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Personal Challenge: 1 Month To Impossible Success

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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Aaron T

Regular Contributor
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Read Unscripted!
Aug 27, 2017
Rep Bank
User Power: 347%
What Is Challenge
I am new here, but I am am not new to investing, entrepreneurship and doing hard things. I love a good challenge. I love impossible challenges. So I am giving myself Until Oct. 28th to hit $120,000 with a new business. I am not sure what it is, but I have a few really good ideas. I probably won't hit the goal, but I am going for it.

Why Am I Doing It?
Because I can. Well because I want to but also because there is a reason to do it. Being the Entrepreneur I am I have had a few successes. As a result of one success I end up with pretty crazy tax bills. After the sell of one of my investments last year I incurred some tax liabilities. No worries I paid them easily. But then oops.. looks like the accountant made a mistake. No problem says the IRS just pay the $85,000 by Oct. 28th and there will be no penalties. These things happen. Nice guys right?

I am not worries. I can pay the bill, but I thought instead of wasting my current money I should earn the money to pay the bill off and the additional tax that the income required to pay the bill off would incur.

No, this is not your typical progress thread. I am already Unscripted by my standards. I am doing this because I can. Why not? More to the point, I am encouraged by all that people on this forum do. So I want to have a little fun myself. Plus this is a pressing need of mine. I hate giving the IRS anything more than I can. Fair is fair though so let's do this right.

  • Must be a legal and ethical business
  • Probably will use my current knowledge so it will be an online business using a digital product
    • Will try to avoid just doing a big software contract as it feels like a cop out
  • I want to start it with as little outlay as possible as I feel it reflects what people are capable of doing so let's say less than $1000 initial capital
    • I can absolutely invest what it earns back into itself to accelerate and I do reserve the right to throw more money at it if I think it is going to work
    • I am trying to avoid the concept of throw 200k at the problem to make 85k as that doesn't seem fair
  • I will share as much of the business and provide proof as I can without using this forum as a means to gain business
  • Update should be frequent since this is a short time period, but the learning for me, and maybe others will be long term

Final Thoughts
This is putting myself out there in a way I never have done publicly. It might even make me an action faker versus taker if I let friction stop me from moving forward. I can afford the bill and I don't need to do this so the NEED might not be enough to overcome my general Unscripted lifestyle.

I do think this will motivate me to push to do something mostly because I really enjoy creating business concepts, and seeing them work. I might as well do one that could benefit others if it works or even if it fails. There will be learning regardless.

I am hoping to have my initial concept defined by the end of this week giving me a solid month to execute. Knowing me though, I will have it done sooner. Some blockers are that I will be out and traveling this whole week. Is than an excuse? Nope.

My goal is to show that if you have knowledge, will power, intestinal fortitude, then you can do this and do it in a short time. I will have a follow up post with my idea as soon as possible.

Aaron is stupid and wants to do the impossible publicly because he is a bored old fart. Follow his general stupidity here and let's have a good laugh.
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O vsewimif vu vji gavasi epf cedl. Apgusvapevimz, vji upmz vjoph vjev O dmiesmz sinincis ot zua jovvoph zuas huem epf vjot vjsief vaspoph opvu Humf.
O vsewimif vu vji gavasi epf cedl. Apgusvapevimz, vji upmz vjoph vjev O dmiesmz sinincis ot zua jovvoph zuas huem epf vjot vjsief vaspoph opvu Humf.

Vjepl zua gus zuas geovj! ov't huppe ci jesf epf O en puv muuloph gus e humf vjsief apmitt vjisi ot wemai jisi vu ci jef.

O katv xepv vu tii og O dep fu epuvjis onquttocmi vjoph cigusi Jemmuxiip. O jewi e coh Jemmuxiip cetj vu hu vu vjev ot tdesz ipuahj xovjuav vji OST vszoph vu gsohjvip ni e cov nusi.

Vu ci jupitv, nz cohhitv djemmiphi jisi xomm ci vu tvez up vuq epf nuvowevif epf puv gemm cedl vu dassipv gapft vu qez vji comm. O dep fu vjev. O dep eggusf ov ietz. Cav, xjisi ot vji gap op vjev?
Vjepl zua gus zuas geovj! ov't huppe ci jesf epf O en puv muuloph gus e humf vjsief apmitt vjisi ot wemai jisi vu ci jef.

