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virtual assistant

  1. Marketinggirl03

    Feedback on virtuel wedding planner?

    Hey there, My name is Katy and I’m a marketing manager from the Netherlands working in corporate at the moment. I want to build something on my own in the future though. The idea is to build a virtuel assistant service platform for wedding planning. Weddings get bigger and bigger and it’s so...
  2. rmrpereira

    Technological newbie question around becoming a Virtual Assistant (part time)

    Hello I’m wondering whether someone can point me with the right guidance around this question about becoming a virtual assistant: I am going to start really soon being a virtual assistant to a therapist, specifically for booking her sessions as a result of messages she receives asking for a...
  3. A

    Hi Everyone, ready to take off here!

    I just launched my first product to start selling on Amazon. Things are going relatively slowly. I am super motivated and would love to learn as much as possible. Maybe anybody here needs a virtual assistant with their amazon shop or e-commerce. Currently, I am working as a social media...
  4. WolfLane

    Virtual Assistant for 10 Businesses

    Hello All, New member here. I have been a long time lurker here and decided to create a progress thread. I have been following several Gold threads here for many days now, especially @Fox and @Lex DeVille threads on Web development and Upwork. Those threads have been extremely helpful for me...
  5. Jinnah1947

    VA to help you in your business (6 months of Amazon Seller Central experience)!

    Do you get so bogged down in day to day running of your business that you don't have the time to work on your business?? Instead of creating more strategic partnerships or launching new products, you spend most of your time answering emails? Instead of setting goals and making plans for the...
  6. Jinnah1947

    Lost Hope - But Found It Gain!

    Hey, everyone! I am from Pakistan. 2 years ago I graduated from college. I was damn sure I would get my dream job. A job that was my childhood dream. But I could not qualify for it even after all my hard work. At the same time, I went through such a bad situation in my personal life that it...
  7. Envision

    5 Step Guide To Hiring a Rockstar VA To Handle Your Business

    Alright, figured since Im in somewhat of a hiring phase I would document and outline how I'm going about the process. While I've hired people within the US to manage my warehouse and operations I am going to specifically go over how to find and hire a VA for your company. We start in the...
  8. J

    STEP BY STEP: how I found 5 unpaid VA's to work with my startup.

    Hello! Just wanted to share this method here (step by step) as it's significantly increased the amount of busy-work that gets out the door each day. I feel obliged to share because it's made a world of a difference for me in my 2nd year, and I think a lot of entrepreneurs could use the help in...
  9. fastattack03

    Need a virtual assistant? I'll help you find one for free :)

    If you need a Filipino virtual assistant to help you with day-to-day tasks, hit me up with a DM. I know that it takes some work to sort through 100's of candidates to find the perfect one for your business. And that's exactly why we're here. Once you message me with your needs, My team and I...