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Feb 20, 2018
Eta Carinae
My name is Greg. I am less than a month away from turning 30.

I spent most of my twenties unemployed, burning through savings, smoking too much ganja and drinking a bit much (a bit more than a bit much). Trying to escape the man (and mostly myself). I was a starry eyed hippy for a while. Until I realised I could not climb back into the womb and that if I am honest, that is the last thing I want. That I need to work for what I want. And that I want to do so.

Here is where I am now:
  • I have a good amount of savings still (inheritance from a grandfather)
  • I am a freelance software developer (web, mobile, desktop)
  • I live in Hanoi, where the cost of living is ridiculously low (this is at the cost of hosting many different kinds of worms in the gut though - food hygiene standards here are questionable. I'm unsure if its a worthwhile trade off...)
  • I am laying the foundation within myself to begin pursuing a number of wealth generating beasts that at present I have only conjured in my mind and on paper.
I have high ambitions of finding the financial freedom to travel and create. I have so many ideas that I would like to bring to life, and I know that when I manage to create the wealth I need to do that, I will be even more busy than I am now. It is my intention to engage myself as fully in creation as possible.

I am busy reading TMF . 33% of the way through. Already, I have found the material immensely useful in shifting my perceptions. What else can I say really? Will be great to meet some like-minded people. Get some advice when needed, and hopefully give some when I am able to.

Cheers ;)
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Vjisi ot e vsinipfuat enuapv ug wemai howip gsiimz jisi.
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