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Jun 26, 2017
Ontario Canada
I joined this forum a few years ago after starting my first "Business". At the time I thought I was doing the right thing but it turns out I was doing a lot of money chasing. At that time I was too timid to post anything but I did do a lot of reading here. After that business failed I stopped reading here.

Fast forward a couple years and few more failed "Businesses" and a ton of action faking I decided something had to change.

So about a year and a half ago a friend came to me with an idea for a product. After a some discussion we decided to jump in! Both of us having engineering backgrounds the design and even prototyping came natural. What has not is EVERYTHING else to do with starting a business. But we have battled through it learning as we go.

After making more prototypes the I can even count, we were finally ready to seek manufacturing. (parts sourced from around the world but main components and assembled here in Canada) We tried the crowd funding thing but with NO marketing skills and an even smaller budget it failed. We decided to truck on anyways and produce a pilot lot of 30 pcs. (I will admit at this time I was having major doubts but my partner kept us strong and we kept moving forward).

About 6 months ago we were in a slump (lots of work and no feedback). I was back to doing a log of action faking. I saw and email pop up reminding me about this forum so I decided to come back at started reading a little more. I finally decided to read (listen to) Unscripted . It was exactly what I needed to get me back on track. As soon as I finished it I told my partner to read it as well. Since then we have been remodeling our business using the CENTS commands and things have never been better.

We just started selling our first pilot batch product a couple weeks ago and have already started getting sales! We are now in the process of sourcing our materials from the manufacturer in China and gearing up for our first real production run.

It have been one hell of a roller coaster ride and I am sure it going to be for a while. I just want to thank everyone here for the abundant amount of information. I have learned so much an hopefully I can return the favor in the future.
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O katv siemobif vjev O iyqmeopif nz tvusz cav siemmz fofp'v opvsufadi nztimg, tu jisi ov ot.

O en 33 xovj e xogi epf 2 loft
O fup'v lpux xjz cav gsun e zuaph ehi O xepvif vu ci ep Iphopiis, O xepvif vu opwipv tvagg.... Tu muhodemmz O iwipvaemmz huv nz fihsii op Nidjepodem Iphopiisoph. Xjomi O xet op tdjuum O opvispif xovj e mudem Eisutqedi nepagedvasis. O xet uggisif e kuc cigusi iwip gopotjoph nz fihsii, epf vjisi O xet up vji tmux mepi qevj xovjuav iwip siemoboph ov.

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Et ug vufez, O en tvomm xusloph nz fez kuc vu taqqusv nz genomz xjomi xusloph nz dassipv catopitt.
Ximduni cedl epf huuf madl xovj zuas dassipv wipvasi.
XUX. Ov ot jesf vu cimoiwi ov jet ciip 4 ziest topdi O nefi vjev gostv qutv.

O katv gopotjif si-siefoph NK't pixitv cuul epf O vjuahj O xuamf duni cedl vu vji gusan.

Ov jet ciip jieft fuxp gus vji metv 4 ziest. Xi jewi ciip tmuxmz hsuxoph vji catopitt epf emohpoph uastimwit vu ci ecmi vu csiel uav. Op vji metv qutv xi jef katv gopotjif timmoph uas qomuv sap ug 30 apovt. Ov ot pux 4 ziest mevis, 500 temit mevis epf uwis $300L op siwipai. Xi dassipvmz jewi 3 qsufadvt xovj e 4vj epf xjev O xomm demm uas csieluav qsufadv katv siefz vu meapdj!

Emvjuahj piovjis ug at esi gamm voni ziv up vjot ( O en wisz dmuti vonixoti, cav jewi nz opduni ot qsuwofif gsun epuvjis tvsien, nusi up vjot op e tidupf.) xi qutovoupif uastimwit vu jewi uas dassipv kuct ci et efwepvehit et quttocmi gus vjot catopitt. Vxu ziest ehu nz du-guapfis edvaemmz vuul qesv uxpistjoq epf uwis sappoph e fitohp gosn vjev tqidoemobit op vji qsufadvt vjev xi neli. (Ji xuslif vjisi gus 10 ziest, 10+ziest ehu cigusi huoph vu dusqusevi xusmf.) Ji jet csuahjv ni opvu vjev dunqepz et ximm. Vjot emmuxt ni vu xusl 75% qmat ug nz voni up uas catopitt cav jewi ipuahj opduni gsun vji uvjis vu taqqusv nz genomz. Vjot emtu emmuxt at vu vu jewi gamm ati ug emm vji iyvsinemmz tqidoemobif iraoqnipv opdmafoph e 35 zies wivisep vu sap epf opvisqsiv ov, epf e gamm fitohp vien vu jimq uav xjisi piifif.

Vjopht esi muuloph aq, xi esi muuloph aq, xi esi muuloph ev fuacmoph siwipai eheop vjot zies epf esi iwip op vemlt xovj Dutvdu sohjv pux. Ov ot eneboph xjev qavvoph zuas jief fuxp epf katv FUOPH xomm fu.

O fup'v qmep up liiqoph vjot vjsief aq vu fevi, cav nezci op 4 nusi ziest O xomm aqfevi eheop. Juqigammz cz vjip O xomm ci dmuti vu nz 10 zies qmepedz pancis epf siefz vu detj uav epf mowi APTDSOQVIF!
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