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Feb 5, 2018
Hello to everyone,
So i've read both books, well actually listened i'm quite the dyslexic, i won't go into that as it certainly didn't stop Richard Branson.

Ive lived in Canada, Ireland and at present living in the uk

After consuming Fastlane and The Unscripted i was filled with so much inspiration, enthusiasm and enlightenment to find that path to a better life for my family and myself. this was the middle of last year,Since then i feel slowly i have become lost and consumed by the everyday life, needing to provide for the family.

i'm not the fresh out of collage kid with no responsibilities (if only) Trouble is i'm so busy sacrificing myself to give my loved ones what they need i never see them, i'm up at 4.45am and return home at 7pm and work most weekends too, I work in the car industry and have done for many years. i cant keep doing this its literally killing me,
i need to start with a side business so i could at least cut some of the overtime and from there watch it grow
Buying and selling does excite me, my main issue with this is finding or creating something that has great usefulness and quality i couldn't sell something i perceived as being junk.
i guess i need help finding that thing and the know how to execute.

Ok step no.1 Read(listen to) both books again

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