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American Entrepreneur in Tokyo, Japan 32 y/o male.


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Apr 1, 2018
Good afternoon to everyone from Tokyo, Japan.

My name is Jonathan and I have just finished the millionaire fastlane audiobook and currently I'm listening to Unscripted . I've been an entrepreneur since 19 and have failed a lot which has lead to me to some relative success now. I run an Airbnb in Orlando, Florida that is ranked in the top 7% of the world. The income it brings in monthly is about $2k-$3k net profit.

My current goal is to make $10,000 net profit every month online selling digital products and services. For me at my current state, it seems like a very hard stretch that will take me a few years to achieve. Quite honestly, I'm pretty clueless.

My passion is where I run a dating consultation business for men and women, where I talk to them on Skype and help solve their problems. I grew up without ever meeting my father and it was a struggle to discover my own masculinity so I really want to help young men who have no fathers and no direction in life.

All my funds are running through Paypal. Being in Tokyo, I'm relatively connected in the Crypto scene, having met the CEO of Binance, Roger Ver, and Vitalik. (Roger probably knows me best out of the 3.) Not trying to brag at all, just letting you know what I am involved with and at what level. I have made a few early positions in 2016 so I'm just HODLing and what happens, happens. I predict overall growth but it's certainly not my plan for financial freedom.

Currently, I'm working for the most cutthroat Japanese Recruitment Company out there. It is slavery at it's finest. In December 2017, I totaled a sales amount of $70,000 for the company and was rewarded $6500 for my hard work while topping the charts of the 75 salespeople there with only 3 months in that department and 5 months total experience. 70 hour weeks sometimes. I was sold a bullshit lie that this job would be amazing but really I just get insulted and told that my effort is never enough. Working 12-14 hour days sometimes, my personal health is taking a hit, and my weekends are spent prepping for monday with my only happiness being on saturdays where I go to the gym for 2 hours and do damage control on my body's damage from the grind that is my job. I'm so exhausted after work sometimes I fall asleep in my suit and filth lol. This was another thing Mr. DeMarco mentioned in his book that was a red flag. On Saturdays I'm so dead tired that getting anything done is a miracle. Sundays I am able to do a bit but all my loved ones have told me it's time to quit this job and move on, I'm just wondering if I should stay there until July so I at least have 1 year experience on my resume. I also don't want to tarnish my relationship with my bosses as they are well connected in Tokyo, however, This job is my FTE (F*ck this Experience from Unscripted ). There is no way in hell I'm going to stay at this job long term, literally kill myself, and get insulted for always not doing enough (corporate doubled our annual sales target from last year but didn't double our sales staff, resources, or anything there is mutiny across the company).

So I'm Literally on the brink of quitting, going back to teaching English from 8:30am-3:30pm (where I can also work on my laptop at the school because some days you only teach 1 hour and have to stay in the school for the rest of the time or leave early, basically at junior high schools and High schools you are a dancing monkey for $2500 a month) My current take home salary from the slave job minus commission is only $3000 but I work 8am - 9pm sometimes. Not including entertaining clients which consumes time and throws off my calorie balance with dinners and drinking etc (lots of schmoozing in this business)

My dream is to help young men with no fathers figure out their dating life, masculinity, and purpose in life by getting their dating life sorted out and eventually travel the world to give seminars to help young men in a world where I feel men are constantly being shit on and everyone is praising women non-stop. I would like to be a hybrid of Patrice O'Neal and the Joe Rogan Podcast.

The reason I am joining this Forum is because Mr. DeMarco said to do so in his book and I'm fed up with being a slave. In Unscripted , the beginning chapters say "Money is everywhere, but time is limited." I was on the Marunochi train line heading home crammed in a train full of Japanese salaried slave workers when I listened to this and it scarred me permanently, but in a good way. I never really saw it like that.

So at the ripe age of 32, here I am humbly asking for advice from any members who are making $10,000 a month from online selling digital products and or services. If you can teach me how to do this, once I build up my core audience I can repay with cross marketing and traffic to your sites/products.

I apologize if this was a long introduction but I took the time to put myself out there to let those who read this know that I am serious about getting this done. If I need to buy the premium forum access as well, I will do it.

I'm waiting for any replies or help.

Thank you very much in advance,

(I can provide my linkedin to anyone that needs validation that I am indeed a real person.)
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