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  1. smn03

    Still in the "finding ideas/finding needs" phase

    I've read TMFL and Unscripted, understand the CENTS principle, and I know that people pay me for the value I'm providing. So here's my current problem: Myself: Im still trying to figure things out.. Im working at a job I don't like but saving every € I earn. I have about 10.000 saved to invest...
  2. ultrasounder

    A compulsive slow laner for life getting into the fastlane(HOV lane)

    Hi Everyone, I am a 42 year old Electrical Engineer who has been slammed around like a ping pong ball from one job to another, one company to another and tired of playing the corporate whackamole. Things have come to a head in my recent job where I had to take a pay cut and work with inept...
  3. MJ DeMarco

    How great is your business idea from a CENTS perspective? Find out instantly...

    Introducing -- Grade My Business Idea -- a website tool that will instantly grade and rate your business ideas in accordance to a weighted CENTS Framework whereas NEED and SCALE is most important, plus a MARKET ACCESS variable. (If you can't reach a market with a message, do you have a market??)...
  4. MJ DeMarco

    The CENTS Business Commandments for Entrepreneurs

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Thought I'd start a thread based upon the CENTS Business Commandments found in The Millionaire Fastlane and UNSCRIPTED, just in case someone searches for it by search engine. Since this concept is covered in both books, I don't think I ever posted an "official" thread on the topic. It would be...
  5. Sloba

    Hey guys, great to be here

    Hi, my name is Sloba. I’m 34 years old. I live in a small Eastern European country outside the EU. I work at a private faculty as a lecturer. I teach economic subjects (fiscal policy, financial auditing etc.). The market in my country is not very developed as we are a transitioning economy...
  6. M

    Books about finding business idea

    Hello fellow Fastlaners :) I'm looking for a viable business idea and that's one of the things I fail at. I cannot find an idea that would satisfy all CENTS/CENTS commandments. Naturally, I'd like to find it and have a better understanding of a market research, because, at any point in time, I...
  7. SheikhNaveed

    Are you still confused with SCALE and TIME too?

    While reading forum yesterday I came to read a post by MJ where he was appreciating a non-digital product made by a guy here on forum. From days, I'm confused with the scale and time factors of CENTS. Today, I've tested a market of home-based carwash service using facebook ads. While I was...
  8. PeteA

    The NECST is met, but... And there is a big but!

    So I've read the book and reread the CENTS chapters... I have an idea that has been eating me up for a few years. Some how, the stars are aligning itself for this business model. Everything about it meets the CENTS commandments, Entry is still being worked and will be a longer process than...
  9. S

    Monetisation V Control

    So first post here.... So initially Hello to all you fastlaners and slow lane converts! I am in the Idea phase and have got to applying the CENTS principle in detail All ticks are in the boxes as it were but I am tconcerned about Control, at the same time I have a limited income currently and...