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My first business idea (Need your feedback)

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Jun 8, 2024
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rep Bank
User Power: 77%
Hello everyone !)

I would like to share my idea and hear your opinion about it.

First of all, a brief background to make its purpose clear. I am from Ukraine, now I live in Kiev. And we often have blackouts in large parts of the city due to lack of energy. In connection with what at such moments many people have no Internet or even mobile connection (ie, even if there is a connection, the mobile Internet is enough only for messengers and that with a long sending messages). As a consequence, I had an idea to help people with internet in such times.

Here is the example of blackouts for today (for better understanding)

At first, the idea was to implement Starlink, but for most citizens the price for it is unaffordable. After that the idea moved to Mini-USP for routers. However, not all providers support internet during blackouts. Thus, the view fell on operators with fibre optic.

That is, for those people who have fibre, but didn't know they could power a router, I would talk about Mini-USP or its alternatives. And for those whose ISPs don't support internet in blackouts at all, I would pick a suitable ISP for their address (maybe other preferences). In this way I would build up a list of leads and could sell them to ISPs who could lay fibre to that address.
To execute this, I was thinking of creating a simple website to start with and see if this idea would resonate at all.

Plus - one of the problems is my helplessness in case it is not profitable for any of the providers to run fibre to some customer and alternatives are not possible either. In such a case all I can do is recommend Starlink (which is insanely expensive by our standards) or router options (etc.) with a SIM card and communication amplifiers.

Will be glad to hear any comments and thoughts. Maybe you can suggest a better approach to this or even open my eyes to something I didn't know before.
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