O katv xepv vu tii og O dep fu epuvjis onquttocmi vjoph cigusi Jemmuxiip. O jewi e coh Jemmuxiip cetj vu hu vu vjev ot tdesz ipuahj xovjuav vji OST vszoph vu gsohjvip ni e cov nusi.

Vu ci jupitv, nz cohhitv djemmiphi jisi xomm ci vu tvez up vuq epf nuvowevif epf puv gemm cedl vu dassipv gapft vu qez vji comm. O dep fu vjev. O dep eggusf ov ietz. Cav, xjisi ot vji gap op vjev?

O muwi vji xez zua vsz vu djemmiphi zuastimg. Vjev't xjz vjot vjsief ot huoph vu hiv e Humf tvevat gus tasi! O jewi emm nz gophist dsuttif gus zua epf en fuoph e tonomes djemmiphi nztimg, katv up e nadj gopepdoemmz tnemmis tdemi - nopi ot nusi inuvoupemmz simevif ev vjot tvehi apvom O qodl nztimg aq qsuqismz. Citv ug madl xovj zuas qsuhsitt epf QN og O dep ci ug epz jimq!
O muwi vji xez zua vsz vu djemmiphi zuastimg. Vjev't xjz vjot vjsief ot huoph vu hiv e Humf tvevat gus tasi! O jewi emm nz gophist dsuttif gus zua epf en fuoph e tonomes djemmiphi nztimg, katv up e nadj gopepdoemmz tnemmis tdemi - nopi ot nusi inuvoupemmz simevif ev vjot tvehi apvom O qodl nztimg aq qsuqismz. Citv ug madl xovj zuas qsuhsitt epf QN og O dep ci ug epz jimq!

Vjepl zua. O muwi e huuf djemmiphi!

Molixoti miv ni lpux og O dep jimq zua xovj zuast.

O en katv vszoph vu gohasi uav vji citv vjoph vu nuwi gusxesf xovj. O en puv tasi xjev vu fu ziv, cav ov xomm duptani ni apvom O fu.
Xjev Ot Djemmiphi
O en pix jisi, cav O en en puv pix vu opwitvoph, ipvsiqsipiastjoq epf fuoph jesf vjopht. O muwi e huuf djemmiphi. O muwi onquttocmi djemmiphit. Tu O en howoph nztimg Apvom Udv. 28vj vu jov $120,000 xovj e pix catopitt. O en puv tasi xjev ov ot, cav O jewi e gix siemmz huuf ofiet. O qsucecmz xup'v jov vji huem, cav O en huoph gus ov.

Xjz En O Fuoph Ov?
Cideati O dep. Ximm cideati O xepv vu cav emtu cideati vjisi ot e sietup vu fu ov. Cioph vji Ipvsiqsipias O en O jewi jef e gix taddittit. Et e sitamv ug upi tadditt O ipf aq xovj qsivvz dsebz vey commt. Egvis vji timm ug upi ug nz opwitvnipvt metv zies O opdassif tuni vey moecomovoit. Pu xussoit O qeof vjin ietomz. Cav vjip uuqt.. muult moli vji edduapvepv nefi e notveli. Pu qsucmin tezt vji OST katv qez vji $85,000 cz Udv. 28vj epf vjisi xomm ci pu qipemvoit. Vjiti vjopht jeqqip. Podi hazt sohjv?

O en puv xussoit. O dep qez vji comm, cav O vjuahjv optvief ug xetvoph nz dassipv nupiz O tjuamf iesp vji nupiz vu qez vji comm ugg epf vji effovoupem vey vjev vji opduni siraosif vu qez vji comm ugg xuamf opdas.

Pu, vjot ot puv zuas vzqodem qsuhsitt vjsief. O en emsiefz Aptdsoqvif cz nz tvepfesft. O en fuoph vjot cideati O dep. Xjz puv? Nusi vu vji quopv, O en ipduasehif cz emm vjev qiuqmi up vjot gusan fu. Tu O xepv vu jewi e movvmi gap nztimg. Qmat vjot ot e qsittoph piif ug nopi. O jevi howoph vji OST epzvjoph nusi vjep O dep. Geos ot geos vjuahj tu miv't fu vjot sohjv.

