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writing a book

  1. chris_son

    Use Traditional or Self-Publishing For Book Distribution?

    To anyone reading this, First and foremost, I hope wherever you are in the world, you are taking care. To cut to the chase... - I've written a manuscript for an Asian fantasy novel. - I've considered self-publishing my novel, but it seems I'd need a significant social media presence for it to...
  2. Mahan

    How to start being a fiction writer

    Hi, I'm currently a student studying the last year of my bachelor's in cyber security, Although I know I can get a 6 figure salary in just a few years, I don't see it being enough to achieve financial success. I'm interested in thriller/mystery or fiction books and I'm thinking of probably...
  3. Supa

    Supa's Novel Writing & Self-Publishing Progress

    Hey everybody! This first post in this progress thread won't be super exciting, as I'm currently in the planning phase of a series of novels and there's not much to write about that. I decided a while ago to write a novel. I know, I know, who doesn't right? That's one of the main reasons I...
  4. Nikorasu

    Is a graphic novel / self-publishing fastlane?

    I’ve been struggling with this since i started internalizing the concepts presented in MDF. Simply put, I’m an artist and I’ve been “working” on a graphic novel for the last year and a half. Most of that time was spent fantasizing about how awesome it’s going to be instead of putting it out...
  5. SvvyDO

    How to deal with burn out? Am I just being a b*tch?

    So working on my 5th and final revision of my first ebook (70k+ words) for the past 6-8 months, I have a couple days where I can't get anything done no matter how hard I try, and even if I do, the quality is subpar... So I've been thinking... Is it just all in my head? Is it something I can...
  6. TheJackal

    An author's journey from addiction to domination

    (Prologue: This is my story, but I hope it hits home for one person who's thinking the same way I did. I don't lecture and I don't judge. I just tell stories. I'll leave it at that) I write for a living. Before you ask, no I didn't go to school for to study creative writing and no I didn't...
  7. G

    Expanding from Children's to YA Fiction

    Hello Everybody, I've posted on the Fastlane Forum before about my novel-writing/self-publishing business. I've been aiming to do it the smart way, taking courses offered by people who have already succeeded, getting advice from podcasters (Joanna Penn, Mark Dawson, Chandler Bolt, and others)...
  8. T


    I'm a writer and would like to know how you guys prioritize both your writing and social media along the day.
  9. Vigilante

    Vigilante's Book "Vigilant Kids" Step by Step

    This first post is a placeholder as I intend to chronicle for you the steps from conception to launch of the kids book I wrote called "Vigilant Kids." This thread will be about process, not content. I'd be remiss if I didn't give three shoutouts from the very beginning : To @MJ DeMarco for...