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Transitions in Entrepreneurship

Anything related to matters of the mind


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May 28, 2014
Transitions in life are quite difficult. Deep emotions can be overwhelming. There are times when we get tired in life. Life challenges us to reach our highest potential. In the earlier years of life, we create negative emotional patterns. Our perception might be tainted, for the simple reason, we don’t like getting out of our comfort zone. Rarely do we like the challenge when it comes. Anxiety can be quite difficult to push through, especially if we’re trying something new, stepping into new territory, and never did something before.

In fact, one can completely work themselves up, by focusing too much on the outcome.

Half of life is the psychology of listening. There are times we’re hard headed, stubborn, and get our mind laser focused on one thing, and once our mind is made up, we have trouble emotionally detaching from the belief system, the concept, and the theory. Detachment is necessary to see with focus and clarity. There are times you must step away, evaluate the situation, and see how you can improve the situation.

Often, we get frozen in fear, stuck in the thoughts of what if this happens or what if that happens?

There’s only a certain amount of time we have on this earth to do all the things we want to do. Live life as it’s your last breath. The feminine and masculine can spend hours and hours wasting time on the past mistakes, the regrets, the errors, the negative relationships, complain, bicker, and fall easily into the negative downward spiral.

The feminine and masculine Journey is quite challenging. Life tosses you in a million directions, while the conditioning of society teaches co-dependent relationships, life is about being Independent, interdependent, and choosing to relate in more positive ways.

I remember thinking how do I become a positive thinker a few years back? That was a major key factor in becoming successful in life. This took dedication and devotion to myself. The biggest investment in life is you. This is working out every day 365 days a year and training your brain to think with precision, focus, and clarity. This is being relentless with yourself to achieve the goals you want to achieve in life.

The feminine and masculine both at times seek stability, structure, and certainty in life. Uncertainty is a fact of life. The winds change year to year, there are days when there is a calm breeze, other days there are stormy seas.

Eliminating worry from your life is a discipline. I remember all the years I allowed worry and anxiety to control my life. I’m not exempt of worry today, but I understand my mind is more productive when I use it effectively.

This means taking my focus off other people, diverting my attention to where it will create the world I desire to achieve. This seems selfish to some people for the simple reason, the conditioning of society says, someone must give me attention 100% of the time, or they don’t love me, they don’t like me, or they’re not interested in me. This can be farthest from the truth. Life doesn’t happen. Life is taking the initiative to do something productive with your time, energy, and focus on the right things.

Our thoughts can blow around like the wind, tumble everywhere, the distractions are everywhere. There are even times we rather avoid doing the inner work and avoiding doing the outer work. As I was reminded last week by a close friend, “Mattie, Your stalling.” And when I heard these words, I knew they were the truth. Stalling is knowing you have everything in order, but questioning whether you’re ready to push yourself even more, raise the bar, and take on the challenge.

The natural process of life is to place our focus on someone else’s life. The natural process of life is to escape life through the five senses of sight, taste, touch, smell, and sound. All of us love to enjoy life, laugh, joke, and celebrate life. What’s tough for most is the idea they must sacrifice their pleasure temporarily for the long-term gains. Sacrifices are made with good intentions.

Working hours and hours, practicing and honing your skills, is the only way you succeed. There’s a certain rhythm in the moment, the speed of writing, the quantity of content, the quality of content, the editing, the visualization of what I want to say in different forms.

Knowledge, insight, and wisdom takes time to apply in action, relating, interacting, and executing. The negative self-talk might come, yet it’s a light switch inside of your mind, it can be easily managed, and turned off, but this takes practice.

There’s always those circumstances I find myself in where you’re forced to stand on your two feet without other’s emotional, mental, spiritual, or financial support. This is what most people fear. And what is there to fear? Nothing. This makes you stronger, courageous, and brave. It teaches you also to hold your ground, hold your thoughts, hold your emotions, and hold your composure. The building of your character requires you to think for yourself, trust yourself, and feel safe and secure in your own skin. This requires you to reflect on your weaknesses and reflect on your strengths. The weaknesses naturally fade with time.

If you’re standing in the center of a spotlight alone, all eyes are on you. Every move, every breath, every word, and the refinement of your existence comes alive with what you choose to do with the platform you’ve been given. Adding value is seeking inside what you’ve built inside to give of yourself to the world, how you can serve humanity by giving your 100% best.

Knowing thyself, brings clarity. In the imperfections, in the perfections, you find the answers. In the mistakes, in the failures, there’s a hidden treasure. The ability to recognize you’re able to achieve great things if you put in the hours, the years, adapt, adjust, and re-invent yourself year after year. There is no ending of transforming, educating yourself, and seeing from a new perspective. Keeping an open mind, delivers the daily news there’s still something to conquer within yourself. There’s still something to explore in the world. There’s still and adventure to be discovered.

There’s a time when the chapter ends, and there’s a new chapter of life which begins. The new chapter begins, the first few steps are kind off balance, shake you up, rattle your nerves, and it’s a new adventure where you must get comfortable with the new way of thinking, speaking, writing, and relating with others. The first few miles are rough. The high tides might come fast and furious. This might even be overwhelming, yet, if you’ve done your inner work, you can face the tides with grace. Pushing out into the unknown is frightening, yet it must be discovered. The truth is on the other side of fear.

Falling forward is taking you in an unknown place, yet, you’re confident the more you focus on your goals, stay in control of the situation, you can navigate your way through the roughest waters without having to fret.

Disappointment is a fact of life. Get used to it. Imperfection is a fact of life. Get used to it. Accept the world for what it is. The only thing you can do every day is give your 100% best whether you’re the feminine or masculine. Where you are today, isn’t where you’ll be tomorrow. Tomorrow will be another day to apply yourself. See the world with new eyes every day. There’s a whole world to be discovered.
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Jul 28, 2013
It can all be quite brutal
It gets pretty hard to look past it, see through it
Lots of things compete for your attention, things that are just looking for comfort themselves really...
So, to then find that sparkling ray of sunshine in yourself after all the hard work
It becomes worth it for that
And I guess, caring about all these other things people meander about with, it just becomes unimportant next to the person you have become
So, you pack your bags up, fill em with who you are
And you follow your feet


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May 28, 2014
It can all be quite brutal
It gets pretty hard to look past it, see through it
Lots of things compete for your attention, things that are just looking for comfort themselves really...
So, to then find that sparkling ray of sunshine in yourself after all the hard work
It becomes worth it for that
And I guess, caring about all these other things people meander about with, it just becomes unimportant next to the person you have become
So, you pack your bags up, fill em with who you are
And you follow your feet
I think that's what I'm doing in 2018, sort of parachuting along and in 2018 landing on the ground, ready to push off into the unknown and follow my feet. Thanks for the reply! :)

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