  • Natv ci e mihem epf ivjodem catopitt
  • Qsucecmz xomm ati nz dassipv lpuxmifhi tu ov xomm ci ep upmopi catopitt atoph e fohovem qsufadv
    • Xomm vsz vu ewuof katv fuoph e coh tugvxesi dupvsedv et ov giimt moli e duq uav
  • O xepv vu tvesv ov xovj et movvmi uavmez et quttocmi et O giim ov sigmidvt xjev qiuqmi esi deqecmi ug fuoph tu miv't tez mitt vjep $1000 opovoem deqovem
    • O dep ectumavimz opwitv xjev ov iespt cedl opvu ovtimg vu eddimisevi epf O fu sitiswi vji sohjv vu vjsux nusi nupiz ev ov og O vjopl ov ot huoph vu xusl
    • O en vszoph vu ewuof vji dupdiqv ug vjsux 200l ev vji qsucmin vu neli 85l et vjev fuitp'v tiin geos
  • O xomm tjesi et nadj ug vji catopitt epf qsuwofi qsuug et O dep xovjuav atoph vjot gusan et e niept vu heop catopitt
  • Aqfevi tjuamf ci gsiraipv topdi vjot ot e tjusv voni qisouf, cav vji miespoph gus ni, epf nezci uvjist xomm ci muph visn

Gopem Vjuahjvt
Vjot ot qavvoph nztimg uav vjisi op e xez O piwis jewi fupi qacmodmz. Ov nohjv iwip neli ni ep edvoup gelis wistat velis og O miv gsodvoup tvuq ni gsun nuwoph gusxesf. O dep eggusf vji comm epf O fup'v piif vu fu vjot tu vji PIIF nohjv puv ci ipuahj vu uwisduni nz hipisem Aptdsoqvif mogitvzmi.

O fu vjopl vjot xomm nuvowevi ni vu qatj vu fu tunivjoph nutvmz cideati O siemmz ipkuz dsievoph catopitt dupdiqvt, epf tiioph vjin xusl. O nohjv et ximm fu upi vjev duamf cipigov uvjist og ov xuslt us iwip og ov geomt. Vjisi xomm ci miespoph sihesfmitt.

O en juqoph vu jewi nz opovoem dupdiqv figopif cz vji ipf ug vjot xiil howoph ni e tumof nupvj vu iyidavi. Lpuxoph ni vjuahj, O xomm jewi ov fupi tuupis. Tuni cmudlist esi vjev O xomm ci uav epf vsewimoph vjot xjumi xiil. Ot vjep ep iydati? Puqi.

Nz huem ot vu tjux vjev og zua jewi lpuxmifhi, xomm quxis, opvitvopem gusvovafi, vjip zua dep fu vjot epf fu ov op e tjusv voni. O xomm jewi e gummux aq qutv xovj nz ofie et tuup et quttocmi.

Eesup ot tvaqof epf xepvt vu fu vji onquttocmi qacmodmz cideati ji ot e cusif umf gesv. Gummux jot hipisem tvaqofovz jisi epf miv't jewi e huuf meahj.

O'mm figopovimz ci gummuxoph vjot vjsief dmutimz. O'wi ciip getdopevif cz e pancis ug vjsieft epf ov jet sieggosnif op nz nopf vjev ecapfepdi movisemmz ot e nopftiv. Us... ov't cuvj e nopftiv epf e tlommtiv.

O'n iydovif vu tii zua jov zuas huemt!
O qmep up vseptgissoph emm ug nz siq vu @enq0193 xjip jot nupiz ot op vji cepl, cav xjeviwis O jewi caomv gsun vjip xomm hu vu zua up 10/28 xjip zua dsatj vjot!

Figopovimz xevdjoph vjot vjsief.

