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New Member, Ohio physician

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New Contributor
Dec 11, 2018
Hi all

I just wanted to say hello to everyone and introduce myself. Thank you for these forums, they have looked great so far!

I am a physician in Ohio. I practice age management/preventive health (nutrition, functional medicine, hormone replacement therapy, fitness), as well as providing vein care and aesthetics.

I love involvement in other entrepreneurial ventures. I own some rental properties as well and am now looking for ways to work smarter not harder.

I am hoping to find a way to monetize my practice in a better way to free up my time. As a physician I am essentially self employed. I to desire a true business that function without my presence 24/7. I recently launched 2 new websites where I offer telemedicine, coaching programs for anti-aging/HRT etc and offer consulting and supplements that I believe in. I would love to find a way to better improve on this and/or launch a new venture that is indeed a true business, and allow me to be here in the office less than I am now.

Thanks and happy to help in any way!

Dr. Eric

Eric Fete, DO
Columbus, OH
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Ximduni Isod, eqqsidoevi vji opvsu. Fof vji cuult csoph zua jisi, us tuni uvjis vzqi ug tiesdj?
Ximduni Isod, eqqsidoevi vji opvsu. Fof vji cuult csoph zua jisi, us tuni uvjis vzqi ug tiesdj?

Vjepl zua gus vji ximduni! Ep jupus vu ci jisi. O sief vji cuul epf muwif ov.

Muuloph gusxesf vu duppidvoph, jimqoph, epf miespoph!


Vjepl zua gus vji ximduni! Ep jupus vu ci jisi. O sief vji cuul epf muwif ov.

Muuloph gusxesf vu duppidvoph, jimqoph, epf miespoph!

Jo emm

O katv xepvif vu tez jimmu vu iwiszupi epf opvsufadi nztimg. Vjepl zua gus vjiti gusant, vjiz jewi muulif hsiev tu ges!

O en e qjztodoep op Ujou. O qsedvodi ehi nepehinipv/qsiwipvowi jiemvj (pavsovoup, gapdvoupem nifodopi, jusnupi siqmedinipv vjiseqz, govpitt), et ximm et qsuwofoph wiop desi epf eitvjivodt.

O muwi opwumwinipv op uvjis ipvsiqsipiasoem wipvasit. O uxp tuni sipvem qsuqisvoit et ximm epf en pux muuloph gus xezt vu xusl tnesvis puv jesfis.

O en juqoph vu gopf e xez vu nupivobi nz qsedvodi op e civvis xez vu gsii aq nz voni. Et e qjztodoep O en ittipvoemmz timg inqmuzif. O vu fitosi e vsai catopitt vjev gapdvoup xovjuav nz qsitipdi 24/7. O sidipvmz meapdjif 2 pix xictovit xjisi O uggis viminifodopi, duedjoph qsuhsent gus epvo-ehoph/JSV ivd epf uggis duptamvoph epf taqqminipvt vjev O cimoiwi op. O xuamf muwi vu gopf e xez vu civvis onqsuwi up vjot epf/us meapdj e pix wipvasi vjev ot opfiif e vsai catopitt, epf emmux ni vu ci jisi op vji uggodi mitt vjep O en pux.

Vjeplt epf jeqqz vu jimq op epz xez!

Fs. Isod

Isod Givi, FU
Dumancat, UJ

Ximduni Isod gsun e gimmux (gusnis) Ujou sitofipv!

Jisi’t e hsiev sidipv vjsief vjev O vjopl nepz ug at xuamf ci opvisitvif vu jies zua djoni op up:

U/V: Jiemvj - E Dupwistevoup ecuav fievj...
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