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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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James Fake
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  • Hi whats your portfolio like on bitcoin? when you was involved in this , I was busy coming home from school and playing Fortnite. the only time I ever got involved was when I bought 1 ETH for super cheap on the dark web and got scammed... didn't touch bitcoin again since
    Sounds like a good idea.. somewhere where I can leave my profanity when I buy in at the very tail end of a run!

    Done! Fastlane Crypto on Slack.. Anybody interested - the Invite link: Create Account | Slack

    Hi James,

    This link was not working for me when I clicked on it. Could you send another invite link if it is still live.
    Ben Ma
    Ben Ma
    Hello. May I join this group too?
    Hi James,

    I had a business idea that involves someone with your crypto trading abilities. We have an opportunity to make a mountain of money together doing what you are already doing.

    Message me on here for a fast reply.
    Hey James, tried to send you a message but it didn't happen. Got a skype handle? We're doing very similar things in trading and have similar goals, it's a no brainer to discuss. Thanks!
    James Fake
    James Fake
    Hey, want to join in on our Slack channel for Insiders?
    • Like
    Reactions: Tom.V
    I'm down.
    Hey James, I see you have an online business as well. I don't know how to direct message someone on here but I wanted to see if you wanted to get coffee here in Vegas since we both live here. It would be cool to meet another entrepreneur. My treat.
    Hey, james I love your designs. How do you go about designing your sites minus the code?
    We've posted on some of the same threads and I just pulled up your site. Very impressive what you've got going there looks great and seems like a great niche a lot of businesses would need.
    Hey bro,
    Just came across your progress post, it was really inspirational. I am in the process of having a job search site built and I am really concerned about SEO and driving traffic to the site because I know nothing about that. My plan is to out source this to a professional. I just wanted to wish you luck on what your doing because the insight your giving is priceless. Thanks
    Noticed you haven't updated your progress thread in a little while... just curious on how your project has been developing. Keep us updated! :)
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