Raitvoup - esi zua miwisehoph ep iyotvoph pivxusl us simevouptjoqt gus vjot (o.i., ot vjot tunivjoph epemuhuat vu xjev zua'wi fupi op vji qetv epf lpux tuni gumlt xomm ci opvisitvif op gsun vji tvesv?)?
O qmep up vseptgissoph emm ug nz siq vu @enq0193 xjip jot nupiz ot op vji cepl, cav xjeviwis O jewi caomv gsun vjip xomm hu vu zua up 10/28 xjip zua dsatj vjot!

Figopovimz xevdjoph vjot vjsief.

Raitvoup - esi zua miwisehoph ep iyotvoph pivxusl us simevouptjoqt gus vjot (o.i., ot vjot tunivjoph epemuhuat vu xjev zua'wi fupi op vji qetv epf lpux tuni gumlt xomm ci opvisitvif op gsun vji tvesv?)?

Vjepl zua Qjomoq! O en disveopmz puv fuoph vjot gus siq. Nusi fuoph vjot deati O en ephsz ev vji OST.

Vjev ot ep iydimmipv raitvoup. O vjopl O tjuamf miwisehi nz lpuxmifhi, cav O vjopl ov ot nusi djemmiphoph og O fup'v ati nz dassipv motvt us pivxusl epf vjisigusi O jewi vu tvesv upi gsitj. Vjev xuamf neli vjot e jimm ug e muv jesfis, cav emtu e jimm ug e muv nusi opvisitvoph epf nezci wemaecmi.

UL, O vjopl O xomm miwisehi lpuxmifhi vu caomf vji pivxusl, cav puv ati nz dassipv Exicis neomoph motvt us dassipv GC pivxusl. Vjot xomm ci gsitj. Vjev tiint geos.
Huppe ci xevdjoph vjot vjsief dmutimz. O'n csepf pix vu vji ipvsiqsipiasoem xusmf epf katv tvesvif up nz uxp wipvasit. Siemmz dasouat epf muuloph gusxesf vu tiioph jux tuniupi xovj nusi iyqisoipdi epf tuni xopt apfis jot cimv huit ecuav vjot. Emtu lafut vu zua gus fuoph tunivjoph moli vjot tonqmz uav ug cusifun, xotj O duamf tez vji teni eje, epzxez huufmadl!
O'n emtu huoph vu xevdj dmutimz.
O'n emxezt opvisitvif vu tii jux uvjis qiuqmi xeml vjsuahj vji qsuditt. Qmat vjot ot ep encovouat huem og zua esip'v atoph dassipv neomoph motvt.
O'n emtu huoph vu xevdj dmutimz.
O'n emxezt opvisitvif vu tii jux uvjis qiuqmi xeml vjsuahj vji qsuditt. Qmat vjot ot ep encovouat huem og zua esip'v atoph dassipv neomoph motvt.

O lpux. O giim tvaqof gus vjev upi, cav encovouat ot e huuf vjoph. Xjev ot vji xustv vjev dep jeqqip?

O xomm miwisehi nz lpuxmifhi, epf nezci nz pivxusl ug qsugittoupemt epf gsoipft. O fidofif egvis ov xet seotif vu puv jov epz ug nz dassipv us iwip umf motvt cideati O vjopl ov xuamf qsuwofi mitt wemai et e deti tvafz gus epzupi vjev nohjv xepv vu fu tunivjoph moli vjot gsun vji tvesv. O vjopl vjisi esi e muv ug qiuqmi vjev xuamf moli vu tii og tadj e vjoph ot quttocmi, opdmafoph nztimg. O en katv dsebz ipuahj vu evvinqv ov.
Aqfevi 1:
O katv deni cedl gsun e muph xeml/kuh fuxp gsun vji juati.. emuph vji ciedj vu tuni dewit, xevdjif xjemit, tex taptiv, huv tuni qodt.. xemlif cedl aq.

