• Forum Upgrades Ongoing: Please pardon the dust. Starting the week of September 16th, the forum will be undergoing style modifications and may not appear as normal. Please be patient as modifications are performed. Updates on the progress can be found here. Thanks for your patience! ~ MJ DeMarco
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  • Hey man, just saw your intro post and saw you have an EE background and also worked in the space industry. I'm soon to finish my EE undergrad and start working on rockets myself so it's awesome to see you on this forum!
    Dude, very rad!
    The forum talks a lot about how a degree is a ripoff and you shouldn't go to college, which always makes my eyes roll. Getting my BSEE was the best decision I ever made.

    Actually second best. First best was changing to EE from CS in freshman year :rofl:
    Checked your website out. Kinda weird to redirect from product page to another website.
    Just my 2 cents. You making pedals as your fastlane?
    Oh yeah thanks for the feedback!

    I'm using one of the stores I wholesale through as my sales site while I mess with woocommerce stuff :)
    Cool, just thought you should know that.
    Alot of people on this forum don't give specific criticism or advice. Good luck with that!
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