot. It’s one of the most challenging jobs out there, in my opinion, because it can be a very lonely, you have to sacrifice and give up many other things that are important to you, you have no one who tells you exactly...
  17. S

    Two hours everyday....what can be done?

    I recently entered the real estate business as a broker. Around 1.5 months have passed, mostly doing cold calls but also spreading the word in my network. No success so far, but I'm sticking to it. Experience people tell me it takes months to close your first deal. My office is just 10 minutes...
  18. Chrisrod2597

    Relocation: A Solution for Entrepreneurs? - Seeking Insights and Experiences from Startups and Seasoned Entrepreneurs.

    Have you or anyone you know considered relocating their business or themselves as a way to get out of a difficult situation? Whether you have already done it or are currently thinking about it, I would love to hear about your reasons for considering relocation, any challenges you faced, and how...
  19. N

    I don’t want to be stuck in the Slowlane like everyone else…

    Hi everyone, my name is Noah and I’m a freshman at a university. I’m new to this forum so bear with me if I don’t quite understand how this all works. But I’m sort of in a predicament: My dream is to be a successful entrepreneur and provide a great life for my family. I’m attending a...
  20. Laksh Ramesh

    Just an 18 year old kid learning new stuff

    Hey there fellow fastlaners, my name is Laksh and I had just recently started out digital marketing freelancer. I had done a quite of research and looking forward to put in the work for next 6 months and look where I am getting, I needed a place to hangout with people who were talking money as I...