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Stop trying to have others think for you!

Anything related to matters of the mind


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Jan 10, 2012
San Diego, CA
I just had to write this up after my friend said he was thinking about buying a $1,000 course.

This is straight from the U.S. patent office: "In the language of the statute, any person who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent."

Pay attention to the wording. Look closely. Do you really think the insights needed to get one of these is found in a $1k course on the internet somewhere?

Are we that lost that we think we need someone to hold our hand and our wallet on the other to lead us to success?

This is how lost some people are that they think they need someone to hold their hand to success.

Our education system did a horrible job in education us in that they are just as clueless. Nope you can't think on your own, we need to teach you this. The underling BS belief is this: "Nope you gotta go to college cause you are too much of a dumbass to think for yourself and figure things out on your own."

Now don't get me wrong. People can give us valuable advice, and we should thank them and appreciate them. But nobody can think for you and hold your hand to success. NOBODY.

You have to learn to stop looking for answers outside yourself. You have to learn how to think and question on your own.

Start looking at how you can create value with your mind independent of outside sources. Rather than looking for how you can siphon value from the outside.

Picture the mentality and personality of your successful doppelganger. Do you think that person is clueless? Or is that person a productive-independent thinker? A creater, not a taker.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten after one has learned in school"- Albert Einstein
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May 1, 2011
Currently in Washington State
Our education system did a horrible job in education us in that they are just as clueless. Nope you can't think on your own, we need to teach you this.
It is deliberate. Probably most around here know. By age 10 if a kid comes out of public school able to read, write and perform general arithmetic they are today at a PHD level. Which still measured near standard in 1910. Still. The future is bright. Entreprenuers generate a level of real hope in a real storm called life. Catch the wave it is all good.. Into the new year.


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Apr 1, 2016
Greenville, SC
I used to be super anti-pay for courses for whatever reason until a few years ago. (maybe it was the college debt lol)

But when I came out of high school, I had an interesting realization based on finding out that knowledge is beautiful if you like what you're studying.

Creativity stems from 2 places:

1. Ignorance
When you're not bound by the walls of an industry, philosophy, or thought process, you make it up as you go. Take a look at scientists, they're engulfed in the unknown.

When we think about the scientific process, we often refer to them as establishing "facts." After all, discoveries are published in peer reviewed papers, so they must be true. Far from it...

"We recognize that facts are the most unreliable part of the whole operation." as neuroscientist, Stuart Firestein puts it.

His book, Ignorance: How It Drives Science is a great read.

Also, Objective knowledge out of ignorance: Popper on body, mind, and the third world. by Herbert Keuth​

2. Overabundance of knowledge
In the adjacent field, you have engineers. They take all the knowledge they can and try to connect it in various ways.

The Wright brothers comes to mind...

You have a bird, so we know we're not bound by to the ground by the laws of physics. So what if we combined wood, an engine and shape it like something we know can fly.

You most likely do this as well. When was the last time you had a simple problem in the house and didn't have the necessary tools to fix it. You put something together from materials just lying around.​

I think my problem with courses was like you say, not solutions for success. Once I started thinking about them as another chapter in the filing cabinet I can refer to when needed, it made a lot more sense.

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