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  1. T

    Start with Why by Simon Sinek and How to find your Why!

    I recently read Simon Sinek's book "Start with Why" and I can honestly say it's one of the best books I've ever read. Everything just instantly made sense while reading it. I'd love to start a thread to just discuss the ideas in the book and how it applies to The Fastlane life and any expansions...
  2. Runum

    Lots of new faces here since I was active. What's your why?

    Way back when my why was my kid and raising her. We invested in real estate and had a small business. The kid grew up, the investments paid for her education. She has since moved to Hollywood and is actively pursuing her dream. Even though we had some bumps in the road, overall our strategies...
  3. Jackson J

    The WHY that pushes me to work and never relent. Does anyone else think this way?

    During my youth I remember how often I would not be able to sleep at night thinking of death. I would end up in my parents room asking questions they did not have the answer to. Death is such an impossible thing to imagine. For an agnostic like myself it can lead to depressing thoughts. I saw...
  4. Paul David

    What are your beliefs?

    Lately i've been consciously thinking about how i see the world and what i believe in. In a couple of years i'll be 40 and i think i've spent enough time on this planet to get a true reading of my own values and beliefs from the experiences i've been through so far. Of course what i believe in...
  5. Robert321

    Up and down: what happens after a full blown existential crisis?

    I had just turned 18 when I begun working as a web developer for a local start-up. I had no idea what to expect. Previously, I used to code at home 13 hours a day. No, not because I was passionate about it, although I didn't hate it either. I did it because I had to. External factors forced me...
  6. Brett Beckwith

    Staying Motivated

    One part of The Millionaire Fastlane was explaining to find your passion; why are you doing this? Why do you want to be successful? Finding a reason may be difficult or easy. However, staying motivated throughout the whole process is even more challenging for some people. What do you do to...
  7. PureA

    What is your WHY?

    What is your why? What is the motivating forces behind your striving to be the best you can be physically, mentally, financially, emotionally? I am curious to get your raw, unfiltered whys, not what you think you should say to sound good... e.g. I want to rid the world of starvation and bring...
  8. Craig Cherlet

    Hi I'm Craig, a dad of 3 living in Vancouver, Canada

    Hey, everyone! I'm Craig, an entrepreneur & consultant living in Vancouver, Canada. I found TMF last night while reading a comment on a blog post by the Tropical MBA. I woke up this morning, as per usual at 5:30 am to head into my consulting contract. As I walked out the door, my...
  9. gatorgus

    What are your Whys?

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to this board and curious what specific "Whys" motivate the people on this board to want to join the fastlane. For our illustrious leader MJ we all know the original motivation was an encounter with a Lamborghini. What are your Whys? I'll start with 10. Appreciate...
  10. FreshStart87

    What is your WHY?

    As I've been working on my business, I've noticed my whys have changed. I am now focusing on whys with more significance as compared to material whys. I wrote this thread to find out what others whys in the forum are? Mine are as follows: 1. More security for my wife and daughter 2. Help my wife...