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Mar 29, 2018
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum so I'm not sure where to start and was wondering which platform is better to use for mobile. Can I just use the web browser (which seems a bit complicated) or taptalk (which doesn't seem to have the same features as the browser, or does it).

It's a simple question and seems stupid but I've learned early in life that there is never a question too stupid to ask. You're only dumber if there is something you don't know and choose to assume instead of getting the right information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Jan 19, 2018
Paris, France
Hi Fyniaina,

You can start by reading this introduction post IMPORTANT! - Getting the MOST out of Fastlane (Required Read)

After you got many Notable and Gold Post that might interest you.

You can introduce yourself in the introduction category, it will be a good start.


PS: I personally only browser Fastlane Forum on my computer, I found it more convenient than mobile.

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