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Grant’s “success is your obligation, duty, and responsibility!”

Anything related to matters of the mind


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Aug 26, 2017
I just wanted to elaborate on this. I’ve seen this book recommended, and a lot of people like it. “There is no shortness of success!”- Grant Cardone

I’ve noticed how my poor friends let life pass them by. Missing their seasons, or failing at them for that matter. We have the opportunity to get better on our own personal seasons, and people let them go to waste. But there is no talking them into it unless you make them want to do it.

The choice is up to you; if you think you are the captain of your ship. Be the master of your fate. Because only then will you steer yourself on course.

It is our responsibility of course, but an obligation...that is a bold statement-I decided to do a little research. “95 percent of people don’t reach financial independence by the age of sixty-five.” Taking life into our own hands is a rare occurrence if you ask me. That’s 95 percent of people!

If you want to support your family you must widen your circle of influence. The more opportunities you chase and successfully achieve. The widen it gets and the more opportunities you will be able to chase. Start small so when it gets big you can handle it. Or on the other side of the conundrum. Enjoy the journey. You will get past this with enough persistence. Soo when you get there I hope you’ll be able to handle those tasks with the right state of mind.

We went through a lot. And I kind of gotten off topic. Next time I’ll try to stick to my one thing! I’ve accumulated a lot of knowledge.

Lastly, there was this book called “duty” about the war secretary of Afghanistan and Iraq. They named the book after him because he told them it was his duty to take the job. And it is your duty to chase after this life.
Hope this helps!

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