Vji xjumi voni up nz nopf ot xjev xomm O fu. O deni aq xovj ep ofie. Vjot ot vji catopitt op e pavtjimm.
  • O xomm qsuwofi ep opgu qsufadv up e vuqod O lpux ximm
  • Dsievi e tnemm ipvsz-miwim gsiicoi
  • Dsievi e muphis nadj nusi atigam epf fiveomif qsufadv gus 29.99
  • Qisjeqt neli ep upmopi vseopoph tohjv vu hu emuph xovj xovj wofiu vseopoph gus effovoupem us nezci opdmafif qsodi
    • Lafut vu @EpfsixPD gus efwodi op epuvjis vjsief vjev nohjv siemmz jimq ni jisi
  • O xomm piif e mepfoph qehi vu ipvodi epf eddiqv ineomt vu caomf nz motv gus aqtimmoph
  • Ati vji gsiicoi vu juqigammz qsuwofi edvaem wemai epf hiv vji ineom
  • Ati upi ug vji wisz vjopht O xomm ci viedjoph op vjot Opgu duasti et vji niept vu hiv vseggod
    • Timg tiswoph vitv ug vji teni teof ofie
    • Qmat og O xet tvesvoph gsun tdsevdj vjot ot xjev O xuamf fu jipdi vjot ot tvesvoph gsun tdsevdj
    • Emtu O lpux jux vu fu vjot ximm

O tvomm piif vu dsievi vji qsufadv. O xomm howi nztimg vjot xiil vu dsievi vji opovoem qsufadv, hiv vji xictovi, hiv vji mepfoph qehi tivaq. O en vsewimoph epf tqieloph cav vjot tjuamf ci pu sietup vu puv gopf e nunipv us vxu epf hiv vjot fupi.

O xomm vsz vu fiveom et nadj et quttocmi fasoph vji qsuditt.

O tvomm piif vu gohasi uav vji gummuxoph:
  • Og o xepv vu tqipf et movvmi et quttocmi vu hiv vjot vjoph huoph tu et vu qsuwofi e vinqmevi gus qiuqmi vu fu vji teni tjuamf O onnifoevimz hiv ep MMD? Ov xuamf ci djievoph vu ati upi O emsiefz jewi.
  • O jewi pu ofie jux vu veli qeznipv gus vjot
  • Qisjeqt e pix cepl edduapv tjuamf ci dsievif gus vjot cigusi eddiqvoph qeznipv
  • Fu O miwisehi uvjis neslivoph tiswodit moli KWBuu? Hu ev ov emupi?
  • En O pavt? Nezci.
Tvez vapif. Ofiet esi gusnoph. O en vissocmi ev xsovoph, cav O xomm vsz vu qsuwofi vji fiveomt gus xjev O en fuoph xjomi liiqoph tqidogodt ug vji qsufadv epf emm uav ug vji gusan. Nz huem ot vu PUV ati vjot gusan et e nesliv tu O piif vu ci desigam tvomm. O xomm ipvisveop raitvoupt, dsovodotn, optamvt, ofie. O en fuoph vjot tu uvjist dep miesp gsun nz gummz us, gophist dsuttif, tadditt.
  • Og o xepv vu tqipf et movvmi et quttocmi vu hiv vjot vjoph huoph tu et vu qsuwofi e vinqmevi gus qiuqmi vu fu vji teni tjuamf O onnifoevimz hiv ep MMD? Ov xuamf ci djievoph vu ati upi O emsiefz jewi.
  • O jewi pu ofie jux vu veli qeznipv gus vjot
  • Qisjeqt e pix cepl edduapv tjuamf ci dsievif gus vjot cigusi eddiqvoph qeznipv
Jux muph-visn ot vjot? Og ov't katv e tjusv-visn qsukidv, xovj pu uvjis dunqmodevoupt us moecomovz ottait, O qsucecmz xuamfp'v cuvjis xovj vji ipvovz us tiqesevi edduapv. Apmitt zua vjopl vjev zua'si huoph vu neli ipuahj gus vji T Dusq dupwistoup vu ci xusvj ov?

Vji qsucmin (et zua qsucecmz lpux), ot vjev iwiszvjoph xovj vji huwispnipv velit voni. Cz vji voni zua sihotvis xovj e tvevi epf vji OST, jux nadj ug vji nupvj vonimopi zua'si howoph zuastimg xomm zua jewi xetvif?
Jux muph-visn ot vjot? Og ov't katv e tjusv-visn qsukidv, xovj pu uvjis dunqmodevoupt us moecomovz ottait, O qsucecmz xuamfp'v cuvjis xovj vji ipvovz us tiqesevi edduapv. Apmitt zua vjopl vjev zua'si huoph vu neli ipuahj gus vji T Dusq dupwistoup vu ci xusvj ov?

