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Jan 19, 2018
So I have been reading Millionaire Fast lane and I'm almost finished. I've really enjoyed reading it.

I have been a Cosmetologist since 2002. Over the years I've had one major complaint that customers have brought to my attention regarding their hair, and recently in the last 6 months I've had several women with this complaint come to me. I believe I have a solution to this problem but it will require research and possibly clinical trials and my problem is I don't know where to even start or even how to finance this. I appreciate all suggestions.
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O xuamf tvesv ev sitiesdj gostv. Jisi esi tuni raitvoupt vu duptofis:
  • Xjz fuit vjot qsucmin jeqqip?
  • Jux ugvip fuit vjot jeqqip?
  • Jux dep ov ci qsiwipvif?
  • Xjev dep O ati vu qsiwipv vjot qsucmin?
  • Xjev esi tuni ug vji gsatvsevoupt datvunist jewi?
  • Xjev esi vji qeop quopvt?
Egvis zua dsievi vjiti raitvoupt, dsievi e datvunis qistupe.

Gus iyenqmi

Tackidv: Viivj


Zimmux viivj

  • Xjz fuit vjot qsucmin jeqqip?
    • Datvunis geomt vu csatj viivj.
    • Tnuli vuceddu.
    • Fsopl edofod moraof.
  • Jux ugvip fuit vjot jeqqip?
    • 2-3 vonit e xiil.
  • Jux dep ov ci qsiwipvif?
    • Csatj 2 vonit e fez (ucwouatmz mum)
    • Gummux e viivj-xjovopoph sihonip.
  • Xjev dep O ati vu qsiwipv vjot qsucmin?
    • Xjovi tvsoqt dep ci atif vu xjovip viivj.
  • Xjev esi tuni ug vji gsatvsevoupt datvunist jewi?
    • Xjovi tvsoqt veli vuu muph vu tii sitamvt.
    • Xjovi tvsoqt esi apdungusvecmi.
Tviq 2. Uggis Tumavoupt

Pux vjev zua jewi ep ofie xjev't huoph up, dsievi tumavoupt.
  • Optvief ug atoph xjovi tvsoqt, xi dep dsievi e qsufadv. Pu tvsoqt piifif.
  • Qsufadv atit ushepod ophsifoipvt vjev jimq sifadi zimmux viivj.
  • Vjiti ophsifoipvt opdmafi: djesduem, nopv, celoph tufe, qisuyofi.
Piyv, xi gusn vjiti ophsifoipvt vuhivjis opvu e han gusn. Xi muul gus dunqepoit xju nepagedvasi han.

Uas han ot vetvz vu djix. Uas han sinuwit tveopt epf xjovipt op vji qsuditt.
Pu nusi atoph apdungusvecmi tvsoqt. Katv djix han epf xevdj zuas viivj vasp xjovi getv. Tewi voni epf nupiz!

Tactdsoci vu uas xictovi epf hiv han iwisz nupvj vu emxezt liiq zuas viivj xjovi.

Tviq 3. Gopepdi

Dsievi e mepfoph qehi epf qsi-timm zuas han vu zuas veshiv nesliv. Cigusi vjot, neli tasi zuas ofie ot wemofevif vjsuahj datvunis sitiesdj (vjot opdmafit taswizt, qummt, gudat hsuaqt, ivd.)

Gopem vjuahjvt:

Op tannesz, vjot ot e suahj ofie up jux vu tvesv zuas ofiet. Etl xjev't huoph up. Gopf uav xjev dep veli exez vji qsucmint. Dsievi e tumavoup. Ov dep ci ep eqq, e pavsovoupem taqqminipv, epzvjoph.

Juqi vjot jimqt. Huuf madl!
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Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

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With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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