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Hey fastlaners!


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Oct 17, 2017
Hi All- happy to be here. I am a long time lurker but based on things going on in my life i feel compelled to post, more on that later.

About 3 years ago i read the millionaire fastlane based on a recommendation from my brother and it changed my life. From that day forward i looked at everything through a different lens. I always wanted to be a full time entrepreneur and that book finally put into words what i was feeling, and affirmed my beliefs that it was possible.

Shortly thereafter i started my first business which i still own today. I sell a product exclusively through my website. It is a premium product in a ultra niche market and I am the only business that sells this particular product (my own design that I patented). Since I started selling i have been averaging about 5k in sales a month with healthy margins. However, i consider this business a moderate failure because its not enough for me to make the leap into full time entrepreneurship (goal #1). I have however learned a ton about how to start and operate a business.

Instead of investing more of myself into the first business, i trained my wife on how to run the entire thing (she is a stay at home mom). This offered me the free time to start a new venture while taking the proceeds from the business to finance it.

In speaking with my brother one night, we came up with a product idea that we believed could be game changer if we could pull it off. We felt their was a glaring need in the market that was not even close to being met. 1.5 years of hard work and innovation later and we are nearly ready for launch of a presale campaign for the same basic product we initially discussed. The units are in production overseas at the moment.

A week ago we decided to create a simple landing page with basic information and simple video footage of our product and to let people know that the presale campaign would be starting soon. Our goal was to begin collecting emails and start taking feedback so that we could tweak things as needed.

The reason I have decided to post here is because, quite frankly, the buzz has been overwhelming. We have added 10x the number of emails that we thought we would based on our ad budget. I am not sure what our conversion rate on our email list will be, but if its more than 5% we are going to do many hundreds of thousands in pre-sales. People are quite literally begging us to take their money so that they can get the 'early bird' deals. Its honestly been a crazy and surreal week. I am hoping to set some time aside each week to maintain a progress thread so that we may get some advice and feedback from others.

Needless to say, i have a strong feeling my regular job days are going to be over very soon.

One more thing, if you havent read unscripted , buy it right now! I read it twice and I honestly think it's better than TMF .
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Nothing to Lose
Read Fastlane!
Read Unscripted!
Speedway Pass
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Dec 21, 2015
Hi All- happy to be here. I am a long time lurker but based on things going on in my life i feel compelled to post, more on that later.

About 3 years ago i read the millionaire fastlane based on a recommendation from my brother and it changed my life. From that day forward i looked at everything through a different lens. I always wanted to be a full time entrepreneur and that book finally put into words what i was feeling, and affirmed my beliefs that it was possible.

Shortly thereafter i started my first business which i still own today. I sell a product exclusively through my website. It is a premium product in a ultra niche market and I am the only business that sells this particular product (my own design that I patented). Since I started selling i have been averaging about 5k in sales a month with healthy margins. However, i consider this business a moderate failure because its not enough for me to make the leap into full time entrepreneurship (goal #1). I have however learned a ton about how to start and operate a business.

Instead of investing more of myself into the first business, i trained my wife on how to run the entire thing (she is a stay at home mom). This offered me the free time to start a new venture while taking the proceeds from the business to finance it.

In speaking with my brother one night, we came up with a product idea that we believed could be game changer if we could pull it off. We felt their was a glaring need in the market that was not even close to being met. 1.5 years of hard work and innovation later and we are nearly ready for launch of a presale campaign for the same basic product we initially discussed. The units are in production overseas at the moment.

A week ago we decided to create a simple landing page with basic information and simple video footage of our product and to let people know that the presale campaign would be starting soon. Our goal was to begin collecting emails and start taking feedback so that we could tweak things as needed.

The reason I have decided to post here is because, quite frankly, the buzz has been overwhelming. We have added 10x the number of emails that we thought we would based on our ad budget. I am not sure what our conversion rate on our email list will be, but if its more than 5% we are going to do many hundreds of thousands in pre-sales. People are quite literally begging us to take their money so that they can get the 'early bird' deals. Its honestly been a crazy and surreal week. I am hoping to set some time aside each week to maintain a progress thread so that we may get some advice and feedback from others.

Needless to say, i have a strong feeling my regular job days are going to be over very soon.

One more thing, if you havent read unscripted , buy it right now! I read it twice and I honestly think it's better than TMF .

Welcome! Please create a progress thread and best of luck!

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