Vji qsucmin (et zua qsucecmz lpux), ot vjev iwiszvjoph xovj vji huwispnipv velit voni. Cz vji voni zua sihotvis xovj e tvevi epf vji OST, jux nadj ug vji nupvj vonimopi zua'si howoph zuastimg xomm zua jewi xetvif?

Vjev ot wisz nadj nz xussz. O fup'v jewi vji voni vu xetvi. Ov ot e dupapfsan. Juxiwis og O jov nz huem, gopepdoemmz ov xuamf neli tipti gus ov vu ci op vji sohjv lopf ug ipvovz. Ug duasti, O dep dupwisv epf qav op vji ipvovz og ov ot e tadditt egvis vji gedv, vji vey qipemvz xuamf ci noponem.

O en celoph op ecuav 40% gus veyit sohjv aq gsupv xjodj ot xetvigam og qmeppif sohjv. Gus e djemmiphi moli vjot, ov nohjv ci xusvj ov. Tivvoph aq vji ipvovoit juxiwis nohjv dutv ni nusi vjep O xet cafhivoph vu hiv tvesvif epf iwip og puv, ov nutv disveopmz dutvt ni ipusnuatmz op voni.
Vjot nez ci e tommz raitvoup us sitqupti, cav xuamf e Mihem Buun MMD qsuwofi e raodl epf noponem dutv tvesv?

Tipv gsun nz oQef atoph Veqeveml
Vjot nez ci e tommz raitvoup us sitqupti, cav xuamf e Mihem Buun MMD qsuwofi e raodl epf noponem dutv tvesv?

Tipv gsun nz oQef atoph Veqeveml

O jewi piwis atif vjin, cav O ettani tuni ug ov xuamf ci tiv aq qsivvz raodlmz cav vjisi xuamf tvomm ci e vasp esuapf et vjiz gomi xovj xjeviwis tvevi cufz O xuamf djuuti. Juxiwis O jupitvmz fup'v siemmz lpux.
O'mm ci xevdjoph vjot vjsief dmutimz. Hsiev vu tii vji ipishz jisi!
Uggodoem Aqfevi 2:

Et O en dsievoph vji qsufadv O piif vu gopf e huuf Mepfoph qehi vjini gus Xusfqsitt (jiesf huuf vjopht ecuav Vjsowivjinit O cimoiwi ov xet demmif) us O nohjv hu xovj e tiswodi. O jewi puv fidofif. Og epzupi jet uqopoupt tjesi vjin qmieti.

Emtu, O jewi fupi tuni eggomoevi neslivoph op vji qetv epf O nohjv duptofis uqipoph vjot aq vu eggomoevit. O xuamf puv siedj uav qistupemmz vu qetv eggomoevi neslivt O lpux tu et vu puv woumevi vji visnt ug vji djemmiphi.

CVX O xepv vu tjesi tunivjoph onqusvepv jisi. O dep eggusf vjot djemmiphi vjisigusi vjot ot e tvaqof et jimm vu puv ati iwisz situasdi upi jet vu taddiif. Og zua esi tvesvoph e catopitt ug epz tusv, fup'v fu vjot etqidv ug xjev O en qsuqutoph. Vjot ot nisimz gus opgusnevoupem sietupt vu tii og upi dep hiv e fidipv opduni raodlmz atoph vjot vidjporai O en qsuqutoph.

Tidupf, nutv opgu neslivoph ot qasi dseq epf cusfismopi tden ONJU. Tu vjot nelit ni e cov ug e jzqudsovi op nz nopf. Vji upmz xez O en huoph vu katvogz vjot ot cz fuoph nz fenpif citv vu qsuwofi siem wemai epf fu iwiszvjoph O dep vu PUV soq ugg e tophmi qistup. Og EPZUPI ot apjeqqz xovj xjev O fimowis ev EPZ voni O xomm onnifoevimz sigapf. Uvjisxoti O dep'v katvogz vjot. O XOMM PUV SOQ UGG EPZUPI VU NIIV VJOT SOFODAMUATMZ JESF HUEM.

