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Sean Jackson

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Dec 19, 2018
Hey everyone! Just registered recently, about halfway through the fastlane on audio book. Great stuff so far, and I am in total agreement that I need to get money working for me. With that being said I want to present my idea and have people poke as many holes as possible into it!

First a little background! I was not your typical kid; instead of high school sports I chose a military cadet program and thus began my passion for understanding team organizational and personnel dichotomy. I quickly joined the military which showed me how teams can develop plans rapidly, and employ them in an applied environment. Afterwards I finished my undergraduate, and graduate degree in I/O psychology (now I believe this was just a knowledge foundation for my true potential - not the 9-5 grind).

Anyways, I have been working diligently trying to absorb as much information as possible, and worked developing a relatively successful real estate team - the only problem now is that I have to get past my business partner's shortcomings in my pursuit of success!

With that being said my consultancy is being formed! I wanted to take my passion and expertise into something that I will truly enjoy - organizational architecture and personnel selection/training procedures - and help organizations perform at the levels that best benefit them.

With that being said I've chosen my demographics which are two things:
  1. Start-up founders who recently were funded - A lot of founders tend to be masterful in their creation of disruptive or innovative products, but making an organization scale or work optimally? Not so much
  2. VCs and Angel Investors who want to protect their investments- This is important - I want to be seen almost like an insurance policies for those putting a lot of capital into high risk environments.
Essentially I want to provide them with a tangible program that helps identify what to implement to get their company or organization on the right track. The program will include organizational architecture, meaning the construction of the systems & processes needed for that business to function properly, as well as the personnel path, meaning hiring processes, selection procedure, training and development, etc.

Now you may be asking - how is this different from what big consultancies are doing? Simply put in the beginning there isn't much difference; essentially how I want to innovate comes in the form of how the results, techniques, and suggestions are employed. Instead of dropping a 100 page report on a table, I want to empower the leadership of organizations to feel like they can have a handle on how healthy organizations run, and teach people best practices in the form of innovative approaches that are both accurate and valid to their specific context.

OK, so if I haven't lost you yet I want to mention that currently it is only me! I am in the midst of putting together the program & marketing, making content, and networking aggressively.

All in all what I'm looking for is you guys to poke some holes, talk to me about some pitfalls, and throw your creative two cents my way!

Thanks for reading :)
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