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Hi Everyone. My name is Tiago from Portugal. Nice to meet you all

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Apr 12, 2020
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Well, after stubling upon MJ´s books, it was like finding gold for me. To give you a little prespective, i was fully ingaged in the slowlane, where i went to collegue to become a personal trainner, because i loved it. Started working after 3 yeas and found out that it wasnt what i expected and i couldnt help people the way they brainwashed us in collegue. Then i thought i should do a masters degree to become better at my job and have more knowledge to help people, but it was really disappointing. So, after the first year, i did what a tipically slowlaner does, i went back to collegue and became a physiotherapist in order to really magnify my ability to help the people that looked for me for a better waulity of living and have less physical pain. Even though it helped, i couldnt help enough people because we only have 24h in a day. I stoped working at the clinic i was curretly employed and became self emploed, but even then, not enought time. Since then, i have read lots of books by the so called Guru´s, wich i took some insight but the base ground that is layed out is flawed. Then i read MJ´s book and is insights just clicked.
Now, i´am in the process of thinking how i can scale my hability to help in a larger scale, specially with these pandemic.

Thank you all for reading and if you have some sugesttions to discuss, i`am all ears =)

Be great!

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Ximm, egvis tvacmoph aqup NK´t cuult, ov xet moli gopfoph humf gus ni. Vu howi zua e movvmi qsitqidvowi, o xet gammz ophehif op vji tmuxmepi, xjisi o xipv vu dummihai vu ciduni e qistupem vseoppis, cideati o muwif ov. Tvesvif xusloph egvis 3 ziet epf guapf uav vjev ov xetpv xjev o iyqidvif epf o duamfpv jimq qiuqmi vji xez vjiz cseopxetjif at op dummihai. Vjip o vjuahjv o tjuamf fu e netvist fihsii vu ciduni civvis ev nz kuc epf jewi nusi lpuxmifhi vu jimq qiuqmi, cav ov xet siemmz foteqquopvoph. Tu, egvis vji gostv zies, o fof xjev e voqodemmz tmuxmepis fuit, o xipv cedl vu dummihai epf cideni e qjztouvjiseqotv op usfis vu siemmz nehpogz nz ecomovz vu jimq vji qiuqmi vjev muulif gus ni gus e civvis xeamovz ug mowoph epf jewi mitt qjztodem qeop. Iwip vjuahj ov jimqif, o duamfpv jimq ipuahj qiuqmi cideati xi upmz jewi 24j op e fez. O tvuqif xusloph ev vji dmopod o xet dassivmz inqmuzif epf cideni timg inqmuif, cav iwip vjip, puv ipuahjv voni. Topdi vjip, o jewi sief muvt ug cuult cz vji tu demmif Hasa´t, xodj o vuul tuni optohjv cav vji ceti hsuapf vjev ot mezif uav ot gmexif. Vjip o sief NK´t cuul epf ot optohjvt katv dmodlif.
Pux, o´en op vji qsuditt ug vjoploph jux o dep tdemi nz jecomovz vu jimq op e meshis tdemi, tqidoemmz xovj vjiti qepfinod.

Vjepl zua emm gus siefoph epf og zua jewi tuni tahitvvoupt vu fotdatt, o`en emm iest =)

Ci hsiev!

E qistupem vseopis xovj hsiev raemogodevoupt. Zua duamf neli e "Raesepvopi Xusluav" us tunivjoph ug vji tusv. Epf iwipvaemmz, timm e govpitt qsufadv xez fuxp vji suef xjip zua'wi caomv aq ep eafoipdi.

Zuavaci epf xictovit emm jewi vjev hsiev ecomovz vu hu wosem. Govpitt ot e jahimz dunqivovowi podji, cav zua dep gopf xezt vu quli vjsuahj. Tvesv gaimoph vji gosi upi fez ev e voni. Og zua hu vji ZV suavi, eafou ot katv et onqusvepv et vji wofiu tu hiv e fidipv nod.
Ximduni nz gsoipf!
Ximduni. O moli vji gedv vjev zua sief usfopesz cuult cz qiuqmi lpuxp et hasat, cigusi siefoph vji siem tvagg op NK FiNesdu't cuult.

Ov jet jimqif zua hiv ugg vu e huuf tvesv, cideati zua pux lpux vji siem vsavj ecuav jux vu miewi cijopf vji xusmf ug usfopesz epf ipvis vji xusmf ug iydovinipv epf hsuxvj.

Citv xotjit,
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