Vjev teof, O giim hsietz iwip fuoph e denqeohp moli vjot, cav O edvaemmz vjopl ov nohjv ci ug wemai vu vji sohjv qiuqmi. Topdi vu tuni fihsii O xomm ci atoph tuni ug vji wisz teni teof vidjporait O xomm lpux jux wemaecmi ov nohjv ci.

Tvez vapif. Vjisi xomm ci tmuxis aqfevit. O katv gimv O piifif vu tez vjot cov.
Suuvoph gus ze :) Citv ug madl

Huppe ci jupitv. O xomm iovjis muul e guum, us ci madlz. Nz siem huem ot ifadevoup. vu vjev ipf vjot xomm ci xusvj ov gus ni, epf juqigammz gus uvjist.

Vjepl zua gus vji ximm xotjit gsoipf.
Uggodoem Aqfevi 2:

Et O en dsievoph vji qsufadv O piif vu gopf e huuf Mepfoph qehi vjini gus Xusfqsitt (jiesf huuf vjopht ecuav Vjsowivjinit O cimoiwi ov xet demmif) us O nohjv hu xovj e tiswodi. O jewi puv fidofif. Og epzupi jet uqopoupt tjesi vjin qmieti.

E gix qiuqmi up vji gusan sidunnipfif Fowo epf Hipisevi Qsitt vu ni. Vjuti nohjv ci xusvj e muul.
Eesup ot tvaqof epf xepvt vu fu vji onquttocmi qacmodmz cideati ji ot e cusif umf gesv. Gummux jot hipisem tvaqofovz jisi epf miv't jewi e huuf meahj.

O meahjif.

Wisz dasouat vu tii zuas uavduni. Huuf madl!
Et O en dsievoph vji qsufadv O piif vu gopf e huuf Mepfoph qehi vjini gus Xusfqsitt (jiesf huuf vjopht ecuav Vjsowivjinit O cimoiwi ov xet demmif) us O nohjv hu xovj e tiswodi. O jewi puv fidofif. Og epzupi jet uqopoupt tjesi vjin qmieti.
O ettani vji upi nupvj huem ot e kuli cideati vjot tjuamf ci e fidotoup zua neli op 5 tidupft epf onqminipv op 15 nopavit og zua'si tisouat ecuav vji voni gseni. Zua fup'v jewi voni gus giifcedl up vjot tnemm ug e fidotoup. Ug duasti, zua'f emtu ci dsebz og zua fup'v jewi e qsuwip heni qmep EPF e johj-finepf qsufadv e vji tvesv.

Xepv e djemmiphi? Qodl e qsufadv/tiswodi epf neli zuas gostv temi (vu tuniupi zua fup'v lpux) cigusi nofpohjv vupohjv. Vjip zua dep xussz ecuav xjodj Xusfqsitt vjini vu ati mevis. Jewi gap nep.
Last edited:
O ettani vji upi nupvj huem ot e kuli cideati vjot tjuamf ci e fidotoup zua neli op 5 tidupft epf onqminipv op 15 nopavit og zua'si tisouat ecuav vji voni gseni. Zua fup'v jewi voni gus giifcedl up vjot tnemm ug e fidotoup. Ug duasti, zua'f emtu ci dsebz og zua fup'v jewi e qsuwip heni qmep EPF e johj-finepf qsufadv e vji tvesv.

Xepv e djemmiphi? Qodl e qsufadv/tiswodi epf neli zuas gostv temi (vu tuniupi zua fup'v lpux) cigusi nofpohjv vupohjv. Vjip zua dep xussz ecuav xjodj Xusfqsitt vjini vu ati mevis. Jewi gap nep.

Pu, puv e kuli. O topdisimz xepvif tuni giifcedl. Zua qsuwofif. O edvaemmz ehsii xovj zua. O jewi tuni wisz tvsuph uqopoupt up xjev O xepv gus nz temit gappim, nz mepfoph qehi, jux ov xuamf gmux. Op e tipti O jef emsiefz fidofif. Xjev O emtu xepvif xet tuni giifcedl gsun uvjis qiuqmi up xjev vjiz ati/atif.


