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  1. C

    Looking for an idea for an iPhone app / General advice needed

    SAAS / APPS 
    Hi everyone! Been a while. To make a long story job I had the typical 9-5 job at a start up company as a jr software engineer. The company went under and we all lost our jobs. That was in December. I am officially broke at 35, its sad and pathetic and making me lose motivation. I have been...
  2. MaxT

    Promote iOS and Android apps

    Hello, I have the idea of promoting my apps by creating a blog, the problem is that I don't know what is best for SEO. For my company I already have a site with a blog that talks about the 4 applications, should I continue by creating articles on this blog? Or would it be better to create a...
  3. PPrince

    Voice recording app used specifically to record singing

    SAAS / APPS 
    Hello all, I hope I am posting in the right area. I have been searching for a recording app that is designed for singing. All of the apps I've found so far are set up for speech. I was also looking for app that may feature options such as the tunnel effect (I hope I am being clear). Freeware...
  4. MattL

    Great apps, tools, software... What do you use?

    Inspired by @Andy Black mentioning in some other thread and it looking like a fantastic solution... I thought we'd put all these recommendations and suggestions into one thread? Easier to find and share. Here are some I've heard good things about/used myself:
  5. adaaaam

    What I learned spending $40k and one year launching my app.

    Hi all, I'm am occassional browser, rare poster here. Earlier this year I posted about a music networking app I was building called Artyst. Well it finally launched just last week, so I thought I'd check in and share what I learned. Hopefully this will be useful to someone thinking about...
  6. BigRomeDawg

    Free Software To Help Your Biz During Corona Season

    Discord is temporarily upping the limit on Go Live streaming to 50 simultaneous people.

 G Suite customers get free access to Hangouts Meet video-conferencing features: * Larger meetings, for up to 250 participants per call * Live streaming for up to 100,000 viewers within a domain * The...
  7. ecommercewolf

    Budgeting & Net Worth Apps/Software you use?

    Curious to hear what other people are using for budgeting or net worth apps/software. I know TFF preaches earning more but I think budgeting is equally as important. I've seen firsthand how lifestyle inflation can slow down your progress. I also think that everyone should track their net...
  8. luniac

    Another "Control" example

    so its 1 hour before end of my shift, im getting ready to GTFO, and then I check my email.... google play calmly unpublishes most of my apps lol just like that for some new violation that yesterday wasn't a violation. if u aint got control, never get too comfortable.
  9. malphax5

    Where to Learn to Code?

    To anyone who has a computer-based business, how did you guys start out? What age did you guys start? Where did you learn to code? I have a great App idea that I hope to develop with a help from you professionals. Any advice for a young entrepreneur on where and how to get started? Especially...
  10. Xavier X

    Financial App Idea (and more)

    Long post incoming!! I apologize in advance. As we all know, ideas by themselves are pretty useless, without the right execution. Except if you're in the business of selling ideas, of course. :cool: Like any entrepreneur, I have multiple ideas running through my head each time I see a need. A...
  11. BrooklynHustle

    Want to Learn from WORLD CLASS App, SAAS & Software Entrepreneurs?

    Let's see how quickly I can get this thread up & running, as I want to hit the gym real quick before my meeting in 1h20. Phew... GOALS: While I don't intend for the podcast itself to be a business, it will be hugely beneficial in several ways: Continue progressing down the path of MASTERY by...
  12. Envision

    What's your MUST HAVE Shopify/ecommerce plugin or addition you cant sell without?

    Whats up Fastlaners, I dont think I've come across this thread before on the forum before. After hearing @biophase and a few other fastlaners recommend Shipstation a few days ago I implemented it and literally cant believe I went that long without it. Im starting to shift more and more into my...
  13. BrooklynHustle

    Ask Me Anything About App Business (100+ Apps, 10M+ Downloads, 1 Liquidity Event)

    Hey Forum, Been back on here for a few months now and I've been fairly quiet... listening much more than I talk (aside from fantasy football, haha. Shout out to you guys) However, @eliquid's awesome SaaS AMA thread has inspired me to contribute a little more value. I've seen the topic of...
  14. T

    Looking for advice on Marketing my App

    I have an app on Android and iOS and I am looking for ideas to market it. The app is called StudyNWalk. Its a flashcard learning app, similar to Anki, Memrise and Duolingo, except that has a unique UI and voice queues that allow you to study without looking at...
  15. Andy Black

    AndyTalks with @Scot about business failure and talking to people

    AndyTalks with @Scot about business failure and talking to people This is our second recorded call which I enjoyed as much as the first. (Our first call can be found here: AndyTalks with @Scot about Sales, Silence, and Building Marketplaces) In this second call @Scot candidly discusses why...
  16. N

    Constant Failures and First earning from Internet.

    Hey there. Hope you guys are having a blast. As you might know, I am an aspiring appreneure. So, for the last couple of months, I have been trying to get into the mobile app boom. But I have been failing everytime. I mainly make games. I have published 3 games in the google playstore only to...
  17. Rcaraway1989

    How I lean startup’d my way to $240k+ on the saturated App Store

    This is a long needed followup to this post. Some of y'all have been pinging me about this, so HERE WE GO. I cofounded a social app startup at age 22. Because I was gonna change the world, DUH. If you could believe it, our private social networking app, our BABY, never found product market...
  18. shaun mac

    looking for where to find an android and ios programmer

    Well guys hope I am in the right place I'm looking for an android or ios developer to help me on an app I have in mind I'm looking for somebody who is great at programming and either paying as we go or alternatively I would perhaps consider a profit share situation Where would you guys look for...
  19. Rcaraway1989

    You can't just will an app idea into success, yall

    I get a lot of questions, since I'm in the mobile app space, where people think if you can come up with some idea where the keywords are easy to compete on, throw up compelling app icon and marketing and "game" the system, you can make any idea work. Almost 100% false. Paul Graham touches on...
  20. eTox

    Taking Mobile Game Development Fastlane

    Introduction Hi guys, Most of you who seen me on the forum probably know that I've been dabbling in multiple things from the time I joined the forum mid last year (2016). I've originally came from mobile game dev for Android and lately ended up dropshipping from Aliexpress. Well, the reason...