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J.Cole - ATM VIDEO Criticizing a Scripted Existence

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Feb 9, 2016
Edmonton, AB
Not sure if there are many hip-hop fans here, but this may still be of interest. I noticed something interesting this summer: Both J Cole's video for "ATM" and Childish Gambino's "This Is America" dropped around the same time. One received widespread acclaim for it's message, the other not as much.

"This Is America" perpetuates the myth that America is fundamentally a racist nation. A debate that I honestly think is meant to be another big distraction. But a majority of the media LOVED it and said it was one of the most important pieces of art ever created.

J Cole's ATM was a great video with some incredible imagery- it's a warning about a real issue: living a scripted, consumer-driven life. This is something not many hip-hop artists talk about, yet is a 10X bigger issue than racism. It didn't receive near as much acclaim and was hardly talked about in the media.


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Dec 22, 2014
Los Angeles
it's a warning about a real issue: living a scripted, consumer-driven life. This is something not many hip-hop artists talk about, yet is a 10X bigger issue than racism. It didn't receive near as much acclaim and was hardly talked about in the media.


Not surprising at all. Does anyone still trust the media?

Edwin Fernandez

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Feb 7, 2018
Yeah the media loves anything that fuels the "race war" because it sells. The media divides the masses based on the pretense that there is no middle ground on key issues.

Then conquer them with the Script. Problem, reaction, solution... repeat...Keep buying useless crap, don't look at the man behind the curtain!

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