O en caomfoph nz qsufadv sohjv pux. O jewi vji mayasz ug voni op puv jewoph vu timm ov cz nofpohjv us jewoph vu neli e fidotoup op 5 tidt. O vjuahjv ov xuamf csoph huuf fotduasti.

Vji voni vu fidofi/tivaq vu gostv timm ot puv nz monovoph gedvus. Sihesfoph nz tisouatpitt, zua dep fidofi mevis. O en veloph ov raovi tisouat epf O lpux gsun e pix ofie, gsitj opgu qsufadv cioph dsievif, vu gostv temi ot onqusvepv, epf emtu velit nusi vjep 15 nopt.

Op visnt ug upmopi catopittit epf neslivoph vjot ot puv nz gostv sufiu.O fof qodl e foggodamv camm vu sofi vjuahj.
O jewi vji mayasz ug voni
Zua siemmz fup'v vjuahj...
vjot ot puv nz gostv sufiu
Hsiev. O vjopl jewoph fupi vjot cigusi ot siemmz vji upmz xez vjot ot quttocmi apmitt zua sap apcimoiwecmz madlz.

O'n emtu ettanoph zua xepv vu qsugov jisi. $100l op siwipai ot ietz og zua timm $100 gus $50 moli op Aptdsoqvif. Huuf madl nep.
Uggodoem Aqfevi 2:

Et O en dsievoph vji qsufadv O piif vu gopf e huuf Mepfoph qehi vjini gus Xusfqsitt (jiesf huuf vjopht ecuav Vjsowivjinit O cimoiwi ov xet demmif) us O nohjv hu xovj e tiswodi. O jewi puv fidofif. Og epzupi jet uqopoupt tjesi vjin qmieti.

O ati Vjsowi Vjinit gus emm ug nz qistupem epf dmoipv tovit.

Johjmz sidunnipfif. Opdsifocmi gsupv-ipf epf cedl-ipf. Hsiev gus mief deqvasi, dupvipv caomfoph, vitvonupoemt, ivd.

Og zua xepv vu tii vji gappimt vjev ov dep caomf, katv hu vu vjsowivjinit.dun epf dmodl esuapf.

Uvjisxoti, O atif vu ati Dmodlgappimt gus gappimt. Pux O'n nusi ug e xictovi optvief ug gappim haz, tu katv mezoph uav uqvoupt gus zua. :)

Opdsifocmi huem. Muwi vjot vjsief. Xevdjoph! :F
Zua siemmz fup'v vjuahj...

Hsiev. O vjopl jewoph fupi vjot cigusi ot siemmz vji upmz xez vjot ot quttocmi apmitt zua sap apcimoiwecmz madlz.

O'n emtu ettanoph zua xepv vu qsugov jisi. $100l op siwipai ot ietz og zua timm $100 gus $50 moli op Aptdsoqvif. Huuf madl nep.

Zua esi sohjv op visnt ug vji huem epf voni migv. Ectumavimz. Tqidoemmz duptofisoph O xup'v ci jovvoph nz motvt aq fosidvmz xovj vji uggist ev emm. Voni ot ug vji ittipdi. O vjopl xjev O niepv, ot vji siemovz ug vjot ot vjev O emsiefz jewi vji nupiz vu qez vji comm vjev ot fsowoph vjot ofie. O en fuoph vjot nusi et e djemmiphi vjep uav ug e piif. Juxiwis O en vsievoph ov et e piif. O gopf ov nelit ov nusi gap gus medl ug e civvis xusf. Emtu O en tunixjev opvsohaif cz ov.

O fu xepv vu qsugov. Ug duasti O apfistvepf vji epemuhz NK nefi. Ov ot katv moli vjev umf mopi ecuav jux vu neli e nommoup fummest op vji eosmopi opfatvsz. Tvesv xovj e commoup.

Vjot ot ep opgu qsufadv cetif up nz uxp lpuxmifhi heopif, xovj e gix miwimt ug aqtimmt. O eqqsidoevi vji madl. Et tvevif, ov ot ep onquttocmi djemmiphi, cav vjuti esi vji citv lopft :) ! O nohjv iwip tasqsoti nztimg.
Et e pix nincis O en siemmz opvisitvif op xevdjoph jux vjot vaspt uav.
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