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  1. DreamLund

    Define your purpose

    How did you figure out your purpose in life and how did you take action to make a change? Tough question, yes I know.. So in the last 6 months my life has turned upside down because of realizations and destroyed old beliefs. TMF and Unscripted changed how I view the world and I actually feel...
  2. Jr.khan

    The value of purpose

    Hi all, just wanted to share a small "revelation" I had today. It's been 3 months since I started working on my fastlane journey. So yes I'm still very fresh and am not successful in my endeavour...yet! But that's why I wanted to share this post today. Part of the fastlane journey and a very...
  3. MTF

    Does anyone REALLY wake up excited in the morning?

    Does anyone honestly wake up excited in the morning? If so, what do you do? I've always felt that this whole "create the life you can't wait to wake up to" is bullshit propagated by self-help gurus and maybe only lived by abnormally happy people who have some kind of a genetic make-up to feel...
  4. A

    For those struggling to get started

    I'd like to share this article with you. One of the main causes because many people struggle to get started (execution) is because they are not fully aware of what they want to achieve, nor of their major motivations. Most of the time the main goal is becoming a millionaire, as it sounds like a...
  5. Mkandre

    Read Books that Nobody Reads

    I was wondering about it recently and that's right... I really encorauge you all to do it. If you read what nobody reads AKA TMF, Unscripted, Business Secrets from the Bible and Many others you'll definitely know what many others won't and it all starts on thinking, if you think differently...
  6. MJ DeMarco

    Thought Experiment: WWYD in Your Post Powerball Euphoria?

    Interesting thought experiment... Assume you won $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion!) in the Powerball. What would you do in your post Powerball euphoria? I'm talking about your daily day AFTER you reveled for a couple of years in riches... I'm talking about AFTER you bought 10 exotic cars and drove...
  7. Jello

    Meaning and purpose

    Been a few weeks since i posted or commented on something. It's not because i was just a drive by poster looking to get rich quickly, didn't find a way on the forum and went to the next whatever blog or maybe a guru. Also it wasn't because my surrounding lured me back to a scripted life. To be...
  8. MJ DeMarco

    Crawling thru a sewer pipe filled with sh*t: Why it matters.

    You're in prison and your MEANING/PURPOSE is to escape to FREEDOM. You're speaking to a fellow inmate, Joe, and he says... Joe: Hey man, we've discovered a way to escape this shit-hole and FREE yourself. You: Yea? How? Joe: In shitter number three, in the west bathroom, the bricks behind...
  9. ElPatrico

    ElPatrico: Newborn

    Hello everyone! It is a a pleasure for me to be on this forum among this awesome people. I wanna share with you story about me. So... LET'S BEGIN I'm from Poland. When I was 14 years old I was going through period when I think money are unimportant. You know, peace&love kind of this...