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affiliate marketing

  1. M

    The Truth No One Tells You About Side Hustles

    Have you ever realized that most business models called "side hustles" are full-time jobs? I felt lied to the very first time I heard about side hustles. Why? I was told it was the only way for me to make money while working my 9-5 job. Because it takes just 1 to 2 hours to implement and...
  2. TheodorePuncher

    Fellow Ad Masters, Need Some Credit Card Wisdom!

    Hello there, fellow ad enthusiasts! I'm pretty new to the gang, and I've been running Meta ads for nutra products for a bit now. But I've hit a bit of a snag, especially with my bank cards. To give you an idea, I'm handling around 80-100 cards every month, and my ad spend is in the ballpark of...
  3. danbucknam

    Affiliate Marketing Advice

    Hello, Much respect and homage to the many bright and motivated people who frequent this forum. My background is in Graphic Design and Animation. I have developed and managed websites / E-commerce sites and created graphics print / web / motion / catalogs in the past. I a big fan of the MJ...
  4. D

    Best way to market mobile apps

    Hello guys, I recently developed an mobile app and I was searching the web for how to market a mobile application. Unfortunately I found close to nothing. I'm familiar with affiliate marketing, I got the idea to contact social media influencer which have my target group as followers. I want...
  5. E

    Has anyone purchased aged FB Business Manager with unlimited daily ad spend from a reputable seller or rented an agency FB ad account?

    Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well! So far I have lost the times I have tried to make it work with my own Business Manager, I couldn’t even begin to warm up the account before I get restricted and have no idea how some people manage to scale their businesses in the millions so I am...
  6. M

    Investing in “The Marcos”

    Hello Everyone My Name is Marcos, I am a young Portuguese entrepreneur. I have created a global fashion brand. We need some funding to launch our website. I was wondering if some of you could give me some advice how we can raise funds or even help to fund our startup. We have already...
  7. ycee

    Why my influencer marketing strategy didn't work and what I did to turn it around

    When I started doing influencer marketing for brands, I managed to get creators to say yes and onboarded them to our program. But they never generated the $ in sales that we desired. It was tough until I found out that you lose half the juice of your influence-partners if you don't do...
  8. P

    how to grow affiliate marketing ?

    i had started doing affilate marketing from 15 days i havent seen any result ..i need help how it will work
  9. S

    Scaling Affiliate Marketing To Exit And Make Bank

    Hey fellas. My very first post here. I read TMF a while ago and just started listening to it on Audible again this week to get out of a funk. I had a question that relates to the affiliate marketing business model. In the book, MJ says that affiliate marketing isn't a good move because of...
  10. H

    Using affiliate marketers to promote e-commerce?

    I'm looking for any information on people who own e-commerce businesses and use affiliate marketers. My niche is very popular with social media users but I don't quite have enough capital to pay influencers upfront. Therefore I'm thinking that affiliate marketing could be an amazing way to get...
  11. K1 Lambo

    Running a digital marketing agency

    Hi guys, Context: I've been doing Instagram marketing for over 1 year now. Mostly content management and growth. Bought a course from a guy a little over a year ago(before reading MJ's first book) that included everything from growth to monetization of an Instagram account. You can say it's a...
  12. BizyDad

    Writing For Dollars: Building A Digital Asset For Sale

    Goal: Build a brand new site from scratch, rank it, monetize it, using as little of my own time as possible, and sell it in 2 years for 6 figures. Why: Why not? Because I can? Because for the last 3 years I've gone thru many ups and downs to build an agency and now my guys have a certain...
  13. Awaken Study

    Journey to top 20% as a solopreneur

    Jumping from a Slowlane to Fastlane mentality has been hard for me. Why? Because I haven't had an FTE and probably never will. I live a very comfortable life. I live rent free with my parents and I spend about $200/MTh contributing to utilities, food, and supplies. Not bad considering I live 90...
  14. notinuse1245

    Experience with Instagram Pages?

    I was thinking about small side hustles I could start (<4h per week) and was wondering if anyone has experience with growing an instagram page. The focus would be on self-improvement/productivity and I would post daily. For monetization, I thought about basic amazon affiliate marketing and the...
  15. H

    Just wondering: Affiliate marketing and copywriting to get started?

    Hey I have been tossing ideas around my head. I have tried (and currently trying) affiliate marketing to make money to fund other ventures. I am struggling with it and was wondering what all you good people think of this. I am a novice wood carver and have been thinking this might be a better...
  16. SammyGlick

    Building an affiliate programme - use a network or run it in-house?

    Hello everyone, I am hoping you can give me some advice about building an affiliate programme for my business. I see two options for making this happen. One is to use an affiliate network such as ClickBank or Commission Junction. The other is to run the affiliate programme in house, using...
  17. kalx

    Affiliated marketing idea. $2381 per 2 weeks

    Jan 1st to 18th, I earned $2381 per 2weeks. In korea, I use affiliated site to earn my money. And It's my result. There's so many affiliated site in korea. Coupang partners, Amazon Affiliate, Tenping, Naver Adpost..,etc. There's so many afflicated site on your country also! So how to earn...
  18. A

    Affiliate marketing but not a technical person?

    What is an IP address Or a sales funnel What is EPL So much stuff to learn and so little time, how are you dealing with technicalities ?
  19. T

    Is there any honorable affiliate marketer out there??

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here, i hope i'm in the correct section. So lately, i've become unemployed, so i've started to look at it as an opportunity to grow personally. I've always wanted to have my own startup/business and i will, but i've come to realize that either you have a...
  20. FastlaneSupport

    Wesley Virgin and Ariello Iorio Affiliate Marketing Scam (Or Spam?)

    **** Public Service Announcement Wesley Virgin and Ariello Iorio Affiliate Scam (Or Spam?) In the last week or so the forum has been flooded with Wesley Virgin and Ariello Iorio spam from affiliate marketers. (Guess what? NO FORUM USERS HAVE SEEN OR CLICKED ANY OF IT!!!! It gets deleted...