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launching product

  1. N

    1 OR 3 Products When Launching New Fastlane Business

    Hello, I will be launching my own fragrance house product in the next few months and would like your opinions if part of fastlane should I try to launch just one product, for example one Perfume or several? With one perfume I can concentrate on just one product, zoom in into what we are about...
  2. JahvonCreamCone

    Crippling fear of asking for money. 8 years building and never launching my products.

    Hey guys, been a member for years now I’ve read all of MJ’s books. And I have to admit that I’ve built over 8 websites, have gotten a lot of validation from potential customers and even signs ups, but I’ve never launched any business because I have a crippling fear of asking people for money...
  3. RASA911216

    Just ran out of money, still hustling but frustrated

    I'm starting a SaaS business and bootstraping due to the simplicity and low cost of the idea. I'm a software engineer and I'm about to finish the MVP for the project. It took me 2 years and a half. A lot more than should have taken had I known all this about MVPs, testing and before I had read...
  4. Adelaide

    Advice Wanted - Releasing my Online Course

    Hey Fastlaners, I'm after some advice on how to launch my online course. So far my business has held events - this the first course. Should I release the online course myself now? or Wait to 'launch it' via a marketing company in 3 months? Marketing company will take a couple months because...
  5. Wiggly0607

    Need feedback on first attempt at starting seed launch

    So Im attempting a seed launch to a new list that I've created for parents of teenagers. I've built this list up to 323 parents via a 12-page PDF. Now that they are on my list, I've emailed them something of value (videos, newsletters, book recs) every 7-10 days to try and keep the list warm...
  6. jesseissorude

    Re-intro: Laid off. Side "business" is a mess. Scaling back up from 0

    Hey all! I've been lurking a lot more and figured I'd re-introduce myself. Title says it all. I neglected the business I started in 2013 because I found a steady contract with a fun, exciting tech startup. Awesome benefits, I worked from home, they flew us to other countries just to party...
  7. Niko

    How to best promote my upcoming Meditation book?

    Hi, My project I have been working on my first online business for a few months now and my very first product will be a Meditation book in French (currently writing it). My question: What method/process would you recommend me to best pre-launch/launch this book? - What should be the launch...
  8. juba.hadjal

    Facing The "No One Is Doing It" Myth.

    Hello everyone, I wanted to ask for advice from people who know how to deal with "No One Is Doing It" myth. I searched the internet for about 10 hours but there is no existing product to perfect or to add value to. In "Unscripted" MJ talked about the "No one is doing it myth" and it is true...
  9. klaptoo

    [Progress] Building a $1M business from scratch

    Hello folks from FLF, In this post I propose to update you guys with my progress towards a simple goal: Build a $1M business from scratch. With no money, no list, and no expertise. -- Before I move on, here's my brief story for context: I'm 23 years old, graduated in advertising and...
  10. Studious Nomad

    About to start my first SAAS and I need Amazon Sellers to make it work

    SAAS / APPS 
    So, I have a great idea that I think would solve a lot of problems for people launching products to amazon. As the market has become saturated with Aliexpress/Alibaba/Ebay items, I want to create a service geared towards those amazon importers that are currently branding and releasing new...