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  1. Spenny

    Why stocks, bitcoin, and crypto will NEVER be Fastlane.

    I invested in stocks for a while and thought the same way: "Ah, but stocks will bring me to the Fastlane" - nope. Never was, never will be & never should be. I only invested in stocks because they should have an intrinsic value - crypto has no use except for the black market. But my experience...
  2. rizbit

    Keeping hold of tokens under monitoring on binance

    There are some crypto are binance that have the label "monitoring" Would you hold or sell these if you held some? One that I am holding is DREP.
  3. MJ DeMarco

    Time waits for no one, including your crypto investments.

    Look at this thread. This thread was started on November 8th, 2017. That was more than 6 years ago. Surf through that thread and you'll find a bunch of starry-eyed "investors" looking...
  4. DeNero

    How I Turned $2k Into $10,000,000 in Less than 1 Year, Lost Most of it 2 Years Later, and my Plan Going Forward to make it all back X10 — MY STORY

    Hey there and thank you for stopping by! (WARNING: This is a LONG read) My name is DeNero, and as my first post on here, I wanted to start off by introducing myself and sharing a bit about who I am and my story. I remember first reading TMF in the summer 2016 (and Unscripted a few years...
  5. Vasudev Soni

    Unconventional Investments (What's Your Boldest Move?)

    Ever made any risky, innovative, out-of-the-box investments that paid off big time? Share your most daring financial moves, from the stock market to real estate to crypto to unique ventures. Anything that has paid off 10x, 20x, or even 100x. :bicep: Let's celebrate making smart investments and...
  6. N

    Follow My Journey - Innovative Gaming Streamer Tipping System

    Hello All! I wanted to get on here and start a thread that allowed me to post on here either daily or every few days about my journey with a brand new gaming/streamer product my team and I are launching. I want to document the steps we are taking, the progress we make, and get feedback from the...
  7. Royce2

    Crypto ATMs, what do you know about it and who’s doing it?

    Does anyone own bitcoin ATMs or knows someone who does? I listened to a business acquisition podcast and they say that these things absolutely crush it and print money. However they don’t do it themselves and are afraid of the crypto laundering schemes that they are a part of. I am genuinely...
  8. E

    What are your thoughts on going all in crypto in this Recession?

    Hey guys, I want to know your thoughts on going all in crypto through this recession? I`m pretty young so I have a huge time horizont to "hodl" all my cryptocoins. I`m also investet in a lot of shares but I see a very huge potential in crypto for the next years after recession and I want to...
  9. ericaung

    iman gadzhi's NFT Review?

    Hi I have been following this internet guru around last few months. He just recently launched his own NFT project and I was thinking MJ also should launch similar to this one: Basically, his NFT utility is quite similar to MJ Fastlane forum or insiders. Fast lane forum is like inner social...
  10. T

    Regulatory capture of DeFi, web3 and crypto in favor of incumbents

    I know and understand the potential of crypto. I'm in love of the technology which is so powerful, I actually thought that decentralization is going to take on governments and create a dream world for all freedom lovers all over the world. Oh, how naive was I. I have spent years learning and...
  11. M

    Is Blockchain really going to change things?

    So the whole blockchain revolution has been regarded by many as a way to bring back control to society away from big tech companies (who are often platform business models part of the sharing economy) e.g. Uber, Amazon, Airbnb, Etsy. Many complain that these big tech companies are the...
  12. B

    Bought a crypto miner for $575 in Sept 2021. Here are the results...

    Back in September, I decided to drop nearly $600 on a crypto miner. This was before I discovered MJs books, and was fixated on the "passive income" and "acquire cash flow assets" type of stuff. Keep in mind I was entering my senior year of HS so $575 was a pretty big chunk of cash.. anyway to...
  13. MJ DeMarco

    Newsflash: Fastlane is your only hope. Not stocks. Not Crypto. Not jobs.

    I've been here for 15 years. Over that time, I seen a bunch of "get rich" trends come and go. These flavors are hot for a few years, then disappear. Each time, some threads blow up with folks who are starry-eyed about how wealthy they're going to get as they do nothing but hop aboard a trend...
  14. PPrince

    Block chain development as a viable CENTS business model?

    Good day everyone, Two days ago, I spoke to an old friend I hadn't heard from in years. He'd talked about pursuing black chain development certifications and qualifications to forge a "new direction for his existence." His current position as a Trust Officer was draining him of life (and his...
  15. Alexdgreat

    Genuine paying Business Sites

    Hey Guys ! Do you know any "genuine Sites" { Business , Investment or Work From Home Jobs } that really pays ? If you do , please share . It would be of great help to everyone .
  16. IronGoat

    What would you do with $250k?

    Hello everyone. I'm new here and I'm interested in the opinions of savvy investors and entrepreneurs on my situation. Upon the sale of a rental property I stand to make about $250k net after tax and commissions. For a bit of history, I had my FTE last summer and left a six-figure career to...
  17. matveyDev

    Idea for crypto startup

    Hello entrepreneurs! I have an idea for crypto startup.It's just a system for receiving cryptocurrency which can easily connecting to your site/business (B2B model). Cryptocurrency on hype and more and more people start use it. I think, owners of sites/businesses don't want to lose their clients...
  18. A

    Forex, stock market, crypto which one is the best ?

    Hi guys it's the autismgenius here Alexis Autotte basically I came here to ask a question about your experience of investment what are your thoughts about the best market to invest. Basically, it's since 6 months and more that I am learning Forex on a demo account and I really want to start...
  19. R

    The Metaverse

    What are your guys thoughts on "The Metaverse" and the role of NFTs? Anyone working on something here? Or do you guys think the whole thing is a big scam? Would you guys advertise your business using a NFT? Like using a bored ape with your company logo either on a website or a digital billboard?
  20. tenacity

    Web 3.0 - The new corner of the internet and how you can profit from it

    Definition and Introduction Web 3.0 is supposed to be the new and third version of the internet, where users have the power over their money, privacy and freedom. Lot's of companies are exploring Web 3.0 and the metaverse which can be seen below. Facebook, for example has plans to buy thousands...